Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2155 sweeping the three imperial cries

When I heard the white emperor, the sword was unparalleled and the emperors in the field couldn't help but grasp.

It also exposes a lot of faces on a face.

Indeed, before the two sides of the camps, the strength of each other is not big, but after today's battle, the three imperial camps are very resistant, and even even the nest is abandoned.

And the treasure of the three imperial nests has a large number of resources accumulated in the old nest, which can make the overall strength of the world.

In this regard, the vital chaotic world camp will naturally increase.

"If you want to face now, I'm chaotic in the world's chaotic world camp, which has a 70% discount." Tianchen Laozu said.

70%, this is an estimate of Tianchen old ancestors.

In fact, it is true.

"Even so, I will remain uncomfortable. After all, this three militaries have fallen in general, the three leaders in the three emperors are from the ancient times, especially the blood." Bai Emperor has become dignified Get up, "When I just handed my blood, I feel that he is not general."

"Well?" The sword is unparalleled and others immediately looked in the past.

They have just seen Bai Emperor with the blood master, and the result of the war is obviously the absolute advantage of Bai Emperor.

Obviously the war of the white emperor should be on the blood owner, you can listen to the meaning of the emperor ...

"If I haven't guess, just the blood owner, it should not be his strongest, absolutely not." White Emperor said, "he gave me the feeling, especially the kind of oppression, but true The war is under me, then there is only one explanation, that is, his current state is not complete, or his strength has not been completely recovered. "

The expression of the emperor of the sword is almost asking.

Is the state incomplete?

Or does the strength have not been completely recovered?

In the incomplete situation, the blood owner can be on the front of the Bai Di, the power will inevitably reach the top of the third level, then what is the level of it is completely recovered?

The fourth number of numbers?

"So we can't do it, after all, the means of ancient times, far more than what can be compared now, and we must also win the chance, can't give any opportunities for the three imperial bords." Bai Emperor said.

"But now the high-rise strong people in the third impetus have been abandoned, we don't know how they are now hidden, how can this win a chase?" The sword was unparalleled.

I want to win the chasing, at least I have to know the other party.

"Blood owner is very good, before the spatial channel of bloody ocean appears, it is very unique, even if I can't induce the space channel, have you left the Hall If they really want to hide, I want to find them, I am afraid that it is not easy. "Bai Emperor is cold.

"However, we don't have to find these highest strong people, because our goals are the whole three emperors."

"White Emperor, do you say?" The sword didn't have a double look, but it has already guessed the intention of Bai Emperor.

Sure enough, I saw the white emperor: "The three emperors and my chaotic world are absolutely not dead. If our camp is defeated, then I will be completely extinct, there will be no life. The possibility, the three emperors do this, I can't be too kind to the chaotic world! "

"This three imperial borders have countless territories, and there are countless cultivators. This is the foundation of the three emperors, which is a large number of strong people in these territories, and now we will take the initiative, these territories, this Overhain, it is also destroyed! "

"Of course, I will not wait for the highest level of the three emperors, the ordinary practitioners in the three militaries, we don't have to pay attention to it, we have to kill, it is still residual in these territories. Many high-rise powerful people! "

The sword is unparalleled, Tianchen ancestors and many great emperors present, the same spirit is cold.

They all climbed from the endless bones to this step today, naturally there will be no extra kindness and compassion.

Three militaries 12th states, eighty four gods, three thousand three hundred territories, endless practitioners.

These territories, these cultivators are the true foundation of the three emperors.

Although they are not crazy to slaughter these weak practitioners, they are absolutely unable to let go of the top, or those who have the opportunity to become a top power in a short period of time.

"Tianchen, you will make a command, let the army immediately start, sweep the domain in the three emperors, each of the territories are carefully searching, but if you encounter a big energy, you will kill innocent, even if it is true god ... those void The true god, eternal real god is also awkward, but all of the chaos is really a god, and it is never gone! "Bai Emperor said.

"Yes." Tianchen Lao Zu Zheng nodded.

"You also go, don't find the opportunity to break by the three emperors." White Emperor said.


The sword is unparalleled, and the nine holy owner has also led.

Not long after, re-integrating the strong army of the elder chaotic world, in person with the emperor, in the many territories in the three emperors.

The biggest strongman in the three emperors sweeps, and it began.


The three imperial boundaries, an incomparable territory.

The high-level strong people who escaped from the Emperor City, now they have already gathered in this territory.

In this territory of the territory, there is a dim, the blood, the burn, the dust, the magic, the snow, the snow is again gathered.

As for the bar, although it is also the third level of the big emperor, the identity is humble, and it is not eligible to appear here.

It is extremely ugly that the color of the blood is extremely ugly.

"I have received the news, the strong army of the vast chaotic world, came out from the Emperor City, and now I went to the territory of my three emperors, and it is necessary to put the high-level power of my three emperors. "The blood main voice is cold, but everyone can hear, under this cold voice, what horror is contained.

"Wancha Chaos World! White Emperor !! There is also the sword unparalleled !!! Damn, you will die!" The dusty king roared in the low scream.

"This time, my three imperial circles have been given to the Bai Emperor." Burned the respect: "That sword is unparalleled before crushing, if I have not guess, it should It is a void, even if we are in the era, this voidue is very precious! "

"Use a void, carefully arranged, first let the sword have no double with some emperors, directly sneak attack, give me the largest harm of the three imperial camps, then they use them as bait, deliberately attract me three emperors The struggle supports the past, and then uses the army. It has directly rushed to the battlefield through the void of the void, giving us a more tragic blow! "

"It's really awkward !!"


PS: Today's four is more.

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