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Under the huge government, the brigade of the armor flashed with the color of the strange, and the death stared at the sword.

Silent, this brifel will only open, "You are very smart, but even if this tribute is controlled by this emperor, how can it be?"

"Oh, if you are still alive, even if you only use a conscious, you can control this soldier in front of this house. I can't succumb to the past, but you have already fallen, you stay in this ancient tomb house is only just It's just a consciousness, and this consciousness is fragile. You just want to maintain it in this tombs, it is extremely difficult, let alone use this kind of consciousness to control the Tao to fight with me! "

"That is, you have used this soldier to fight with me, the bigger the harm to your consciousness, so you don't want to fight with me at all, just want to persuade me to leave, I said right? "The sword is unparalleled to smile and look at the armor.

This black armor puts the military, and the sword is unparalleled and can't see his face change.

The sword is unparalleled, but the mismarism that flashes flashes in the black armor's eyes.

"In this case, you want to block me, the only way is to quickly kill me with the Thunder's means, but you just try it, you can't do it at all, and I will force you, but just for you. Hand with me, how long can you support this area? "The sword laughed.

The brigade of the army is slightly rotated, and the sword is no longer looked over again. "You said the right, single awareness of the emperor, I can't stop you, if so, then you come in."

When the voice came, he saw that the black armor will be the army, the ancient and all-in-home patterns and secretizen, and then began to shake, then slowly open.

A wide channel appears in front of the sword.

As for the army of the armor, he has appeared on one side of the house, closed, and once again, for a sculpture.

I saw the houses that have been opened in front of him, the sword is unparalleled, and the radius will go straight.

In addition to the ancient tomb over, countless ancient gods are staring at the entrance.

When they saw the huge government door, they were shocked.

"How is it possible?" That Xingwang is even more incredible.

He is very clear about the terrible of the army.

At the beginning, he was handed over with the armored general, and the other party was just a shot, and he was seriously injured, and he almost killed.

No way, he can only leave.

But now, the sword is unparalleled, even your armored generals have passed?

"He actually, broke the triple hindrance left by the father, broke into the tomb," Chen Xing king is alive, but then it is cold: "Even if you break into the tomb, I saw my father. Father may not recognize you! "

"Father is one of the top strong people in the first era, I want to get his recognition, what is easy?"

Chen Xing Wang is still with a trace of thought.

The huge and old tomb, which contained all kinds of strange land, and even some tests.

However, these tests are prepared by the ancient gods to enter the tomb of the tomb, and there is no meaning for the sword.

The sword has no double one road, and there is no obstacle to hindrance in the middle.

Not long, he came to the deepest place of this tomb, there, is sitting in a hazy body disk.

This is a strong man wearing a golden robe, height over three meters.

He sat there and gave people the first eye, but it was a , overbearing, there is no majesty under this .

This majesty, as if heaven and earth be placed at his feet, countless strong people in his eyes, only the antite is general.

Seeing this person instantly, the sword is unparalleled, it has already understood the other party's identity.

"The sword is unparalleled, see the ancient gods." The sword is unparalleled, and it is also respectful.

"The sword is unparalleled?" The ancient gods gave a sword. "You have a means, it is just an eight-star ancient god, even if it is just a god emperor, it is just a god emperor, but you can fight, but The level of the second-level emperor has been reached, and the nine warlords under the emperor can't stop you. "

"So the ability to make this, let the emperor think of a person, he was called the white emperor, have you heard?"

The sword has no double look.

Bai Di also comes from the first era, the ancient God knows.

"The white emperor is now the leader of the Sorrowfow, I certainly know, and I am in the same way as him." The sword has no double.

"Sure enough." The ancient gods smiled and smiled, did not feel unexpected, "When the Bai Diki is like you, it is just the earth emperor, but the strong combat, some of the number of weakness of the weakness is being The pressure is not too angry, and some people pushed his cultural mannequiers very strange, and in the case of the existence of the reversal, even the third-level emperor, I was very interested in the retrograms of his hands. I want to take a shot. "

"As a result, although the kid is just the second level of the peak war, but the third level of the third level is teamed up, but he can't help him."

"Later, when he broke through the emperor, he didn't help him."

"The child's life is the same as you."

When I heard the emperor, the sword was unparalleled and secretly.

Some of the Bai Emperor, he also heard some, in the first era, the white emperor is a top figure, but also a super power, but with the ancient God, the Sword Emperor, etc., but still want In some cases, the white emperor is far from the ancient god of the ancient gods, the ancient gods called Bai Emperor for the boy, and it is normal.

However, today, the strength of Bai Di is far from the first era.

According to Bai Emperor, he is now in the third level of the most extreme, even between the fourth level, this combination, is afraid that it is slightly better than the ancient gods during the peak. One counter.

"I don't like the boy, the same, I don't like you too."

The ancient gods contains endless glance, "You also know that this emperor can always exist, it is not easy, like this ancient tomb, the reason is only one million years Therefore, therefore, some things that need to be used every time, this kind of consciousness will have great consumption. Every time I take millions of years, I will recover. "

"And you have a strong tomb government, forcibly forced the emperor to wake up, it is already offering this emperor, if it is only a sense of consciousness, there is not enough ability, this emperor really wants to kill you!"

While talking, a heinous killing directly slammed the sword.

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