Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2078 Nine Battle Soul

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On the blood, the sword is unparalleled in the five ancient blood, which is the full ancient blood.

Simply discussing the level of power, even if it is the first ancient god of the emperor, it may not be able to have a sword.

So face the bloody pressure encountered on this step ...

For the general royal god, I am afraid I have a step forward, even will weak, and I can't stare at the top of the stairs.

But the sword is unparalleled, but it seems that there is no compression, and his pace is connected and there is no stop.

Despite the increase in steps, the bloody pressure is getting stronger and more strong, but the sword is not boundless.

The short film, he has already gone through most steps, and the speed is still not slowed down.

"This kid ..."

In the distance of the void, the king saw this, but the eyes were a blink, Shen Sheng: "Although I don't want him to become the new ancient god of my family, I have to admit that the blood of his own is indeed fine enough. It should be compared to my father's blood. "

"Chen Xing adult, this sword monarch immediately crossed all the stairs." Battle Wang can't help.

"This is normal." Chen Xing Wang did not feel unexpected, "The first height of the father left, just a simple blood pulse, the blood of my blood is a pure royal god, as long as the will force is strong enough, bite the teeth It can also cross all steps, and this height does not hinder him at all by his blood. "

"However, the father left a three-metropterial, the first weight is the easiest, and the two should be done. It is not so easy."

Chen Xue Wang has also been hard to pass through the ancient tomb, so some means of staying in the ancient queen of the ancient queen is extremely understanding.

As Chen Xue said, the sword is unparalleled and easy to pass through this hundred-layer steps, and there is no pause in the middle.

However, when he just stepped on the top of the step, it appeared on a slightly space.

!!!! ~~~

A Dao is a sturdy body, but it is crafted on the air.

It is extremely high in the nine vain, and they are extremely high, but they can't see the face, and they also hold a variety of people in their hands.

At this moment, this nine-dimensional shadow has jumped, and it has been locked on the sword.

"Inspector, dare to bother to disturb the emperor, kill innocent !!"

Ice cooled, with a few pieces of Mu, the sound of Mu, was issued from one of the mouthfuls, and the nine

As far as the stock is strong, it is completely covered in the sword. There is no double body, so that the sword is not a double eyebrow is also a wrinkle, revealing the color of the lifting.

He saw that this nine-awaited is extremely moving.

boom! boom! boom! boom! ~~

Nine has shot ...

I saw a big stick that was completely condensed by the emotion of the faint, which was a big rod, which was ten meters long. It was a bucket, and at first glance, it seems that it is a small mountain, which can be such a soldier. In that, it is like a straw like a straw. As he waves, this great is immediately engaged in the heavens and earth.

In addition, there is a huge shadow, and the two palms have gripped a huge hammer. This hammer is also very incomparable. As he burst with him, the two hand hammers are two lightning, sudden falling in the sword. In front of no double, Weneng has not been completely revealed, but there is still endless electricity.

There is also one person, the whole person is a huge ancient beast. This whole body covers the light gold armor, just like a war fortress, the sword is unparalleled.

As for other faint shadows, the offensive is also extremely amazing, and there is also a presence of ancient gods, and he is ancient God!

"Good power, what is these?" The sword is unparalleled, but it also waves the long sword in his hand in the first time.

A strange sword will rise, and the sword is unparalleled, and it is like a huge dark swirl and swallows everything around.

Xuanluo sword, mixed yuan!

Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong!

The nine dramatically roared at the same time, the attack of this nine , ,, ,, , ,,,,,,,,,,, step.

"Good guys, all have the great strength, and the first level of the top, even two vain, the power of the exhibition can be compared with the second level of the big emperor." Sword There is a shock in the unparallel.

The first level of the top end is the first level of the Jiu Holy Lord.

It can be found in this level of the world, and now there are several inexplicables in front of the sword, and the wealth of fighting has reached this level, and even two The second-class big emperor.

This battle is getting more powerful.

At this moment, the voids outside the ancient tomb, Chen Xing Wang, Luo Yuwang and others can pass all the entrance to everything in the eyes through the power of the soul.

They also saw the appearance of nine .

Luo Yu king, ancient king, ancient king, etc.

Chen Xing Wang is smiling. "This nine , is the first era to follow the nine top scorpions of the father adult, they are also the strongest nine war of the father, every combination is in the first era. They have reached the second level, and there are two people to be the top of the second level! "

"As the first era collapsed, this nine war will also fall together with his father, but they have absolute loyalty to their father, even if they are dead, but they will not die, but they are guarded by their father.! "

"Now the sword monarch is the nine war soul, the combat power they have broke out, although it is not in the peak state, but it is not weak, not to mention the nine war!"

"This is the second means of fathers in the layout of the tomb, which is not averaged that the general people can go."

When he entered the nine big war, he had encountered the nine war soul. As a result, he was killed. Finally, he finally brought the serious injury to the soul of the nine war. Sword is unparalleled ...

"Perhaps the strength of this sword monarch is better than me, but his body's ability is not necessarily to be me, there is no absolute strong body body ability, it is impossible to support it in the hands of the Soul of Nine Wars, and this nine war soul, but It is sufficient to maintain thirty breathing time. "

Chen Xing Wang was holding hands, with a brunette with a sneer.

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