Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1977 Shocking

"This Luoyu king is really enough ... Stupid!" Many people think that Luo Yu Wang stupid.

They are not the people of the ancient gods, naturally can't understand the value of the ancient gods to the blood.

In fact, it is not only an ancient god group, and the other three peak ethnic groups around the surroundings are the same very important to the blood, just that there is no peer of the ancient god.

As for the sword, there is a unparalleled, and the heart is quite surprised.

He also didn't expect that after the King of Luo Yu, after the blood of the approved, he immediately sent him a new ancient god.

"Luo Yu King, since you have already recognized my blood, then I am going to shelter now, will you stand?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Of course, I stand around you." Luo Yu Wang wants to say, and he contains the eyes of the dark golden rays, and everyone is around, "listening, the sword monarch, although it is not now It is the emperor of my ancient gods, but his blood is that, my ancient gods will be willing to look at him in the future, but they are enemies with my sword monarch! "

Luo Yu Wang said the crucifid, did not leave a slightest.

See this, many people around frown.

One of the most powerful ethnic groups in the special ethnic group, it is said that the nine-star ancient gods are more than one, eight star ancient gods, the number of seven-star ancient gods is a lot, so strong, there is no one, no one dares to ignore .

"Hey, even if there is an ancient goddess, how do you support your waist? It is necessary to occupy the fire world today, but there are many other special ethnic groups, and you can't stop me." A cold Drinking the sky, the man talking is the glazed emperor.

The people around, the eyes have also exposed the color of the fanaticism.

Indeed, now, but the top forces of the Outdoor Chaos World Nine-beaten, and even the Shengsion.

With an ancient god group, it is not qualified to make a strong force in the field.

"The sword is unparalleled, and finally ask you, you will not let go!" The emperor of the glass is cold, staring at the sword.

The strong power of all parties in the scene is also staring at the sword. It is cold.

However, at this time, the sword with the eyes gaze is unparalleled, but it is re-raised, and the handsome face is placed, but it is a crazy.

He didn't speak, just just a gesture in the fire community in the distance.

Far in the Sword South of the Burden of Burden, seeing the sword without double, when the figure is moving, it is unparalleled.

When the sword is no border, he waves, but it is a light bead.

This light beads make a strange breath.

Looking at this bead, the sword is unbentered in the middle of the madness is a haircut.

He stared at the unityful power in front of him, and these strong people can almost represent the entire Out of Chaotic world!

He is now, one is facing the entire Outdoor Chaotic World! !

Even so, he did not panic and fear, some were just decided to be crazy.

"All, I will look at a good thing. After reading it, your mood will be very excited." The sword is unilatered, and the gray Mengzhu is handed out.

Many strong people presenting couldn't help but look at the light beads.

One by one should use the soul.

Through the beads, the time they can actually feel the existence of the ancient battlefield around the surrounding.

Not only induced, but also inductively induced.

The entire ancient battlefield is all in the eyes of many strong people at this moment.

"so big!!!"

"This ancient battlefield is so vast!"

"Too big, we have previously searching, compared to the whole ancient battlefield, afraid of nine cows!"

"Such a huge ancient battlefield, at least dozens of times big in the ancient secret !!"

The strong people present were amazed and shocked.

But just after a while, they were also discovering a huge thing in this ancient battlefield.


A huge uncomfortable head.

A far-reaching world is much smaller than a world.

Like a green world, it is a large world, but the fire world is now looking at it, but it is just a small point of this head.

"This, how can this !!!"

"Unbelievable, simple!"

"Who is this? Who is this?"

"Who's head, will there be so huge? Is it a head of the ancient times? It is impossible, even if it is ancient times, the strong is countless, but there is no strong volume can be huge to the top?"

Oh, everyone is ignorant.

They were scared by the huge skull.

In fact, this doesn't blame them. When the sword is unparalleled, when he saw this skull, it also scared a big jump, and it was an incredible.

This head is too shocked.

More than this ancient battlefield, it is still a shock.

The big emperor like the arrival, such as the Jiu Hao Lord, the purple virtue, the glazed emperor, the monk, Luo Yu and other three generations of peak ethnic gods, the same, the same, the same

As the great emperor, they are very high, but such a incredible scene is still the first time.

However, after a brief shock, many strong people in the scene were excited.


Yes, it is ecstatic.

They only knew that this ancient battlefield contained endless opportunity, but it could not be judged.

But now, through this light-bead scenario, they can have a certain understanding of this ancient battlefield.

Single, the huge area area is enough to make them feel crazy.

And the incredible skull is even more shocking, you can know that the more shocking, the more you describe the extraordinary.

There is no doubt that this territory where this head is located is absolutely incredible.

At the same time, they also saw that the location of the green fire is above the eyebrows of this head, and this head is in the most intmbient battlefield.

The fools can see the value of the fire.

That is definitely more than the previous guess, there are more many more.

This is a real big treasure, enough to make the whole of the St. Alliance.

The eyes of many strong people have become hot, and this is hot and unprecedented.

Even the great strengths are the same.

You can see this scene, but the sword is a smile. ? "

Everyone is in the heart, this is the void around the ancient battlefield.

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