Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2108 Soul Attack

"Before, I have been weak in the soul, and I am a weakness of me, but now ... The soul intensity reaches the top of the first level, plus the five treasures, the soul of the gods The soul defense, a simple soul attack, this ancient chaotic world, I am afraid that no one can let me. "

The sword is unparalleled, and the bottom is absolutely confident.

"Not only on defense, even soul attacks ... with my current soul intensity, and then drive the soul of the soul of the soul, the soul attack, I don't know how strong it will be?" The sword is not doubles, "find a personal trial Try it. "

The sword has no doubles, and immediately took out anorge.

"Chen Xing Wang, come to the palace to come." The sword is unparalleled to the Chen Xing Wang.

After receiving the sword, there is a unparalleled message, Chen Xing Wang naturally rushed to the palace at the fastest speed.

The guardian of the guardian is also a sword unparalleled instruction, and there is no blocking.


Chen Xing Wang has stationed in front of the sword, and he also saw the empty void, where it was hung once, but now it has disappeared.

"That 10,000 soul of the magic beads?" Chen Xingwang could not help but be amazed.

"It has been refined by me." The sword is unhappy smile.

"Congratulations to the ancient emperor!" Chen Xing Wang Lao said.

He also heard of the terrible soul of the goddess, now since the soul of the soul of the magic beads fall into the sword, the sword is unparalleled ...

"I just took the soul of the magic scorpion, and the intensity of the soul has also improved a lot, and now I want to find someone to try the power of the soul of the magic beads." The sword is unparalleled.

"Is this?" Chen Xing Wang nodded, and there was no more purpose of the sword.

"You prepare, I want to show the soul attack." The sword said.

Chen Xing Wang naturally did not dare to pay attention, deeply sucking, and formed a heavy defense on his own spiritual soul, it was the best preparation.

The sword is no longer hesitating, the power of the strong soul burst, a soul attack instantly swept.

And this soul attack, after showing the guidance of the gossip of the magic beads, it is an instant to improve more than ten times the power!

Yes, it is ten times!

According to the truth, the soul intensity of the sword is since the first level of the top level, the soul attack is just this level.

In fact, the soul attack on him has exceeded the category of the first level of the first level, and it is enough to constitute a huge threat to the second level.

Sure enough, the sword is unparalleled, the soul attack is almost in an instant, defeat the soul defense of the Chen Xing Wang, and finally carrying a good power to directly impact on the essence of the King of Chenxing.

Chen Xing Wang fiercely shaped, smoldering, and there was a pale color.

"How do you feel?" The sword was unparalleled immediately toward Chen Xingwang.

"Very strong, strong, I can guarantee, the soul intensity does not reach the emperor level, there is absolutely no one can resist the ancient emperor, you just have just the soul attack, even I, I am very hard, and this Or I have prepared, if I have no wire, I am suddenly being attacked by this soul ... "

Chen Xing Wang eyes slightly, Shen Sheng: "Suddenly, I am also difficult to resist, although I will not be hit immediately, but I am afraid that I will have a huge impact, there is a short pause."

"Oh?" The sword is not a double eye.

It is necessary to let a strong sense of consciousness, it is inevitably the soul suffered great impacted.

And Chen Xing, the second-class big power, if it is in the case, there will be a sense of consciousness, which has fully illuminated the terrible of the sword unparalleled soul attack!

There is no doubt that his soul attack from the soul of the soul of magic beads is enough to have a great threat to the general second level.

In addition, there is a little, that is, he just just a soul attack, but did not show the soul attack secretary! !

The soul attack, to accompany the soul attack secret surgery, you can use the power to achieve the ultimate.

Now that his soul attack is already enough to threaten the second level of the big emperor, if it is the soul attack secret surgery?

"I used to cultivate the soul of the fruit to attack the secret. There is a five-beast-controlled spirit to talk to Tianyuan secret. In addition, there are 18th Makers in the illusion, but the three secrets are very low, the most powerful Tianyuan mystery Its creator is just a goddess of the gods of the gods. "The sword was unparalleled.

Nowadays, we have to fight against him, the weakest is the strong level of the emperor, and his soul is already the emperor, with such an amazing soul, and the soul attack treasure, you can use the native secret created by the god Surgery.

"It seems that I have to find a powerful soul attack secret surgery." The sword is unparalleled: "Don't worry, wait back to human territory, and then find the Bai Di to ask."

Deep breathing, the sword is unparalleled to stand up.

"Chen Xing Wang, let's go out." The sword did not have a double command.

"Yes." Chen Xing nodded, and immediately went to the sword without a double toward the palace.

Once an exterior, then guarding the war of the war.

"Battle King, you immediately resemble the ban on the surroundings of this land, and the strong people started to arrange the strong in this town today, and the order will not step into this area of ​​the palace, and the illegal death is dead!" Tao.

"Yes." Battle Wang immediately nodded.

The king of the Sunday, but the color of the doubt, "The ancient emperor, you have already refined the tens of thousands of soul magic beads, this area has no use, why should I treat it so much?"

The sword has no double smile, "The soul of the soul of the magic bead refining process is extremely difficult, and the ordinary cultivator is impossible to refine it in so short time. Although I am a special relationship, I will be the soul of the soul I am refining, but as soon as you don't say it, who knows? The swallowing family, what will I think I refine this treasure? "

"The ancient emperor, what you mean is ..." Chen Xing Wang's gods moved, and there was no intention of the sword.

The soul of the gods, the magic, the magical can be uniform, and it is very good to play a great role even in the next chance, but I want to really play, first of all, I have to be the strong man of the three millet camp. Only, if the three imperial strengths, I know that the sword has no double refining this treasure, and it is possible to show extremely strong soul attack. The sword is unparalleled to rely on the soul of the soul of the magic beads in the battle. Difficult.

And now ...

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