Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2210 Zhentianmond!

The sword has always stared at everything in front of it.

Looking at the scene of collapse, countless gods, morale.

Suddenly ...!

The picture flashes, everything in front of the face disappears.

The sword has returned to the floating land again, and the high platform with the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine levels, still standing there.

"Is this?" The sword has no double-color.

He knows that he has already come out from the ancient picture.

But the key is the second ancient picture. He hasn't finished reading. He only saw the vigorous man's collapse of the body, and it seems to be a means of showing a means, causing the sky, but it is, but he doesn't know.

"What happened later? This vigorous man should be fallen, but those who have kill him? And there is the heavens ..." The sword is unparalleled, but the heart is a burst of convulsions.

Tiandao will, this is the first time I really feel the will.

Like in the world of chaotic world, although he can't feel that he has a certain law, he is too high.

Who can contact it?

Only the super powerful super power of the ancient times, the strength reaches a certain level, causing the heavens and the earth, and it is enough to let the heavenly will personally suppress.

However, in the picture, it is a bright man, but it is a light to let the heavens will subside, what is strong?

When I think of this, the sword is unparalleled, I can't help but pick up the air.

At this time, the emperor next to him finally saw him, "Things, you should see it."

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point, just want to ask.

The Emperor is directly there: "I know that you have a lot of doubts, but I will not say anything, when you should know all this, you will naturally know."

The sword is unparalleled, and it is not good.

And the Emperor thirteen also looked up in the high platform, the vigorous man saw the past, and the spin was faint, and a special mystery was filled.


This silk is integrated into this dark void. There is a strange light slowly revealing in the dark void around the moment.

This singular light is constantly enlarged, and the last party reveals its original appearance.

This is a huge giant gray stone monument.

It has nearly 10,000 feet, completely consisting of gray sponsor, but this gray spar, sword is not seen.

This is a gray stone monument. This dark void is coming, and it is very idiocked in front of the sword. The sword is unparalleled, and the results can be seen.

On the gray stone monument, bare, there is no text, and there is no other thing.

It is a stone monument of Pu Tutong.

However, the sword is unparalleled, this stone monument can appear within the skull, and it is also hidden so deep, and it is inevitable.

"This is the town monument, there is a total of nine respects between the world. Single, a single family is not going to be good, if it is able to gather Jiu Zun Town Tiantu ..." The Emperor 13 is full of light, "can be towns world!"

The sword is unparalleled.

I saw a high ancient picture, and he is very clear that this world is the will of heaven.

And the imperial thirteen said the town world, no accident, should it be to suppress the heavens will?

Thinking of this, the sword is unparalleled without a breath.

"This town Tiantu, is very special, but also contains no endless metallo. For now, there is a great role. I will start this town Tiabei in this town, you will stand before this town. Good life comprehension. "Emperor 13.

"Do you understand?" The sword has no double look.

The town monkey is so good, and the Xuan Olympics is definitely very unusual.

Now that the Emperor will start the town's monument, he wants him to understand, which is obviously going to give him a chance, and can even say that it is a creation.

In this regard, although the sword is unparalleled, but not asked, but began to prepare.

"Remember, the opportunity is only once, you can understand how much, full by yourself." The Emperor thirteen said, then he slowly waved, and played a handprint on the Town Treasure.

Time, that nearly 10,000 town monuments, immediately broke out a no-breath.

At the same time, a gray gas stream is slowly filled.

These gray airflows, mystery, if they let people who know the goods are here, see this gray, will be shocked.

This gray breathing, it is almost difficult to see the chaotic gas in ancient times!

The gas of chaotic, in ancient times, it is enough to make countless strong pursuit and even crazy.

But now this town's monument has a chaotic gas, but also a chaotic gas stream!


These chaotic gland fierce swords are unparalleled, and the sword is wrapped in an instant.

"this is……"

The sword is unparalleled with eyes look at these chaotic streams around you.

Although he doesn't know what these gray angry flow is, he feels these airflows, and the power contains is extremely pure, and the intensity exceeds the sword unparalleled imagination.

Even before he had never seen such a pure force.

I didn't hesitate, he immediately started to run a big day, with the work of exercise, the chaotic flowing through his body pores, slowly moved toward him, gradually absorbed by him and then transformed into his own power.

"My God, improvement!"

The sword is unparalleled with hands, but the heart is very excited.

He can feel the speed of its own power.

This improvement speed is not to practice itself, or to swallow some treasures can be achieved.

Even if he first took the power of the Crown, the power of the Crown is far from the power of the imperial stone, and the speed of absorption is far from now. fast.

However, this gray air flow is not the main chance of the town's monument.


The sword is unparalleled and suddenly looked up, and he looked at the nearly a high town of Takaisu in front of him.

It was barely bald, and there was no trace.

But now, with the Emperor Thirteen, the town monument is really open, the top of the stone monument, gradually, an old text slowly formed.

This is a golden ancient text, this ancient Chinese sword is not a double, and it has never seen it.

This text is completely different from the text of the vital chaotic world.

And this text is not the text of ancient times.

The ancient times are many ancient battlefields, and the ancient rules remain in the world of the chaotic world, and it naturally contains the text of many ancient times.

These words of these ancient times, the words flowing in the vital chaotic world, the sword is unparalleled.

But now, this golden ancient text appearing on this stone monument, the sword is unparalleled.

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