Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2006 Dark Muse

Many great emperors look carefully.

Seeing the huge neutral 'black iron' s crushing everything in the devastating, and even bothering one side of the country into dust.

These emperots at the scene becomes more.

It is really shocking.

You must know that the one is the country, how is it, what is the existing cultivator?

Even if they have these great powers, although there is absolute strength, they can cope with a leading country, but they are destroyed, just to destroy the highest level of the world, but to put all the territories of the country, including countless practitioners All killed, although they can do it, it takes time to spend very long.

After all, a great emperor is destroyed in a domain, a thousand major domains, and it is enough for him for a long time.

The biggest possibility is that it is to send a lot of strong people while shooting, so that it can make one of the shortest time to completely disappear.

But now, this 'black iron ball' is very horizontal, it doesn't have any scruples at all, just just being crushed in the flooding, and a God of the country is directly.

"Ni Long, what is going on here? This thing is how come?" Jiu Han is frowning.

The gods around them, all the gods.

They can see the terrible and general horizon of the 'black iron.

Red Dragon King took a deep breath, solemnly said: "What is this thing, what is the origin, now I don't know, but just I have a name with the Bai Di, Tianchen has given this thing, called dark mill."

"Dark mill?" The big emperor nodded.

The 'black iron ball' is crushing everything, it is indeed like a big mill, plus the hand is dark, called it dark mill, is the most appropriate.

"According to the exact news of my Holy League, this dark crushed disk appeared in the country, and it was from the sky, and the crack produced from the dark void of Chenzhu, and the appearance was directly The fire is annihilated, then this dark crushes began to turn, and the other God of God is going. "

"So far, this dark crushes except for the arrival of the arrogant, the two major gods have passed the two major gods, and the two major gods are in the same place, and they are all crushed, countless cultivators. Even if you can't do it, you are also crushed. "

"And now, this dark crushes are still moving." The Nattan voice is solemn.

These big emperors were shocked and shocked.

The three major gods, in such a short period of time, the smoke is disappeared.

That dark crushes, horrible!

"Not just like this."

The old voice was issued from the mouth of Tianchen's ancestors. At this moment, Tianchen Laozu also took an unprecedented dignhip. "The old man immediately sent a close-to-the-year-old, the god of the Shengfa went to the dark mill, The emperor just sent me, the dark mill was in the way, the volume is still increasing, the power is also constantly enhanced! "

"What?" The emperors present were large.

Single single now dark mill is so horrible, but its volume, its power, is still increasing?

"This black mulching plate must be ruined immediately!" A Dani Directly opened.

"Yes, you must destroy, no more, you have to stop it."

"The three major gods were crushed in such a short period of time. Although I have a lot of chaotic world, I can't afford it."

"This dark crushes are not destroyed, we have to suffer !!"

Other emperors have also opened.

They have seen the threat of this black mortal disc.

This is a huge threat, if it is not destroyed in time, it will definitely be a major crisis.

In the end, this dark crushes may even completely eradicate the whole dramatic chaotic world.

"Tianchen old ancestors, my Holy League has already tried, destroying this dark crushes?" The sword is unless the sound, and it is also extremely dignified.

Tianchen old ancestors didn't even look at it, slightly, "I have seen the emperor for the first time in the news, but also the white emperor personally shot!"

"White Emperor?"

The gardies next to the round table have seen the eyes to the white emperor who never speaks to the end.

Bai Emperor is the strong people in the Shengling.

He personally shot ...

"What is the result?" The sword did not ask.

"Failed." Tianchen old ancestors sighed.

"How is it possible?" Many emperors were shocked.

Bai Emperor personally shot, can you destroy the dark mill?

And the white emperor, "" The dark crushes, not simple, it does not only elicit all horror power, and its surface, there is a major array, this big array is very wonderful, very strong, The defense ability, is even more incredible, and the defense of this big array is still improved with the movement of the dark mill. "

"In my opinion, this black-mortown surface is the big array of layout, it is never lighter than the ancient battlefield, and it is weak to integrate with time and space storm."

Everyone was shocked again.

And the sword is unparalleled, it is also a shock.

The big array around the ancient battlefield is a mission to the Mission.

That big array, can be said to be a shocking, absolutely an incredible means.

But now the big array of black mortar surfaces is sufficient to be compared to the big array that is integrated into the time and space?

Although this is only a white emperor who believes that there may be some access, but it is also enough to explain the strong horizontal surrounding the dark mill.

"The dark roller is actually arranged in such a strong big array? Isn't it to say this dark mill, is someone in the control?" The Glass of the Glass suddenly shocked.

I heard the words, everyone in the scene was silent.

They have also thought of this.

The big array, it is inevitably artificially arranged.

And since there is a big array on the dark mill, then this dark mill is in the control, and the manipulation is estimated to be within the dark.

"In the vast chaotic world, there can be so dark crushes, and it will act so like this, only bloody gates and Huangquan Palace, these two big yin Dark Forces." Bai Emperor low Shen said: "These two big yin Dark Forces these years have been I am ready to move, I have seen it before, they should have big movements these years, sure enough !! "

"They now make this dark crushed circulation, if I don't want to destroy it, or let it stop, the whole of the ancient chaotic world will destroy!"

"This is a crisis, a great crisis about the death of life and death of me!"


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