Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2173, then Dust and Rain

The voids in the blood color, the white emperor covered the golden dragonfly, and the battle has jumped to the fourth level.

The horrible war is completely explosing, and everything is crushed.

With his blood, one pair is hard to block the white emperor, so the burning is directly shot.

And in the burn, a special breath should be to show some kind of secret. With this secret, his combat power has also improved the peak of the third level in a short time, with this, etc. The combination of war with the blood main, but it reluctantly blocked the white emperor.

Although Bai Emperor shot, it can face the block of the two tops, and it is difficult to truly tend out to attack the reverse blood.

The reverse blood of the rebellion has been running slowly, and the scope is constantly increasing.

All of this is being seen in the eyes by the sword.

"The Northern Emperor has been stopped, we must find a way to destroy the reverse blood of the rebellion as soon as possible." Tianchen Laozu said.

"Tianchen, the emperor, can you still?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Emperor?" Tianchen ancestors.

Emperor containing the power of Bai Emperor?

"Just under the madness of the three emperors, in order to save, there is two, and there is still the last one." Tianchen old ancestral road.

"Give me the last emperor." There is no double.

"Good." Tianchen old grandmaster nodded.

Soon that the last entry, I handed over the sword unparalleled.

"Be careful." Tianchen ancestors reminded.

"Well, you also hurry to restore the battle." The sword has no double.

Tianchen ancestors, as well as the nine holy owners behind him, and the gods and others will look back.

They have been hiest under self-explosion of the strong people in the three imperial circles, even if it is the emperor.

Now, although it has been swallowed in Tan medicine in time, it is impossible to recover to peaks in a short period of time.

However, there is no need for the peak power, just need to restore to a certain level, there is a certain battle, it is enough.

After all, they still have nearly two thousand strong people, and the emperor has a lot, so many strong people join hands, the third level of the big emperor can't resist.

Put the emperor in your hand, feel the horror power contained in the emperor, and the sword is not flashing.

"Sword, let us!"

The voice falls, and the sword is not straightforward.

In his sword behind him, I naturally followed it.

The two speeds have allocated the extreme, and they did not rush to the white emperor, the blood owner, burn the three-person battlefield, but bypass, directly toward the reverse blood.

The reverse blood is a big array is their goal.

Although the sword is unparalleled, I don't know what this big is, what is doing, but as the reverse blood is constantly running, the sword is uncomfortable is getting stronger.

Regardless, this reverse blood is a big battle, you must have to be done early!

However, while the sword has no double shape, the dusty rain on the opposite void is immediately reflected.


The two figures are also instantly rushing.

Herone is a dusty magic, and it is as cold as the snow, she is still standing there, there is no action.

"The sword is unparalleled, you want to destroy, you have to pass this seat."

The dust of the murder is echoing in the sky, his body shape is in the first time.

The bar is also a lotus in the eyes, and the death is staring at the sword. He also wants to kill the sword with the dust.

But I have already got the sword of swords and unparalleled commands, but I greeted him in the first time.

"Your opponent is me." The sword is indifferent, and it is blocked in front of the bar.

"There is a second-level big emperor in the district, and dare to stop me? Looking for death!" Babi low drunk, and quickly played with the sword.

The sword is naturally a full shot.

In strength, the sword is indeed more than the bar.

After all, Baki has already joined the third level, although it is only barely reaches the third level, the war is not too strong, but it is too much more than the second level.

And the sword is just the top of the second level.

However, the sword is the strong man of ancient times. Some means, not a general second-level number of the Emperor can fight against the Bar, although only completely pressing, but Baron wants to really He defeated, and even killed, he could not do it in a short time.

The sword is entangled in the Baba, and the sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, there is this seat, you will take a step forward." Dust rain magic magic gen, his body has skyrocketed, eight arms have also been revealed.

These eight arms have gripped a wide range of people.


The sword is unparalleled, but the dust is watching the dust.

When he was handed over with the dust of the magic, the future of the latter was indeed above him, and he was in the face of dust and rain.

It can be handed in the second time. In addition to the Tiantian Palace, he has been able to fight with the dust and rain, just in the wind.

Then, the third time, in the Emperor, his combat power is more stronger than the dust.

And now, this is the fourth time ...

This time, compared to the last time, the sword is unparalleled, the price of the price is really good, and the strength is naturally stronger.

And some unique means, he will no longer cover up, you can fully display it.


The sword is unparalleled, and the blood peak sword in the hand is turned into a storm, and directly swims.

At the same time, the sword is sweeping, the seven-handed Hong Kong Jincian also took out the first time.

The seven golden lights, every portable power is almost very fast, and the speed is incredible.

The dusty king, one of the arms waved the war knife. Just put the sword walriend's sword light to the sword of the wind, the seven-handed Hongyin Jinjian has already taken it.


The dusty magic will pay a cold, eight arms have been waved, and the shank is fierce.

clang! clang! clang! clang! clang! clang! clang!

The seven impact sounds, the horrible impact, forced the dust, the migrant, the body is still retreating, and a big step.

"This kid, his Hong Yinjin sword is more powerful?" Dusty and the devil.

At the moment, he found that the seven-handed Hongyu Golden sword he hitted out, in the void, and immediately broke it again.

That speed is not reduced.


Dust and rain is not allowed to have a dark.

He also knows some of Hong Yin Jincian, and the seven-handed brilliant gold sword in front of the sword, no matter how strong, it is strong, he knows that the sword is unparalleled, even if it relys on this seven hand The sword is enough to fight with him, and even he pressed him.

And the sword is unparalleled, you can also show swordsmanship, his close killing ability is extremely terrible.

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