Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2190, Mountain River Society, out!

On the battlefield, a silence.

The blood is one hand, still standing there, like the blood color domain.

The sword is unparalleled with the Emperor, it is separated from a distance, standing in parallel, and the two eyes are staring at the blood emperor.

"Haha, unfortunately, it is really a pity."

The blood queen suddenly laughed, and this laughed also broke the silence on the court.

I saw a hearty light in the blood emperor. He stared at the emperor thirteen. He smiled cold. "The Emperor is thirteen, it is a pity, if it is the power of this kid, it is handed over your hand. Maybe you can kill the emperor directly, however, God seems to stand on the side of the emperor !! "

"Single with the power of the half-step magic of you, the top more is quite with this crime, but it is not dead at all."

"As for this sword, there is a strong force than the emperor, but his own strength is too weak, it can't play it out, the same, he can't kill me!"

The blood of the blood smiled.

The same power is displayed by different two people, which is completely different.

For a simple example, it is the power of true God, even if it is just the weakest, the strength of the real god, can be in a big energy or an emperor means, it can still play the strength of the peak.

But if it is just a weak world, even if he controls the power of a peak, he played, I am afraid it is just a general god level.

This is the gap.

And now the sword is unparalleled with the Emperor 13 is a distinctive example.

The Emperor is just a half-step magic, but the combat power, which is better than the blood of the blood, is not weak.

The sword is unparalleled, and his own strength compared to the top of the ancient times, it is too weak, even if he is now showing the stamping mystery, it is more powerful, and the power is stronger than the blood, but Come out, but it is not as good as the blood.

"Emperor thirteen, your strength, did make this emperience, but unfortunately, even if you join hands with this kid, I can't open the emperor, so, you can only look at this emperor to destroy this world. "Blood Huardion is smirk, smiling is full.

Although he can't really kill the Emperor, he feels extremely regrettable.

But it is possible to let the super strong emperor who have a fearful, thirteen eat a dumb loss, and his heart is extremely comfortable.

When you hear this, the Emperor's thirteen looks still not changed.

But the sword next to the sword is unparalleled, but looks up, the cold words spit out in his mouth, "The blood emperor, you are too happy too early?"

"Oh?" The blood of the sword was unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is just tumbling, takes out a scroll.

This reel, it looks forward, but it has been disconnected with an incomparable ancient and strange.

After the appearance, as the sword didn't work in the hands of the power, this split was unparalleled by the sword, but it was integrated with the top world.

Hey ~~~ The rays of the strange light shift, the endless sky above, there is a change in this moment.

"this is?"

Everyone can't help but look up and look at the sky above.

It was originally void, full of blood, but now ...

The vast void has disappeared.

Instead, it is a huge and wonderful picture world.

This painting the world, spread throughout the sky, and flows slowly like water.

The ancient and magnificent breath has spread in the world, and even faint bells sounded.

These bells, every road is quiet, and people lose their distractions, and they have no angry.

The people below did not move at this huge picture, and all people immediately saw a huge, unbelievable world.

This world, there is water, beautiful scenery.

In this large world, the most attention is the nine continents all over the nine different corners.

In nine mainland, there is countless city, endless people, and people in this continent, like a true, just like normal cultivators, the body is unparalleled.


Lifelike canvas world.

If it is not a friend who sees the sword, there is no double, and everyone is afraid that it is the real world.

"My strength has skyrocketed, and this mountain river society seems to be more realistic." Even the sword is not even better. "

Shanhe social map, one of his many cards.

It is also the strongest treasure in his hands.

This treasure is also from his hands of his master.

Before, he used to show the mountains and rivers. At that time, he made it, although the mountain river society also felt very real, but it didn't live like it is so vivid, and the vast breath, Before that, too much too much.

"This is ... Qixing Xuanzong's mountain river social map?"

The blood of the blood is standing below to see the lifelike world of paint, and the eyes are flatter.

"It is a mountain river, whether it is a breath, or the scene after it is exactly the same, one of the seven-star Xuanzong's strong treasure, which is in the hands of this child?" The blood emperor's point of view is unparalleled. Emotions become extremely complicated.

Mountain river social map, in ancient times, the famous arrogance is big.

But now, it is actually a born in this second era, and is just a small guy in the chaotic border?

is it possible?

The sword is unparalleled, but it is shocked by this blood.

"With my current strength, I fully drive the mountains and river social map, to show Kyushu Yin, I don't know how I will be?" The sword has a shower.

"Try it!"

There is no hesitation, and the sword is unparalleled.

I saw the constant power of the source, and the painting of the world in the middle of the world was born.

Among these contexts, it is also holding the power of the stars, in an instant, a suffocating pressure is pouring in the world of the world.

There are nine continents in the world, but one of the mainland is like thoroughly, and slowly comes from the world.

"Jiuzhou India, Fourth Print!"

"One print is clouded!"

Jiuzhou Jiu Yun, the fourth printing cloud print, the power of the sword is unparalleled chaotic gods, suddenly coming!

A giant continent, rushedr rolling down.

Heaven, it is straight down.

Everyone lifted his head, and she looked at the slowed continent.

No one speaks, a suffocated, a silence.

Some are just a large tab that is taking the sound of cold air.

Obviously, this print is unable to stop the power of the Outdoor Chaos World!

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