Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1993 Sword Monarch

These two people think about how to get out of it ...


A figure is abrupt from the distant shooting, but it appears in front of these two people.

"This speed ..."

The middle-aged man carrying the three handles of the long sword, and the å

The eyes of the two were immediately seen in the past.

"Sky, I haven't seen you for a long time." The sword smiled.

"Sword, sword is unparalleled?" The middle-aged man carrying the three handles of the long sword is that the Sword Mountain owner will blindly.

"Sword Monarch?" Mo Rain God was also shocked.

At the same time that he recognized the sword is unparalleled, he also pays attention to the breath that the sword is unparalleled.

"God Jun? The Atmosphere of God Jun Hierarchy?"


Both of these people are a shock.

You know, when the sword is unparalleled in the real stage, it is enough to rush the peak emperor.

Now a break, then his strength ...

Deep sucking tone, Tianjian Mountain owner with Mo Rain God has become respectful.

"Tianjian, look at your look, it seems to be chased?" The sword asked without a double interested.

He has hit the hand with the Sky Mountain owner. At the stage of the world, he was in prison in the Tianjian Mountain owner, or the Sword Mountain owner personally suppressed.

However, the sword is unparalleled, Tianjian Mountain owner will crack him, but also because the main hall is deliberately bonded, naturally, no wonder head, and the sword is unparalleled in the sky prison, there is indeed a small progress.

Later, there was no matter where the governor did something, the sword is unparalleled, and the two whitefrites are the price. Please ask the Tianjian Mountain owner to give Yunjun.

It is a bit a little more than the hand of each other.

"It was chased." Tianjian Mountain owner said.

The sword is not a double eyebrow, but the scorpion is the reversal look, he has long induced that there is an extremely violent breath that is rushing.

Blinking, the shadow has appeared in front of the sword.

That is a golden short shirt, messy hair, a messy beard, is also golden, and he has ever swayed with a raging angry, giving people a feeling of violent beasts.

"This is the same, should it be the Golden Lion?" The sword laughed.

Golden leaves are just the title of the same strength, and those with weak practitioners will fear the name of the Golden Lion.

This Golden Lion God is a madness of the chaotic world. He is just a top god before, because in this ancient battlefield found a chance, he broke through the emperor.

"Many years ago, I once complained with this golden lion. At the beginning, he didn't care about all the price to kill me. However, he was just a god, I didn't fear him, but now ..." Tianjian Mountain owner smiled.

And the golden lion was like a wild animal, and the mad smile also slammed around this world. "Tianjian, why don't you escape? Continue to escape? How long have you fled, how long I have chased No matter what you fleeted to the end of the earth, I never let you go! "

"Golden lion, I shot your disciple, I am not right, but I didn't know his identity before, and then I also took the initiative to apologize, you didn't agree now?" Jian Mountain owner angered.

"Haha!! Keep, you also know that I am tempering my Golden lion, since you have provoked me, then I want to reveal this, you, I don't die !!" Golden lion coldly.

"You !!!" Tianjian Mountain owner also sent it.

The sword has no double look. It has already understood the priority, and it is a way to open: "Golden Lion Emperor, Tianjian is also a bit a little, let alone to kill your disciples, he also finds you, you can lion big The opening is some benefits to him, but the chasing, can you give me a face, do it? "

"Time? Hey, what do you count, I want to kill who I will kill, use you to find you, tell you to go, otherwise Laozi's mood is not good, you will be slaughtered, and there is ink Yu Shen Jun is also !! "Golden lion roared.

You can hear this, Tianjian Mountain owner is shocked by Mo Rain God.

The eyes of the two can't help but see the sword.

"This golden lion, looking for death!" Mo Yu Shenjun is still not whispered.

Sure enough, the color of the sword is also cold.


A cold screams echoed in the world.

The sword has nothing to move, he also has a distant distance from the golden lion, but with his palm of his hand.

A big hand does not have a sign of the slightest sign in the void around the Golden lion.

This palm power of this palm, instantly blocks the space of the Golden lion, and he does not come to the next step.


This huge palm has rushed on the golden lion, and the Golden lion screamed. The whole person was slammed into the wildfelvous ground, and he did not know.

See this, Tianjian Mountain owner with Mo Rushen couldn't help but drums, but the bottom did not feel unexpected.

The Golden Lion is the emperor, is the top power, but what is it in front of the legendary sword?

The sword monarch, that is, with the power of the whole one, the whole dragon chaotic world is the whole, and even forced the energetic chaotic world, although it is largely due to the relationship between the big storm, it is also fully explained. The sword monarch is resistant.

What's more, the current sword monarch has broken!

In the face of the current Sword March, don't say that there is a great emperor who has just broken through the district. Even if it is the most peak emperor, like Tianling God, the god of the gods, it is estimated that it has to be low.


A large amount of gravel crazy is scattered, from the huge pothole in the ground, a miserable figure slowly rising.

This figure is naturally a golden lion.

However, the Golden Lion at this moment has no longer the one-to-peak, and some are just a wolf, but it is fear.

That looks at the sword. There is a wonderful point of light, with a thickness.

Half rang, he slowly opened, "Pavilion, but the sword monarch?"

"It is me." The sword is unbolded.

"It's true." Golden lion has a large change.

He is born, is a full madman, and his strong people in the world have always been ignorant.

There is no pair of swords. He has heard of it, but he has never seen some mirror screens about the sword unparalleled, so he did not recognize the first eyes of the sword.

And the most important thing is that because the sword is unparalleled now, the breath is already the level of God, not the real God, see a god, he naturally didn't think about the sword monarch, until the sword is unparalleled When he reacted him.

Then he understood that he had a big disaster!


PS: Today is still more normal update!

Reiterate, this book is normal to update is four chapters, which will often be five more six, that is, if it is not busy, this brother who is chasing from the beginning, it should be known, last year is almost It's all more than a day.

Four is a guarantee, five more six, that is, try to add more, so don't feel less.

As long as you are not busy, you will definitely want to add more, thank you for your support!

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