Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2110 confirmed

In the Shengtutian, the hidden territory.

"The sword is already coming out of the palace, and now it has ordered to let many of the people of the groups toward the human territory." The elderly old people in Huangquan Palace said.

"What about the vete?" Baron asked.

"According to the news you got in Huangquan Palace, the sword is unparalleled, and there are many strong people to guard in the palace, and the order is not allowed to break into the land of the palace." Senjing old man said.

"Oh, I really want to think about it. In such a short time, he can't refine the holy object, but he is not stupid, trying for 18 years, know that there is no chance to give up, = and I will refine the sacred object. He can't take the sacred object directly, and you can only let it stay in the palace. "Baron smiled.

"It seems like this." The elders nodded.

They have no doubts in the bottom of them.

After all, there are so many soul of the magic beads, it is indeed not refining in just 18 years.

However, they don't know that they have completely fall into the interactive calculations of the sword.

"Your family is not double-refining, this is unfortunate, but the Special Ethnic Union is still working with the human beings, which is not a good thing." Sen Cold. " Some of the old faces are somewhat ugly.

The purpose of their travel is originally through the swallowing of the heaven, and the special ethnic group alliance is secretly controlled, which is the perfect result.

If this is unreasonable, they will secretly shot, and they will give a few peaks, resulting in a huge loss and impact on the Special Ethnic Group, so that many special ethnic people are self-dangerous and unable to completely unite.

But unfortunately, they have failed these two plans.

Now that the overall situation of the special ethnic group has been set, they can't turn it out again.


Human territory, Thunder Island.

The sword is unparalleled to the Zernse Island, and when I first saw the white emperor and Tianchen ancestors.

"The many strong people of Bai Emperor, the Special Ethnic Union have rushed to the human territory." The sword said unparalleled.

"I already know, I have arranged them to live, I have to say that the sword is unparalleled, you have been doing this once." Bai Emperor looked at the sword.

This time, the sword is unparalleled to solve a major crisis that has fallen within the special ethnic group, and has become the alliance of the special ethnic group.

There is a sword, the unparalleled, is human, and the ancient god of the ancient gods, and the human Shengshi is absolutely peaceful between the Human Shengshi and the Special Ethnic Group.

"I don't have this time, how is the maintenance of the Holy Government, the power of all the strengths, all the strengths, is it?" The sword is unparalleled.

"It's almost the same, although there may be some remaining, but these people have nothing to do." Tianchen old ancestors laughed.

"The Special Ethnic Union should also have some strong people in Huangquan Palace, but unfortunately, I want to find all them, it is too difficult." The sword has no double.

"If you can't find it, some small fish is like a big wave, and the impact on the entire battle will have been minimal." Bai Di smiled.

"This is." The sword nor a double.

As before, the purple virtue, Vientiane Tower has not been found, and the swallowing of the special ethnic alliance has never exposed. In addition, there is a force in Huangquan Palace to penetrate into the special ethnic group, no because it is revealed to the swallowing If you come out, the crisis that is hidden in the chaotic world, that is really huge.

But now, there is enough influencing power has been smashed, and the rest is just some small shrimp, and it has been regrettable.

"Bai Emperor, Tianchen Lao Zu, there is something to inform the two." The sword was unparalleled and said: "That 10,000 soul of the magic beads, I have already refined."

"What?" White Emperor was a full of hens.

Bai Emperor saw it directly. "For 18 years, you only have used the 18-year time, refining the soul of the soul of the magic beads? Are you sure not kidding?"

Although it is a white emperor, the heart is also extremely vibrating.

He is very clear that there is difficult to refine the difficulty of the soul of the magic beads, don't say that 18,000 years can be refined, it is incredible. ,

It is to know that the first leader of the heavens, the first leader, and it has also used the foot 800,000 to completely refine the soul of the soul.

"I have already refined, you are awkward." The sword didn't have a double, and immediately drifted the black beads of the vast soul, and floated from the sword.

"This breath ..." White Emperor stared at this black bead. "I have hit the leader with the first leader of the Heaven, it's true, this is indeed that the soul of the magic beads, but how can you be so fast? Refine it? "

"I don't know if I don't know, I just feel that I am refining process. This 10,000 soul of the magic beads are beginning to have a gates. You need to make all the best drivers, you can master the real drive. This nine-year method, I am very easy to learn. "The sword is unparalleled, and I immediately read the white emperor." White Emperor, you are also reversible, then you have a general secret method or other things, Is there a very easy way? "

"It's very easy to feel? The sword is unparalleled, what is your jokes?"

Bai Emperor glanced at the sword, there was no pair, and the weird said: "I have a good understanding, but I have some very deep things. I am very difficult, just like the order rules, I can't participate in the first era. Enlighten the rules of the order, so I can't stand at the top in the first era, and later, I took a long time, and even a lot of opportunities, this is barely to give the silk order rules. Mastered."

"You said, if I am very relaxed, I will spend so long, I will master a line of order rules?"

The Tianchen old ancestors next to Tianchen is also full of weird fencing.

The sword is unparalleled, and it can not help but be dumb.

At the bottom of my heart, he also got a confirmation, and he has a fast imagination of any secret method, and there is no relationship with reversal.

In this way, there is only another possibility.

Wan Dao ...

"Although I don't know why I am so relaxing, now, this tens of the soul of the magic beads have indeed refined, and my strength is greatly improved, reaching the top of the first level, With the soul attack of the soul of the soul of the magic beads, you can have a certain threat to the general second level, but I am lacking now, it is a powerful and suitable soul attack secret !! "The sword said.

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