Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1998 Incomplete Sword

The next time, the sword is unparalleled to continue in the Nine Sword House.

The Jiu Shuzun of the Jiujianfu, counted in the sword, and although it has been taken away from five, there is still four dispersions in all areas.

And the remaining four swordists have been found, just because the test in the sword monument is too harsh, resulting in no one can take your sword monument now.

The sword is unparalleled, knowing the position of the four sctoon, now he is a respectful looking.

But now I am too much to think about the four scholars. I have more than 100 enemen in the Jiu Jianfu. They are staring at the four kinds of swords, so many people have no shortcomings than swords. Fast, four kinds of sword memories, when the sword is unparalleled, there are three respects that fall into the hands of others.

Only the last proud monument, when the sword is unparalleled, it has not been taken away.

It is still a cyan sword monument, standing quietly.

The Jiuzun monument, this is the last noord of Jiens.

In front of this trunch, there are many strong people, they are all coming for this sword, but unfortunately after trying, the results cannot pass the test.

Therefore, I know that this scholastic value is extraordinary, these strong people can only do it.


The shape of the sword has suddenly appeared before this trumpet.

The people around us immediately saw the sword.

"Is the sword monarch!"

"He finally came!"

"The test in this sword monument, I have passed, even the powerful Warrior adults, I personally try it, but I will end in the nine swords in the current Nine sword, and the only thing may have to pass this test. If you should only have the sword monarch. "

"Well, no accident, the sword monarch is definitely able to have this heavy test."

These strong people present have great confidence in the sword.

They have already tried it in this Swordney before, and also knows the test content of this Swordney.

Just because I know, they think that the entire Nine Sword House's cultivator is only the sword is unparalleled, one person can go.

The sword is not too delay, so soon, in the eyes of everyone, in this respect.

Still appearing above the empty space, the sword is still in the face of a sword.

But this sword spirit, he got the sword spirit in the Swordney before him.

Before, the Sword Spirit was purely crushed to test the sword, which will show different levels of swords depending on the realm of the cultivator.

But now this sword spirit, it will also be based on the realm of the cultivator, but this heavy test, the cultivator must do, but the battle challenge!

Like now, the realm of swords is the level of God, but the power of this gods will have reached the threshold of God.

By challenge!

That is to say, a gods must beat a god in front, and they can pass the test.

An emperor, you must defeat a great emperor on your front.

As for the great emperor like Wusks, Who knows how much he encounters the swordsman?

However, more challenges, perhaps in ancient times, countless, but now the second era ... reach the powerful person, I want to challenge, it is too difficult.

Almost impossible.

Among the emperor, the recognized first God emperor is just barely to fight with the general emperor.

In this situation, these big energy people in the Jiufu, naturally no one can have a heavy test.

However, they can't pass the test, but they are too simple to sword.

"By the battle challenge? Want me to defeat an emperor?" The sword smiled without a pair.

This sword spirit only recognizes the realm, but it does not know the terrible of the swords, so this Sword is only showing the power of general God.

Generally, the emperor, the sword is unparalleled, you can easily kill before, let alone now.

Just instantly kung fu, this sword spirit has been defeated by the sword, this last proud monument, I will fall into the hands of the sword.

Since then, the sword has two trumbes in the hands.

"Two Swordsman, I hope to have a complete sword."

The sword is not double with a silk, and started to take a closer look at this newly-reached Swordney.

However, after a review, the result is no sleepy.

Or, his luck is too bad.

He is now got now, and the swordsmanship contained in the princes before, and there is too much sword.

Previously, the Swordsman contained 136 swords.

Now this respect, only one hundred and eight, and the key is that this hundred and eight swordsmonds are only related to that hundreds of three-six swordsmanship.

This is still not, the key is to be associated with the twelve swordsmanship, which is not complete, or it is necessary.

In other words, this twelve swordsmanship have to get a sword monument.

"But just leave some swordsmanship, what is the trouble to do this?" The sword is unparalleled.

A total of nine-respect, he got two respects, it is already the best, but even if he got the two sword memories, he still could not cultivate any one of them, and even a sword.

"That is the nine of the many ancient swords, such a complex scattered on this nine-honorable monument, I am not lucky, even if I get four respects, it is a five-pride monument, and I may not get a complete ancient sword. Always say that the current district is two. "The sword is unparalleled."

He is very clear, now he rely on him to reluctantly grabbing the schniques in the hands of others, and may not be able to get satisfactory swords.

In this case, now there is only one way.

"From the twelve doors more complete swordsysides, choose one or two doors best suits you, then find those strong people who get the Jianrumu, ask for a certain price, from them in their hands Get the honorable monument. "The sword is unparalleled.

At first, his thoughts were a large number of exaggeous swords from the Jiuzun Sword.

Less to say a few doors, or dozens of doors, but now ... I want to get a dozen ancient swordsman, he dare not think, can get one or two complete ancient swords, he is already content .

Immediately, the sword is unparalleled to pick up in the twelve two.

Twelve swordsmanship, every door is extremely strong, abdominal.

Although this twelve swordsmanship is incomplete, some simple information swords are unparalleled.

"Nine-day swords, nine-style swords, one top day ..."

The sword is unparalleled to look at the data of this twelve swordsmanship, and strive to choose the most suitable of the priest for you.


PS: Today is 5 more!

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