(The first chapter, one chapter is coming, the code chapter update one chapter, today is still ten!)



When I saw the scene of the Crown crash, the top of the top of the three impersons of the three impersons came, and the eyes were all rolled.

Some great emperors, even thoroughly.

Crossing ... That is the holy crystal of the three milings.

For a long time, it has been standing in the golden whirlpool. You can say that many things in the three emperors are relied on this emperor stone.

And now, the Crown is broken?

"Do not!!!"

That's like a beast-like bald man, Ling Zong, is even a scream.

His scorpion is to have endless killing, and the golden vortex has seen the past.

Just, then the shadow has also turned around, and the Ling Zong and others have seen it.

Detaway to each other.

The sword is unparalleled, "all the three emperors, many years, nothing, don't come."

Seeing that the sword is unparalleled, these emperors in the third imperial world are instantly.

"Sword, sword is unparalleled?"

"It's what he? How could be him !!"

"It's impossible !!! He died, we might kill him, he died in front of us, how could it be alive?"

A roaring in a hysteria, and loud.

These great emperors have almost dare to believe their eyes.

Their really seeing the sword is unparalleled, completely dead.

but now……

"This sword is unparalleled, there is no death?"

"Not only didn't die, he has always hidden in the golden whirlpool, and now it is, it ruined the golden vortex, ruined the holy crystal !!"

"The death of the dead !!"

After shocking, everyone suddenly became angry! !

angry! angry! angry! !

The big emperors of these three imperial worlds look at the swords and unparalleled things, all over unprecedented killing.

At this moment, they can't wait to peel the sword! !

"Miscover, death !!"

A whisper, but the three great emperors who were treated in the town, with that red-haired old man, it was already in the sword.

They are not doubled from the sword. Naturally, they will first shot, and Ling Zong and others have not arrived yet.

Seeing the three great emperors in front of him, the sword is unhealthy corner, but it has evoke a cold smile.

The blood peak sword in his hand has a special radiator in front.

The scorpion and cold swords are almost in front of the three emperors.

This sword of the sword is unparalleled, and it is the most important speed in the Xuanluo sword.

But even if it is the most focused on the sword, this moment is also a terrible power.

clang! clang! clang!

I only heard the three emperors of the three hitting sounds, and the three emperors of the sword were unparalleled, and their body shape was truncated, followed by the opposite direction, and then retired.


Just only a sword, the three great power, it was still shocked.

"how come?"

The three of the red-haired old people shocked.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is still a smile, between the shape, the long sword in hand is once again.

This time, the sword is unparalleled is the strongest, full of storms in the Xuanluo sword.


Moving like a blast, as heavy rain.

Under the sword, there is no double power, and the power is stronger.

"I have a hand." The red-haired old man flakes a shower, but the thunder is even low.

These three great eyes are not low, naturally see what is the sword with swords, and immediately do three people at the same time.

Three people teamed up, just to resist the swords of the sword.

But the end result ... "Hey!"

Three people almost made a sultry, and their body shape immediately broke the opening, except for the red-haired old man, the other two mouths were overflowed.

"This power, strong this?" The red-haired old man shocked.

However, while the swordsmangers defeated them, the sword was unparalleled, but the palm of the idle palm was arbitrarily felt.

This shot, immediately shocked, as if the palm of the endless reincarnation appeared.

It is the turn of the sword without double.

This palm, directly covered the void where the three people are located, these three greatly have no possibilities.


Heaven and earth are silent, the whole void is completely burst.

The three great emperors covered by this round, finally turned into a stream to shoot, but they broke out, but their faces were already pale, and their breath was obviously weak than before.

Just two photos, this start to attack the three emperors of the sword, have been hit.

But at this time, Ling Zong, who came from Tono Technology, has also arrived.

"Sword is unparalleled !!!"

Ling Zong wants to crack, face, like a violent lion.

His drunk, the body is rushing in the forefront, directly graining for a huge fierce beast, the first dynasty is unparalleled.

At the time of being close to the sword, his hands also held the war ax.

~~~ Tiandi discolored.

A huge, and the black and silent ax appeared in the upper void, and the sword was unparalleled.

The ax is coming, I seem to have opened the world for a while, and it is ambiguous.

The sword is unparalleled in this shock ax.

He looked up at the appearance of the ax, but it was just a touch of smile.

"See if your ax is powerful, or my sword is stronger !!"

The voice is falling, the sword is unparalleled.

A sword, suddenly lit.

Xuanluo swordsman, most important thing ...... ! !

The same swordsmanship, is displayed by the same people, but the sword is unparalleled, and the power of the ancient blood has reached its excellence.

He is far from the power of the general emperor, and he has completely broke out.


A great ring.

Then the void of the two, a huge space black hole is ruthless, and it is actually swallowing around the world.

The surroundings are completely caught in it.

Just in the middle of this huge space, a body shape is ignorant, and it will be detached.

He is full of ten steps, and each step has been out of thousands of miles away, and it is difficult to stop.

This person, is it, it is the bald man with the wild beast, Ling Zong! ! !

"This this……"

After standing stabilized, Ling Zong looked at the war ax that he still slightly tremble, the inner shock has reached an unparalleled point.

He couldn't believe it happened.

He is full of hand, and the sword is unparalleled and hard to hard, and the result is that the result is lost?

He turned out to be detached from the sword without double a sword.

How can this be?

"This little child!"

Ling Zong's eyes, staring at the sword.

In his mind, he has recalls the scene of the sword in the sword before.

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