Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 219 Nanyang Hegens, Holy Palace!

"Nanyang mainland, vast, strong territory!"

"In this wide range of territories, although there is a thousand dynasties, it is the ancient gate."

"And the same ancient passime, there is also a weakness."

"On this extremely hunting, there are a lot of paramen, but most of them are only those who don't enter the stream. It is very powerful for a dynasty, but in the entire Nanyang continent, still Can't open the table. "

"The only platform can be on the table, maybe there is a big wild sword." Wang Yuan smiled.

When I heard Wang Yuan, the sword was quite quite weird.

Task, this time the pool hunting, the 12th Dynasty Dynasty is so many days, and you are eager to join those ancient.

In their eyes, those ancient sects have no attractive, but now these ancient Zongmen are in Wang Yuankou, but they are just some goods that do not enter the stream?

On the top of the big ridiculous sword?

The sword is unparalleled, and he is too far from the gap with the status of Wang Yuan.

He was in the Tianzong Dynasty, and even didn't have a big dynasty. It has a limitations in the eyes. You can Wang Yuan is the Lord of Danmen, so the identity of this, the eyes are natural.

"I'm old, I will tell you the overall pattern of the Nanyang continent now!" Wang Yuan continued.

"Say the overall pattern, it can be summarized in one sentence."

"One Palace, one, three values, eight big, thousands of dynasties!"

"That 10,000 Wang Dynasty don't have to say more, the natural is the many dynasties of Nanyang mainland."

"The three majors of the three values, including the eight major top paramenses, like the wild swordsman, one of them, but in recent years, the big rural scrutin is getting more and more, and the strong is increasing. The less, it is estimated that it will not be replaced by other entries. "

"Sangu Si Temple, this seven forces are much stronger than eight major doors, of which three valleys are more, like our old four, from this three valley in the ice valley."

"Hmm?" The sword was unparalleled as a strange Shao Su.

He has always been very curious about Suiro, and now he knows.

It turns out that she is from the Ice Valley, and Ice Valley can be ranked one of the three valleys. The strength is naturally non-small, and the at least be much stronger than that of the wild sword.

"As for the palace, one ..." Wang Yuan just said this.

"The Holy Palace and Danmen?" The sword was unparalleled to Wangyuan.

"Yes." Wang Yuan nodded.

"While it is eyeing, it is the Holy Palace of one of the two major overlords!"

The sword is not double-finished.

Before I arrived in Tiantu, he saw it. It is very strong to deal with his strength, and it is strong to make the twelve dynasties, so that the ancient Dynasty is deeply awkward.

But he didn't expect things, and he stared on his holy palace, it would be a recognized hegemony in Nanyang!

That is one of the most powerful forces in Nanyang. What is strength?

Will it be staring at him?

What is he?

"I'm old, when you were chased by the bloody ripple, I was thrown into the bottomless abyss. I wanted to overrun the bloody feather to revenge, the first two months were treated. After two months, my father is personally ordered to order me, stop everything to retaliate against the bloody ripple ... "

"I felt very strange at the time!"

"Until later, I finally understood, the original, the back of the bloody piercing is the Holy Palace!"

"And I have always wanted to set up with you, and it is also the holy palace!"

"I was shocked at the time." Wang Yuan is emotional, "I'm three, how much can you get it, will you be stared at the Holy Palace?"

"I still don't understand, why must the Holy Palace must set up with you?"

"I checked your information, knowing from all the processes you born to the present, and even checked your parents, you can clearly clear, whether you are still your father, never actively enhance the Holy Palace, The Canal Palace is to kill you! "

"Your father was staring by the Holy Palace, even in order to grab your father, some strong people were sent with the help of the bloody ripple, and destroy the original Ji people."

"The urgent wants to set your father and son as a dead place, definitely have a very big reason."

After Wang Yuan finishes, he will look at the sword and is expected to answer the sword.

Yang Zi Xuan and Suoft are also seen in the sword.

"This ..." The sword was unparalleled but frowned.

"If you don't want to say, then it is." Wang Yuan casually.

"It's not that I don't want to say, but I am not very clear." The sword didn't shake his head, and a bitterness.

What he said is the fact.

Although he has been chasing it by the bloody tower, now even the Nanyang Overlord Holy Palace has come out, but this is what the reason is, he is not clear.

He only knows that he woke up the soul of the sword and related to the ancestral land.

But in the end, he does not know.

Although it has also guess it now, it is just a speculation that it is not determined.

"You don't know where you are staring at you." Wang Yuan was a bit awkward.

And the sword is unparalleled but shrugs helpless.

The sword is unparalleled, which is here, but at this time, a shadow suddenly appeared in the nearby void.

This is an old man who has a white, the old man is holding hands in the void, and the hunting hunting is blown, but the eyes are overlooking.

This white-haired old man is too surprising, it seems that there is a generality in the air, and there is no breath to spread.

Task, with the large group of violets next to Wang Yuan, including the source of the source of the yang, the peak of the peak of the source, is also alert around, but this white-haired old man appears, all Purple Rovers, including Dan There is no response.

Finally, one of the purple roves has just swept this void, and he saw the existence of white hair old.


It was found that the Purple of the old man was immediately exclaimed.

All the purozers in the surroundings were brushing to come over.

Dan is also immediately stunned, the figure is moving, and there is an old man in this white hair.

But when he truly appeared in front of this white-haired old man, Dan Yi's eyes were slammed.

In the eyes, although the old man who looks in Pu Tutong, it is clear that it is clear that it is clear that it is the ultimate control of the peak of the peak of the peak of the peak.

And this white-haired old man stood there, but he gave him this yang deficiency of the source, brought unprecedented pressure.

Dan Yi, even if you understand the identity of the white hair old.

"Super into the Sheng!"


PS: Yesterday, our Daxie said with me, regarding the strengths of those monarchs, those ancient gates, why is the other dynasty?

Here, I explain to all of the doubtful readers, extraordinary into the existence of the old unsatisfactory, not showing in the weekdays, so the general refers is the yang deficiency, the top of the yang fumes peak, those countries are also, after all, although it is The monarch, but does not mean that they are the strongest of the Dynasty, and there is still an old man behind, hehe.

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