Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2039 Desperate

"Sword monarch, see you!"

The scorpion of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor, and the sword is unbolded.

Still never returning, and his mei is even more and wrong, but even more.


The speed of swords has increased to the extreme, and the gold swirl is rolled in the first time.

In his rear Ling Zong and other great efforts to catch up, but if you want to stop the sword without double near the Cross, it is unlikely.

Finally, the sword is unparalleled to appear in front of the Crown.

Looking at the front of this, this is like a high, like a hill, the royal queen, the sword is unbaped in an instant.

He wanted to take the crime to destroy this Cross, but unfortunately he blocked it in time.

And now, he has no retreat, then you can only spell it.

"Break it!"

The sword is unparalleled with a hysterical, and his body's strength has once achieved the ultimate, with the power of the ancient blood, and flooded into the blood peak in the blood peaks at this moment.

It seems to be a madness of the sword, the sword is also crazy, and the sword is constantly emitting.

The sword is completely burst of swords.

It is still a Xuanluo sword, and it is still the most important heavy rainstorm in Xuanluo.

Moving like a blast, as heavy rain.

A horrible sword light, covering the sky, there is a golden whirlpool, and it is quite straight to the middle of the huge Cross.

"not good!"

The same has also arrived in Ling Zong and others in front of the Crown, and saw this sword.

However, they just rushed here, the swords and unparalleled swords were made out, they didn't come to the ground, they could only see the scene of the throne on the front of the Cross.


A harsh voice sounded, and the entire golden vortex was awkward.

But after the tremor, it turned again to recover calm.

That is high, just like the royal stone in the mountains, still quietly suspended there, the Crown Surface is in the sword without sword, but there is no trace that is smashed. Don't say that it is broken.

"What?" The sword was unparalleled.

He has been fully adopted, and it is also the most important thing in the Xuanluo sword. It can be the result, but can not shake this Crossish stone?

This emperor is so hard?

"Haha, sword is unparalleled, you really thought that the holy crystal is so simple to be destroyed by you? It's a joke, don't say it is you, even if you have the most powerful white emperor of the chaotic world, he is never It may be destroyed, no one is done. "Ling Zong's laughter sounded, and several other great emperors have exposed the colors of ridicule.

Crossing, can carry the pound that is so sharp, and its hardship is natural.

A piece of a piece of rock in single finger is destroyed is extremely difficult, and I want to destroy the huge foot and the high-level criticism in front of it, now I am almost impossible. Do it.

If you hear Ling Zong, the color of the sword is also extremely ugly.

He has made all the way to show the storm in this emperor, and there is no shortage of traces on this emperor stone. So, even if he has the strongest sneaked stars secretary, it is impossible to improve the power, I am afraid that I really will truly destroyed.

And the most important thing is that no one blinds him, this makes him swords in the Cross, but now Ling Zong has already rushed over, they will give the sword unparalleled attack the chance of the Crown ?

"Hey, can't destroy this Cross, then destroy the surroundings!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the sword is in the body.

The long sword swept, this time his sword light is in the surrounding golden whirlpool.

This golden vortex Unicom This is the dark crimp, if it is able to completely destroy it, it is enough to stop the dark mill.

The sword has no double swords, and Ling Zong et al. Naturally saw his intention.

"Block him !!"

Ling Zong looked low, and the body was shaped as a tricky beast.

Several other emperors have also shot, and they are all between the swords.

At the same time, outside the golden swirls, before being stopped by the Emperor of the Wheel, with the greatness of the mid-year mid-year, after the death of the emperor, it has been rushing, and it is possible to share with Ling Zong and others. Gathering thirteen emperors to kill swords.


A horrible roaring is constantly bursting in the golden whirlpool, and every roaring has a large amount of Wenengi, and the golden vortex from the surrounding is shocked.

The sword is now the most intimate in the golden whirlpool. Here, it is a stable movement, which will spread to the stability of the golden vortex, plus the sword is unparalleled, there is a chance to show the sword light in the wind, this gold The energy of the whirlpool has also begun to riot.

"Worse." Ling Zong's face is ugly.

But at this time, the great emperors headed in the mid-the-year-old year have also rushed to the battlefield, and it is contest with Ling Zong.

"I shot together, don't let him attack the array of golden swirls." Ling Zong lowered.

The only thirteen emperor has shot, and the sword is unparalleled, and it is enough to persist in this thirteen emperor's siege, but he has also been completely suppressed, and it will not be able to take the array of the surrounding array. And time and space.

The void outside the golden swirls, at this moment, a lot of power is gathered.

They all stared at the scene of the golden swirls.

And each other people can see that the sword is unparalleled is being forced to enter the desperate, and now it is just a difficulty of sleepy beasts.

"Hey, although this person is terrible, but its own strength is not invincible, facing the siege of the 13 giants of my emperor, he has no room at all."

"It seems that he is also just a strong anti-play ability, but no matter how the body's ability is, in such a continuous murdery, there is only a dead time when there is only an ultimate."


"It can be so long for the thirteen giants. This person is dead, it is also worth it."

Many cultivators have been embarrassed, and no one thinks that the sword is unparalleled.

Top more just doing some sleepy beasts.

However, no one notes, but the sword at this moment is unparalleled, but the scorpion has reached the extreme.

In this close-desperate jack, the sword is unparalleled and more calm, and the thoughts are more clear, more understanding.


The sword is unparalleled, but it flashes a slice.

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