Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1924, there is no regret!

Nowhere to escape!

Yes, the darkness is complete, the time and space is completely blocked, and the sword is unparalleled.

"Can you flee it?" The sword was unparalleled to see the darkness in front of him. He could feel the power of the dark cage.

Light against yourself, you want to defeat the black and secret can't escape, it is impossible.

Zhou Xingxiao, and the many strong people of the two major alliances have also seen in the sword.

"It's over!"

"The Emperor is in the past, there is no way to do, this sword is unparalleled, can't escape!"

"Although this sword is unparalleled, talent makes me admire, but now he faces the end of a big emperor, but only here."

"Unfortunately, such a peerless genius."

Many strong people have spurred.

They all see that the sword is unparalleled.

This desperate, it is already dead.

There is almost no possible possible.

Even the stars with the sword where there is no double standing in the same camp, and they also feel desperate for him.

But just here is ... Boom! ! !

A shared war, suddenly it starts.

This war, there is endless unyielding! !


Many strong people present, they saw the source of this war.

"It's a sword!" "Everyone is full of eyes.

Under their gaze, the sword at this moment is unparalleled, and the face has been completely distorted, and it is extreme.

And his is a madness that has never been unprecedented.

That strapled with endless unyielding warfare, it was swept from him.

"Since I can't escape, I will fight for a battle !!!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the sound of the sky, the sky is trembled.

"Battle!" "Battle!" "Battle!"

The surroundings, including the hearts of the strong people in the field, they have a roaring in that sound.


Everyone present, including the sky, and feel the unyielding of the sword in this moment.

This is the sword!

His life is unyielding, like a rock, let him wind, rain, do not move.

Even if you have come to the desperate, he will never be admitted, never bow down, not desperate.

Even from birth to the present, he is long, he doesn't know how the words are written.

"Longitudinal sky is not tolerated, all are gone!"

"The shape is honest, the smoke is disappeared!"

"My sword is unparalleled, and I also swear to die!"

"After the war, I don't regret it!"

boom! !

Heaven and earth movement.

The sky is straight to the nine, the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is also crazy in the hands of the sword.

This is unyielding, enough to shock the world!

Among the dark voids in the surrounding, a large number of strong people exposed at this moment, and a sense of enthusiasm is more complicated.

No one can think of it, it has come to the end, and the ultimate desperate, this sword is unparalleled, but the war is over, the war is born!

"The sword is unparalleled, although you are deeply like the sea, but I am Tiaoling, I still admire you." Tianling God's cold ice standing in a void, looked at the sword, and went to the admiration.

Although many of the strong persons are unparalleled for the enemy, many of them can't hate the swords of the sword, but they eat his blood, but at the moment, it is not rising from the independent.

Their heart is already sure, the sword is unparalleled, but it is a true power.

Top of super powerful super power swearing without low.

And now, this power is about to carry out his life, the last battle.


A horrible roaring, and then a stream of streamer is out, and it is the sword.

Ten breathing time have arrived, and the sword has made his best to block the Jiu Hosheng.

But now, it is already the limit.

The Jiu Han Lord, it is coming.

"The sword is unparalleled, the will is good, all are now in this point, it is not willing to bow, you know, if you are kneeling down, you can give you a hob, this seat can be put in your way." Jiuwei The Holy Lord smiled.

The sword is unparalleled, and his pace is slowly across this void.

The first step is crossing, !

In his eyebrow, the first ancient star, directly crashed.

Another step ... !!

The second, the third ancient star, and collapsed at the same time.

The third step is out ... !!!!

Seven ancient stars and collapsed.

Seven Stars collapsed, this is the last bottom sign that the sword is unparalleled in addition to the stars.

The majestic ancient blood pulse brings together his whole body. As the sword is unparalleled, the scarlet looks like two scarlet arcs, and the nine-headed holy owners of the front head.

At the same time, above the dark void, a wonderful landscape world, appeared in the air.

Shanhe social map, once again spread.

"Endless mountain rivers, divide the world Kyushu!"

"The mountain river is the palm, Kyushu is printed, and it creates a social river!"

"The fourth print of Kyushu, Zhangzhou is the print ... Turning the cloud!"

As the sword is unparalleled, the power of the seven-star collapse is infused in the mountains and rivers.

Since the top of the upper landscape world, a huge continent has come.

Kyushu, fourth print!

This is the power of the sword and unparalleled hard, and all the combats you can explode, the backshoot will be the strongest strongest!

It is also him, the last move!

In a trick, the opponent is not dead, then he is dead! ! !

Rumble ~~~ mainland is crushing.

For a time, everything is affordable.

In this world, many strong people can't help but raise their heads, and they have exposed an unprecedented horror.

They can feel the power contained above the mainland.

That power, the same has also surpassed the category of God, has risen to the emperor level.

That is definitely enough to hit the enemy.

It can make them unexpectedly, in such a desperate, it has already arrived, and the sword is unparalleled or even before, the stars secretary sword has killed the energy of the Union in the Union. He should have revealed the strongest bottom card.

It's all like this, he actually ... can also show such a horrible, enough to hit with the big wrench wrist.

He actually, there is still room for desperate!

"This sword is unparalleled, how many big cards do you have? How do you have no bottom holes!"

"Before a sword told the entire energy union, now I still exhibit a horrible blow?"

"Monster, this sword is unparalleled, it is a monster!"

"This battle, this sword is not double, it is best to die. If he is not dead, I really can't imagine. How often will he reach in the end?"

Everyone is all warped, all of them! ! !

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