Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 215 is powerful?


It is really shameless.

There are also those strong people from ancient Zongmen to Mo Lingtian at the moment.

"These idiots ..." Mo Lingtian didn't care about these eyes, the bottom of the heart, "In front of huge benefits, occasionally shameless, as long as you can pull the relationship with the Holy Palace, let me stand hard, this is calculated what?"

The sword is unparalleled, and this suddenly comes. Mo Lingtian.

"The Swords of the Wilderness?" The sword was unbolded.

Before the start of the Tiantiang Valley, he listened to the emperor. The ancient temple of the ancient sects was a lot of the ancient temples, including the most popular swords.

And the wild swordsman is the main way, it is best for him, so the sword is unparalleled to this big sword.

But now ... The sword is unparalleled, but fortunately, I have not added it within the wild sword.

"The Sword of the Swords is Mo Lingtian?" The sword was unparalleled in Mo Lingtian.

"Yes." Mo Lingtian nodded, "Kid, you should call me Ling Tianner, not big and small, your family teaches you this?"

"Hey, my family has never taught me, like you, I don't know how to be shameful." The sword is unparalleled. "I haven't worried about joining the wild sword before, but now I seem to have a strong Sword. It is this unknown to the shame, so such a parade is not going. "

"I ridicily, my big sword is countless, what do you count?" Mo Lingtian smiled.

"Mr. Ling Tian, ​​don't have to say so much, directly, kill him." The gray dress shouted next to it.

"Reassured, I will shoot, he will die." Mo Lingtian is very confident.

I don't blame him, after all, he is a genuine yang ritual stronger!

Yangyu peak, which can be comparable to the gray clothes, such as Yang Yu, is enough to have three levels.

Mo Lingtian's pace began to step out, and the atmosphere also burst into one step, and the breath is strong and horizontally.

The terrible breath is in the sword, and the sword is unparalleled.

"Yang Yufeng." The sword is unbolded, but it is lifted up, and I drunk directly, "Mo Lingtian!"

Mo Lingtian looked up again to see the sword.

The sword is not born in the sky, "Since Liangzi today is already over, then don't stop!"

"Today, I may not have you, you can come to the day!"

"Haha, come back the day long, you still think that you have to live in today." Mo Lingtian laughed, did not put the sword unparalleled, and his body has rumored to kill .

The horrible breath instantly agglomerates an ultimate, making the surrounding air completely solidified.

I can see Mo Ling **** him to kill, the sword is unparalleled, but the next moment is not hesitant to drive out.

"Want to escape?" Mo Lingtian smiled coldly, and the trip to the sword was unparalleled.

As a strong in the peak of yang, the speed is naturally more than the sword, how long does it take for it, he can catch the sword.

However, he doesn't know that the sword is unparalleled, but it is not to escape, but a means is displayed.

"Secrets, winning!"

The sword is unbearable, and there is a madness, which is now exhibiting a secret.

However, the secret test of the ministry also needs some time, so he can only escape, show this secret during the escape process.

With the secret surgery of the hindrance, I immediately broke out a horrible to swallow the power from the sword, and I started to swallow the surrounding things.

The sword is unparalleled to the Tree Trendy forest, all the way, and he has lived a piece of creepy scene.

I saw the trees around him. After he brushed, the moment became dry and aging, just in an instant to make a dead wood.

The ground below is also getting yellow.

A large number of life is poured into the sword unparalleled body, so that the breath of the sword is soaring immediately.

Originally only the breath of Jin Dan, only one instantly skyrocketed into Jin Dan's extreme, and then still climbed, but didn't have to break through Jin Dan, reaching Yin deficiency Xiaocheng.

After the yin deficiency is small, his sky has stopped.

"It's just a blinking small?" The sword was unparalleled.

He is a successful Jin Dan, and now it is only to achieve a small life, only one realm, and he is of course not satisfied.

"It seems just the first volume of the secret, the help of my help have not been huge." The sword is unparalleled.

The secret surgery is divided into three volumes.

He has only mastered the first volume.

The first volume of the championship is really great, and the power is sufficient to increase several levels, but as his realm is getting higher and higher, just the first volume of the secret. Not obviously it is useful.

"Although only one realm is improved, it will always be much better than the improvement."

The sword was unblocked in the middle, and I was observed that the broken wind came back. Obviously, Mo Lingtian has come to him behind him.

No hesitated, the sword was directly turned directly at this moment, and the three kids swords in his hand were trembled, and the sharp sword was shocked, and the long sword was directly violent.

No , only the sky!

Four swords!

Kendo home!

After the creation of a big day, it is comparable to the spiritual force of the yin deficiency, plus unsuccessful golden Dan.

Fully eruption.


A bright golden streamer appears in this world.

This golden streamer appeared, and it attracted everyone's eye.

This golden flow is strong, overbearing, all the way is invincible, rushing!


That Mo Ling also waved his long sword at the moment, and the casual sword came over.

Although the sword surgery is ordinary, the spiritual power of the Yangui deficiency is burst out.


A huge roaring screams in the sky.

The two terrorist offensive confrontation together, the voids in the confrontation formed a hobbing wave visible to a naked eye, and suddenly swept it.

~~~ The surrounding a large amount of trees is blown from the direct burst, this moment has a hundred trees in a hundred trees.

After the confrontation, the sword is unparalleled in the first time, but it is also forced to take a walk back.

"What?" After Mo Lingtian stabilized, he re-looked at the sword.

"My sword, I can't kill him directly?"

I don't want to be so surprised. He is the rush of the Yangxia, even if it is just a sword, it is enough to be easily crushed to kill a yang yang.

The sword is unparalleled by him, not only dead, but only is it in the wind?

"His strength, it is improved?"

Even in Mo Lingtian, I feel the incredible incredibility at this moment.


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