Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 207 Real enchanting

Vachane above the Tiantu.

The 12th Dynasty's monarch, and the ancient temples are all concerned about everything that happened below.

When I saw many genius of Daxie, I have once again found the squad of the Tianzong Dynasty, and I can't help but I can't help but I am fighting.

"The Tianzong Dynasty is over!"

All people think so.

After a moment, everyone above the void is silent, and the chop is silent.

"this is……"

Everyone is incredible to look at the bottom.

Just just, they saw the sword suddenly broke out, and then a sword broke the arms of the bloody feather.

Followed with the sword and worsen again, and a sword.

Under the sword, the Daxian Dynasty 14th genius was all killed.


Everyone is shocking.

"This, how is this possible?"

"How can the sword are so strong?"

"One sword killed the 14th genius? Scorpio!"

These people from the Twelve Dynasties are unresolved.

And the Dawu Dynasty, who just smiled, the old man, the face of the elderly, but it became red in an instant.


This vicissitudes have stood up, and the seat is directly in order to pit.

The Dawu Dynasty's monarch, at this moment, it is difficult to see the ultimate, and the body is also very amazing.

The other people around him see this scene, and the inner heart has been in the heart, but it can also understand.

That's one of the two large dynasties, the result of the results in this plunder, all the genius was being clean and net, this Daewoo Dynasty Dynasty is not angry?

And the strong people of the ancient sects next to the void gather together, and the look is also very wonderful.

Especially Mo Lingtian.

This is a lot of priests before, and thinking that the bloody feather is eligible to become a disciple of his waters.

As for the sword, unparalleled ...

At the end of the end, this Mo Ling did not put the sword unparalleled in the eyes.

At this moment, Mo Lingtian also stunned.

"This is impossible!"

Although it is Mo Lingtian, it is difficult to believe everything happened in the following is true.

"The kid broke through, but even if he broke through, how would the strength to improve to that kind of part?"


Unable to understand!

Obviously, the strength can only be ranked first in the standings, but because of his breakthrough, the strength has reached an incredible point, and even a sword can directly kill the 14 genius of Dawu Dynasty!

"This little child, how did he do it?" Mo Lingtian's heart is roaring.

He knows where the sword is unparalleled.

First, the sword is unparalleled from Jin Dan to the top, breaking through the golden Dan.

It seems just a very ordinary breakthrough, but the sword is unparalleled, but it is a cultivation of the big days.

His golden Dan is unmaster!

Before he had only the realm of the top of Jin Dan, even if there is no Shangjin Dan outbreak, it can only make his strength to break near half a step.

It can be broken, and there is no big gold, but it can make his strength directly exceed the category of Jin Dan and achieve the hierarchy of yin deficiency.

In the power, he can rush any genius of the Twelve Dynasty.

More importantly, he also made a significant breakthrough in his swords.

Four swords are combined ...

Task, the more swords are combined, the greater the strength of strength.

When the sword is unparalleled, it is just a combination of two swords, and the overall strength is not considered.

After the three swords, his overall strength is more than five times higher than before.

As for the four swords, it is more exaggerated, and the sword is unparalleled. When he combines the four swords, his overall strength is definitely more than ten times before!

In addition, the four swords are combined, not only the impressions of swords, and the sword is unparalleled, but also a new force ...

This kind of species adds, so that the sword is unparalleled, there is too much too much than not breaking through.

Therefore, he can be able to cut off the measures of the bloody feathers before it can be able to kill the Dawu Dynasty in the fourteen genius.

"I thought that my dreams were very enchanting, I didn't expect this sword. There was more terrible than they two!"

"It's not the same level!"

"This kind of peerless genius ..."

The strong people of these ancient sects becomes fanatics at this moment.

They are different from Mo Lingtian, Mo Lingtian is coming, it is the order of the primary behind him. He is just a dress looks like it is just a few disciples.

But the power of these ancient people came here, but it was purely for these geniuses.

Seeing the satisfied genius, these ancient sects will throw olive branches.

Now, the strength of the sword has completely conquered everyone, letting them understand that the sword is unparalleled is the most outstanding enchanting of the Poland.

He is a monster that is far more than a dream, and the bloody feather is terrible.

Such monsters are naturally more eye-catching.

"Mr. Ling Tian, ​​I just said that you haven't interested, there is no interest in the sword, but also say that we value the little guy, can you directly collect him as a foundation?" A strong man next to an ancient Zongmen I looked at Mo Lingtian.

"Haha, Mr. Ling Tian is from the Great Swordsman, the Wheel Sword is one of the eight top of Nanyang, the eyes can be high, and it will look at the little guy."

"To the right, Mr. Ling Tian naturally can't see, and we don't mind this sword, but we don't mind."

"Mr. Ling Tian, ​​if you have said, you should be oh."

Those of the ancient people in the surroundings have been interested in.

They are very eager to even want to collect swords and unparalleled disciples, and their largest competitors are naturally a large sword.

After all, the Wild Sword is one of the eight top paradise, and the strength of the strength is above these paramenities.

In addition, the Wheel Swordsman is mainly in the sword, and the sword is unparalleled is also a sword war.

The two have been added, and the conditions are superior to these ancient sects.

If the sword is unparalleled, if you choose to choose, I am afraid that I will choose the wild sword.

So, these ancient Zongmens will immediately seize the words that Mo Lingtian said, that is, want Mo Lingtian to give up the sword.

Mo Lingtian naturally understood the intention of these people, it was cold: "Hey, I have said that this sword is unparalleled, maybe it is a little talent, but I am a lotus, genius countless, better than him. There are a lot, nor is it one. "

"Since you all want to have a disciple for him, it will give you."

"How big is it?"

Mo Lingtian is still uncomfortable, but some are not a taste.

After all, the talent of the sword is unparalleled, it is really enchanting!


PS: From today, update from the original day three chapters, upgrade to one day, and update the time is also re-planned.

Update two chapters before 12 o'clock in the morning, and update two chapters at night.

One day four, honesty, speed is very fast.

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