Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 219 enters the Temple Palace

The ancient secrets, spread out from the ancient times, from the first era to the second era, have opened countless times.

Now, this ancient secret is more permanent, and it has not been closed again.

There is also a great ancient battlefield in this old secret, just started to have a lot of strong people in the chaotic world. However, with the more vast vastness of the fire industry, the opportunity is also more rich in ancient battlefields. After that, the ancient secrets have almost no one to come.

"This is ancient ancient secret, although I have heard of countless times, but I really arrived, or the first time." The sword smiled.

"This ancient secret is still hidden in many opportunities, but it is too far from the ancient battlefield around your hometown." Jiuhe Holy Master.

The sword is unparalleled, and the two are constantly flipping, and they will arrive before the Tiangong.

The Temple is located in a ruin, and its appearance looks only only a buzzing palace, but in fact, it is in the house.

At this moment, many strong people have waiting for it.

The first thing is the Emperor Emperor, followed by the other eleven gods to get the Tempong seats, and then there are many strong people who have guarded the Temple in the Tianda Palace.

When the sword is unparalleled with the Jiu Han Lord's arrival ...

"Sword Monarch, Jiu Hao Lord." The Emperor Emperor will welcome it.

"Emperor, people are all right?" Jiu Hao asked.

"Every arrival, the sword monarch is, and you can open the Tiantong Palace immediately." Emperor Emperor Dao.

The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes have seen the eleven people in front.

In that eleven, there is a sword who is unparalleled to give the god emperor with the Ji Fairy.

These two spotted swords were unparalleled, and immediately greeted.

The sword was unparalleled and smiled, and then saw the existence of the thousand.

"Thousands of old, don't be innocent." The sword was unparalleled smiling.

Thousands of people, the power of the purple moon sat down. At the beginning, he helped the Stars to resist the three alliances together.

"The sword will be polite." The thousands of people were also respectful.

Just joke, don't say it is him, even if his master is the emperor, now there is a three-pointer when he faces the sword.

In addition to the three people, the sword is unparalleled, it is a young man wearing a white robe, white hairstyle, this young man is extremely cold.

"Tianling God Emperor?" The sword didn't have a double look.

One of Tianling God, the founder of the Lingxiao Temple, which was also inside the star, and the mid-fighting alliance was the strongest.

His strength, at the time, it was already the most limit of God, and was identified to go to the god wrench wrist.

Now I have been separated for so many years. This day, God has not broken through the land level, but he is absolutely stronger in the emperor, and it is also one of the most chances to break through the emperor. It is natural to qualify for a supplement. Tiangong seat.

That day, Ling God also missed the sword unparalleled eyes, and the heart suddenly lifted a complicated emotion.

You know, the original sword is unparalleled, but he is extremely fierce with his Lingxiao Treasure, and even almost no longer can't die.

Now because the three imperial camps appear, it is difficult to come. The two sides will give up the strength of each other, with the enemy, but the sword is unparalleled ... but strong to the God of Tian Ling.

He is also fortunate, but fortunately because it is difficult, swords are unparalleled to the Lingxiao Temple, otherwise he has not allowed to keep Lingxiao Temple.

"No matter what, this time to make a big emperor, otherwise, wait for the battle, this sword monarch is guilty of Xue Shi, and the room that is struggling with the Temple of Lingxiao." Tianling God Hold your hands, and it is finished.

He did not know, the strength reached the hierarchy of the sword, and the hatred of himself was not so much.

A small Lingxiao Temple is not qualified to make him spend your hands and feet.

Now the big enemy of the sword is the three emperor camp. Even the Jiu Han Lord can completely put down the grievances, and even become a friend with the Jiu Han Lord, as long as the Lingxiao Temple is doing our best in this battle, the sword is not a double Not willing to ask for guilty.

Of course, if the Ling Xiao Bao Temple dares to have a small action, he will not be polite.

The eyes were removed from Tiandaling God, and the sword was unparalleled and looked at another person.

This person, than Tian Ling God, which is more attractive than anyone who is in place.

Because of the breath of him, it is the strongest in these emperors, even Tianling God, it is not only in line with this person.

Even the sword is unparalleled, this person's breath is not weak than a normal emperor.

And a person's breath can determine his strength.

"If I have not guess, the you should be the god?" The sword watched this middle-aged man who wore a green shirt and appearance.

"God, I have seen the sword monarch." Middle-aged man also gave a micro-waiver, although humble, but did not have too much awe.

"Sure enough ..." The sword has no double smile, "the outside world is rumored, you are the only one that can fight with the emperor, fight with the emperor. Now, the name is not intriguing, and you should be more stronger than the passage. Now you have a fierce battle with an emperor, I am afraid that it is not just that fighting, it is simple, it should be paired, or even the wind is there? "

I heard this, the god smiled, it is not possible.

But he is still humble: "The rumors of the outside world are not real, I can indeed fight with the emperor with the emperor's situation, but it is not the only one, after all, there is a sword monarch, you are incredible God is there, who dares to say is the only one? "

"Amount ..." The sword is unparalleled.

For the god, Tianling God was a little attention to a few eyes, but other people didn't care so much.

"Since people are already aligned, they will not delay, and they will open the Tiangong." The sword has no double.

"Okay." The Emperor Emperor nodded, followed by a number of handprints in the Turn Temple.

Then, one of the monks throws up in the Tiantian Palace.

As the governor entered the inside of the replenishment, this looked at the defeated palace, but it was an immediate radiant, and this palace also returned to the brilliant in the past.

And how long, the temple of this palace is completely open.

"You can go in." East Emperor Road.

"The things outside that are born, you are two, the east, you are two." The sword was unparalleled, and then the first one brushed into the palace.

God, Tianling Emperor, and thousands of people, etc., the emperor, which has a god, naturally, also followed.


PS: Today is 5 more!

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