Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 201, escape!


Yang Zi Xuan is covered with a layer of golden spirit. Hand-held knives are like Galaw God, but he is alone at this moment, but also the genius of the six Dafu Dynasties.

Among these six geniuses, there is also an empty space in the standings on the standings.

As a result, I saw Yang Ren Xuan constantly waving out the war knife again and again, and every knife was extremely domineering, and the power is strong, sweeping everything.

One person and one knife, and the six genius did not fall.

"Good little guy!"

"With an enemy six, it does not fall in the wind?"

"The gold spirit on him seems to be the emperor?"

"It is the gas of the emperor, the Dawei Dynasty royal family is unparalleled, the little guy has always hidden the strength, he is not willing to expose his skills, it seems that his origin is not general what."

Many people in the void are secretly emotionally emotionally, but they are not commended by the independent Dawu Dynasty, and the old people wearing the royal robe see past.

At this moment, this vicissitudes overlooks the lower side. When I saw Yang Chang Xuan's filled gold spirit, his face was a gloomy.

"It's he, Yang Tian!"

"That rebellion!"

The old man is holding hands and is actually killing.

On the battlefield, a wolf borrowed.

The terrible criticism sounded, and a strong breath is rushing.

And the two parties of the battle, even though Yang Ren Xuan broke out, he allot it directly resistant to the genius of the six Dafu Dynasties, but the Dafu Dynasty was united, there were fourteen people.

Even if you have blocked six people by Yang, you can still have eight people, including the existence of ancient Chinese, completely crushed Su Soft, a few hundred midistine.


The sword is unparalleled to see the hundred mall, Feng Yu Tian, ​​Mu Yingying Three people have been defeated in the confrontation with the Dawu Dynasty, and the face is now gloomy.

"It's a mortuary to show the secrets ..."

The sword is unparalleled.

The secret surgery is his last brand, and he will not force it, he will not show it easily.

After all, the tips were too big to the body load, one show, the next few days, he will lose its combat, and on the battlefield of Tiantu, there is only two kinds of abstaining elimination or being killed. may.

But now the situation ...

The sword has no doubles to show the secrets of the spirit, but at this time, a horrible breath has burst out of the crowd.


Everyone immediately saw the source of this breath.

"is her!"

"This woman!"

The many geniuses of Daewoo Dynasty were surprised to explode this breath.

This person is Su.

At this moment, the suede hair is blown up, and the horrible breath is still madly skyrocketing. It has reached an incredible height between the blink of an eye.

Combining, Suofu is a cold, a wave of rumble ~~~ The vast green spirit is crazy, and it has formed a huge green flood.

The green floods will be overwhelming, sweeping, and the time covered the whole normal.

Endless Bi Green Energy has formed a root sharp spike. At this moment, he fiercely stabbed the genius of Daxie Dynasty.

"What ghost thing?"

The genius of these Daewoo Dynasties is very shocked.

It is not difficult to resist these spikes to the attack, but the key is that there are too many spikes, all the battlefields are everywhere, and there is a burst.

For a time, all the gains of all Dawei Dynasties can only take advantage of these spikes.

And the sword is unparalleled, but it is empty at this moment.

"Hurry!" Su Shou looked with a low voice, and the voice was obviously anxious.

"The old four!" The sword was unparalleled to see Su soft, and I didn't hesitate to "go!"

The only sword is unparalleled, Yang Zhanxuan, Baili Morning, Feng Yu Tian, ​​Mu Yingying five people hurried from the battlefield, and then went toward nearby jungle.

And Su Soft also took out the body shape and the sword was unparalleled.

Until Su is completely leaving, the green torrents slowly weakened, and the spikes that are constantly improving are also stopped.


Many of the Dawu Dynasty appeared on the treetops of several big trees. Looking at the figures of the swords and other people have disappeared in their sights, one is not very good.

"It was actually escaped!" The ancient inflammation sounds low.

"There is no way, I didn't expect this team from the small Dynasty. The strength is like this. The sword is unparalleled with Yang. The empty is also slightly smoldering.

The means of just Su Fu Shi, can be surprised to be surprised.

Su Soft is just a person, but it directly stopped their 14 genius.

"Hey, they only escape temporarily." Gu Yan snorted, "What is your side?"

The black woman is smilling, low Shen said: "The means of just a woman is very rare, I don't have to protect myself, and the blood utensils are killed by one of them, I can only After hatching, you need a time. "

"Only one time, how far they are running, let's wait for this waiting time." Gu Yan Dao.

"Good." Zhang Dong nodded.

When you know that Yang Tuan's true identity is that Yang Tian, ​​they have been completely eye-catching the tenthers of the Tianzong Dynasty.

Don't kill Yang again, they will never give it.

It is at this time ...

"Oh, it's all."

A light laugh suddenly sounded, followed by the paragraph of the Dawu Dynasty genius, a bloody friend suddenly appeared.

This is a handsome young man, this young man is carrying a blood sword behind, with a smile of evil, at this moment, I am interested in watching these genius of Dawu Dynasty.

Seeing people, the Gale Talents of Daewoo Dynasty are all moving.

" !"

"Blood Sword!"

The bloody feather, the Daxie dynasty, the first day of the first day, the standings, ranking second!

This bloody feather and the first dream of the first day, two of them are recognized in this pointer hunting.

The same is the genius of the Dawu Dynasty, but the bloody feathers are too strong, so the bloody feathers are all alone in the sky.

Although there is only one person, he has built a medium-sized dynasty team alone!

Seeing the arrival of the bloody feather, Gu Yan and the empty look is not natural.

He is very clear that Yang Zai Xuan's appearance is a chance to them, but if the bloody feather is involved, this opportunity is probably no one of him.


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