Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2008 Sword Wushuang

On the occasion of the crowd, the white emperor opened again. "What happened to the dark mill, no one knows that in this case, the four strong team of the Chinese team must be careful, the sword is unparalleled. You are refurbished, the unique ability to have a certain field, in addition, with the other three people, your realm is only a god, in the dark, there are many things in the dark, and the other three emperors are too conspicuous. So can only be handled by you. "

"Understand." The sword nodded.

Other big emperors are all.

Indeed, compared to the other three emperors, the sword is unparalleled, it is indeed not very attractive, and it is convenient to act.

"This crisis, about the life and death of me, in front of this crisis, everything should be emphasized with the overall situation, everyone, including the strong people, including my Holy League, no matter what we have, now Let go, you can wait for it? "The white emperor came to open again, and he also deliberately read the nine holy owner.

Everyone knows that the Jiu Hao Lord is not pleasing to the sword and fights each other.

Now that two are in the strong team, if they have a difference, then the trouble is big.

The eyes of the white emperor were noticed, and the nine holy owners took a deep mouth and spin.

"Glass." Bai Di opened again.

"White Emperor." The Glass of the Glass stood up.

"You have a unique concealed man on the ancient battlefield, and you can have a role in the strong team of my Holy League, and take it out to give them four people." Bai Demoti.

Glass Emperor is a unique concealed manner.

This concerted method can completely converge, not Yi Yiyi one, if it is a secret to hide, even if the general emperor spreads the power of the soul, it can't be investigated, it is definitely the most Strong hidden secret.

Such a secret surgery, the four strong teams that are unparalleled, and it is indeed a small role.

For example, in the dark, if it is Huangquan Palace, the strong people of the blood are chasing them, they just have to leave the troops, then hide, they will find them.

"Yes." The Glass of the Glass did not hesitate and directly agreed.

This hidden secret surgery, although she is unique, but now there is a survival of the life and death of the ancient chaotic world, she also knows.

"The sword is unparalleled." Bai Di once again looked over, "You have a stars secret surgery in your star, and no one can practice, it is equivalent to a heavy base card, this time you are strong The squad broke into the dark mill, the crisis is heavy, you have one heavy base card everything, it is equal to a heavy guarantee, so ... this star secret, I hope you don't want it. "

"Star secret surgery?" The sword didn't have a dark and dark, but it took care of it in an instant. "Yes!"

Star secrets, almost precious, even one of the biggest means of stars.

But now the ancient chaotic world is in the edge of life and death. If it is a great chaotic world, the star is naturally gone.

In this case, the sword is unparalleled, and it will not be reluctant.

Don't say that it is just to let the Jiu Hao Holy Lord, the Emperor, the nine-level Emperor Ji Jun is inheriting the secret. It's true to the last, even if you let the Shengshi and even the ancient chaos world all the strong people inherit this secret, then Also at all.

"It is so very good, you will be prepared immediately after you go back, and you must start within ten years." Bai Di Road.

Compliance! "

The sword is unparalleled, the nine holy owner, the Emperor of the Toyan, the nine-level emperor is leading.

"The sword is unparalleled, you leave, others are going to prepare first." Bai Emperor waved.

Many of the great emperors present quickly left.

Such a huge crisis appeared in the vast chaotic world, these emperors the most powerful people of the chaotic world, nature is top in the forefront, next to them must be completely prepared, with the dark crimp The inner four strong teams, and the outer correspondence will completely destroy the dark mill.


Within the big holy Tale, there are only two people who are unparalleled with the white emperor.

"In fact, Hei Long and Tianchen are recommended to make it purple, after all, the purple deficiency is not single, the means is extremely high, and it is possible to help the four strong teams, but later I chose you. And the sword is unparalleled, you should know the reason. "White Emperor looked at the sword.

"Know, because it is because of the life life of the reversal." Sword is unparalleled

"Yes." White Emperor smiled, "Reversal, step by step, and the unique ability of the seventh step, others may not know, but I am also reversible, I am a clear, this step has perfect chaos God, nearly dead, with this ability, the role of you in the four strong teams will be larger than purple. "

The sword is unbolded and indifferent.

Perfect chaotic body, although the body is completely collapsed, you can reorganize again, as long as the power is enough.

Although the sword is only only reached in the first stage, the power owns can only let the body restructive four times, but it is not really invincible, but simply discusses the life of life, or the ability to be beaten, and the Chinese gods are also Only Bai Emperor is stronger than him.

"White Emperor is relieved, this time to go to the dark mill, I will inevitably do everything, just the nine holy Lord ..." The sword didn't have a pair of frowning.

"For nine, you don't need to worry, the nine-quiet, I know, it is proud, and it is very strong. It is said that it is a narrowness, but it is not more stronger than him, but he is still very big. As this time, he went to the dark mill, he is not to be a hard you, don't count you, because he is clear, you have broken into the next side, it is already extremely dangerous, if you die in it, There is absolutely no benefit to him. "Bai Di Road.

"Well, then it will be." The sword nodded.

With his current strength, you will not be afraid of the Jiu Hao San Lord. However, this task is not a child, and the sword is unparalleled. I don't want to have some unnecessary trouble, affect the success or failure of this task.

"Yes, I have a medicinal medicine here, it is prepared to you, and I will stay with you." Bai Emperor said, the wrist is turned over, but I took out a pigeon egg size milky white medicine Come.

This medicinal medicine is just a one, but it has emitted a tempting and fragrance.

If there are other strong people in this holy, this Dan is absolutely enough to cause greed of a strong.

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