Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2153 Blood Lord

Blood master!

The three leaders of the three imperial camps are also recognized as the three imperial camps! !

Even if it is three major leaders, it has always been headed by him.

However, the existence of blood main, is very special, so he rarely appears in weekdays.

Like the last Cross, it has been sneak attack by the sword unparalleled, and has always been a dusty king, and he has been hidden in the dark.

But now, the battle suddenly broke out, and this blood master couldn't sit still.

On the top of the Emperor, the blood storm is still unclear. His bloody eyes are around, and everything in the battlefield is in the eyes.

Seeing this battle, he could not help but sink.

And at this time, Boom!

A horrible breath is coming to him.

The blood lord looked up, but found that the white emperor had appeared in front of him.

After the white emperor, the golden vain is still tall, and the amazing war is raised.

"Blood owner, finally touched you."

The white emperor is cool, while the voice is falling, the vast golden power is covered directly.

In an instant formed a great golden power ocean.

White Emperor is the core of this golden power, the palm is in force, and it is very horizontal.

This punch, agitating the entire golden power of the ocean, and has come to the front of the Blood Lord.

"White Emperor?"

The blood is slightly smashed, and he has heard of the white emperor. I have heard many times. I naturally don't dare.

I immediately took a step forward, across the time, a bloody, horrible bloody breath, is full of the corners of the battlefield.

On the right hand of the blood, the right hand is the same, and the blood color is covered, and then the front is far away.

At this point, there is an endless blood color rays, so soon, it has formed a huge sculpture in front.

This sculpture is more than the nine thousand of golden vain after the white emperor, but also high, but also the key is that this sculpture is still sitting.

This is a bloody god, it has three eyes, these three eyes are open, and they are over the white emperor.

Ancient breath spreads.

At the same time, hey! move!!!

An old bell is also long in this day.

This bell, every road contains special magic, so that the following practitioners in the scene are can't help but stop in the hand, revealing the color of the stunned.

Subsequently, the bloody gods sitting in the dish, suddenly moved.

His huge bloody palm suddenly shot.

One palm, the world is sour,

This bloody gods have been constantly enlarged during this day.

In the end, this bloody godmor, fist with the white emperor's golden vain, positive in front of it.


The white emperor slightly shock, and the rear is retired afterwards, and the golden vain behind him behind him, and it is too dark.

As for the white emperor, the blood color magic sculpture of the villain, slap, a large number of blood color, and the whole sculpture starts to crash.

Just instantly kung fu, the bloody magic sculpture completely collapsed in the world, as for the blood, his body has already fallen out, and the half rang re-stabilizes the shape.

"It is a confirmed to force this world." Blood owners made a low drink, and the bloody eyes stared at the white emperor.

"You are not bad, it is better than the enemy, and the dust is strong." Bai Di also said, but his eyes are deep, but faintly wishes.

He has just been in hand with the blood owner, but he felt faintly, which was very strange.

"Unfortunately, this is no time today, or I really want to fight with you, and I will be a means of retroactive." The blood is magnificent.

"Do you want to escape?" Bai Emperor's look.

Blood owner did not speak, just a smile.

While he exposed a smile, he was awkward ~~~ Endless blood shot from him.

The blood of this moment, is already in a huge bloody sun, and it is very happy.

And this bloody sun is shining around, endless blood color, forming a continuous bloody ocean, crazy, swept all over, eight squares.

This bloody ocean is too large, too vast, and the power is even more incomplete.

Even if it is the golden power of the golden power before the Emperor, it is impossible to block this bloody ocean.

In an instant, this bloody ocean has already filled the corners of the Emperor Battlefield, spinning ... A space channel, from this bloody ocean.

These space channels are temporary compositions in the bloody ocean, and the number of space channels appear in the surrounding of the strong people in the three imperial channels.

In the event, this space channel immediately broke out a horrible suction. There were still many three imperialines in the battlefield, those ordinary emperors, the gods could not be compromised by the self-contained DPRK path under this suction. And finally, with those emperors, they disappeared directly into the space channel.

Just instantly kung fu, I was originally filled in this battlefield a large number of three imperialisms, there has been disappeared.

Including those great emperors, even if it is burned, dust, and the three people are also disappeared directly through this spatial channel.

And the power of the chaotic world camp, but it has not been able to resist it.

Like a sword, there is a spatial passage that appears in the Blood Color Ocean in the Blue Time. He immediately applied the moon, blocking the heaven and sky, and wanted to completely stayed.

He found that he found that his own month of the moon, immediately received the impact of this bloody ocean, just a piece of dripping, he couldn't leave Baron at all.

Now, the entire Emperor, the three imperial camps, only one person left there.

This person is blood owner!

"This blood master, good means." The sword was staring at the blood owner, and his eyes were shocked.

You must know that the three imperial camps have been in the defeat, and they only need to chase, it is entirely possible to stay all the strong people of the three imperial camps.

Even if you can't leave all, you can leave half.

As a result, this blood master shot, but it instantly made all the strong people in the three imperial camps left.

This means is indeed hunt.

"White Emperor!"

The most important blood of the bloody ocean, once again, "this time, it is my three militar camps. I haven't played by you, but I will not be so good."

"And you, swords are unparalleled."

Blood owners came to the sword.

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