Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 217 Wang Yuan's identity

"You are?" The sword stopped, and it looked at this purple people.

And at this time, he!! A lot of Purple robe came into contact, soon it appeared in this void.

In the center of this group of violet, there is a purple cloud carving, carved, and one person is sitting.

"Old three." Wang Yuan is unparalphed over.

"Wang Yuan Lao Da." The sword was unparalleled, and he finally understood who this suddenly appeared.

A pleasant robe, natural is Wang Yuan.

Wang Yuan received a large number of bloody piercing killers to dispatch the news to the Poland Plain, and immediately rushed over, and now it is here to arrive here.

"I will not come behind?" Wang Yuan smiled.

"Not too late, it is time." The sword is unparalleled, and the secrets that have been displayed immediately immediately stopped.

After all, the secret surgery is too large to the body load, the longer the time, the greater the body damage.

It is now that he feels his body pain, as if it is going to collapse.

"Come to the carving." Wang Yuandao.

The sword is unparalleled and immediately behind the purple clouds, sitting like Wang Yuan.

"Where is the killer of the bloody ripples?" What about people? "Wang Yuan asked.

"The people of the bloody ripple are killed by me." The sword is unparalleled, "there is still this person, he is the people of the wilderness."

"Wild Swords?" Wang Yuan, Mo Lingtian.

At this moment, Mo Lingtia has a great weakened, obviously just collides with the vioo robes, he is not bad.

And I saw this group of Zi Zawo, Mo Lingtian's look, and immediately cold tang: "I am a big sword, the law enforcement is Mapo Tian, ​​who is you, hurt me? Good courage!"

"Habbrow you?" Wang Yuan is a smile, "Don't say hurt you, Laozi dares to kill you!"

"Danyi, give me a slaughter." Wang Yuan told him directly.

"Yes." The Purple Robe before the previous shot should have, then lift his head, the cold eyes instantly lock in Mo Lingtian.

Mo Lingtian was panicked.

"I am the law enforcement of the wilderness. Do you dare to kill me?"

"Kill me, you can't escape one!"

Mo Lingtia snarled.

And Wang Yuan is not in the eyes of the threat of this Mo Lingtian.

A large sword in the district, he is really not in the heart.

"Wang Yuan is big." The sword was unparalleled, but suddenly opened.

"What's wrong?" Wang Yuan came over.

"This person, left me." The sword has no double.

"You? You can kill him?" Wang Yuan looked at the sword.

He saw that the sword is unparalleled, and even if the sword is unparalleled is the peak state, it is impossible to be Mo Lingtian's opponent.

"I will now kill him, but in the future." The sword is unparalleled. "

He didn't want to use someone else to take some enemies. Although Wang Yuan is his good brother, unless it is necessary, he still hopes to kill an enemy with his own strength.

"Are you sure?" Wang Yuan deeply saw the sword.

"Well." The sword nodded again.

"That's good, I will spare him a dog, but although I don't kill him, I have to give him a lesson." Wang Yuan's scorpion was cold.

"Dan one!"

Wang Yuan shouted, the Purple Robe of the previous shot, nodded immediately, and the figure was moving in front of the Mo Lingtian.

Then the slap is directly fanned.

too fast!

I realized that the yang deficiency of the source is the peak, and the peak of the ordinary yang, it is totally two different levels.

This Dan is a slap in the face, and there is no chance to give Mo Lingtian anyway, so it is already above his face.


Mo Lingtian immediately spurted a big blood, and the figure was rolling out, directly rolling out tens of meters away from the body shape, when he stood up again, on his left cheek, there is a huge Five fingerprints of scarlets.

I feel the hot pain coming on the face, Mo Lingtiansi time is irritating.

A Yangyu peak is strong, in the face of so many people, is actually fanned directly, this makes Mo Lingtian not feel humiliated?

"You, you ..."

Mo Lingtian stared at Dan Yi and Wang Yuan several people.

"How do we?" Dan Yixa walked over.

Mo Lingtian is in the heart, but I don't dare to say more.

This Dan has shot twice, and he crushed him twice, which made him full of fear of the former.

"You just said, killing you, we can't run it?" Dan is coldly eye-catching Mo Lingtian, "Hey, this sentence, even if it is a genus of your big sword, there is no gut dare. Say, your district is a law enforcement old? "

"How can I kill you, how can I kill you?"

"You are a big sword, dare to put a fart?"

Mo Lingtian has a thrilling, and the body has started to make up.

"Dan, Danmen!"

Mo Lingtian was frightened by Dan, and then he looked at the princes behind him, and his head was blank.

And the 12th Dynasty, and the strong people of the ancient sects also took a breath at this moment.


"Is it a person in Danmen?"

"You can sit on the Shengmine Palace, the Tanmen who compensate!"

"This is the Tiantian, I actually kicked the iron plate of Danmen?"

Many strong people present are extraordinary.

They know the Holy Palace, know how horror power in the Holy Palace.

And Danmen who can compensate with the Holy Palace chambers, they are naturally known.

It is because I know that they are shocked.

At the same time, they immediately looked immediately to the prairies of the purple cloud.

"This person is the Danmen Lord!"

The appearance of these top strong people immediately became respectful.

Although the rigmatics of the purple clouds sat in the upper side, just a big fat man who seems to look forward, the spiritual power is weak, only Jin Dan Xiaocheng.

But his identity, but everyone is awkward.

Danmen Lord!

In front of this, in front of this, the law enforcement of a lotus in the Mo Lingtian District is old, and what is it?

As Dan said, even if Wang Yuan is really killed, how can it be?

The big rural sword is dare to say half a sentence nonsense?

I am afraid that the wild swordsman will not only revenge him, but he will cut your ass, how to eliminate the anger of Wang Yuan.

"Mo Lingtian!"

The sword has suddenly sounded at this moment, and everyone around him immediately saw him.

"My sword is unparalleled. I have always been gratitude. I have a revenge. Today, the 12th Dynasty has the strong people, although I can't help but I can, I can also Understand, so I have never resent them! "

"But you, it's different!"

"I still have a word, come to the day!"

"Today's Liangzi, since it has been completed, then ... don't stop!"

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