Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2215 is soaring

Millennium Years, swords have been staying in this sword trial tower, with different swordsman strong!

Millennium, the sword is unparalleled, I don't know how many times I am fighting.

But it is certain that his sword is incredible in this fierce battle.

This improvement is that the chances of many swords before he have received.

After all, this is his truly contact with a higher level, it is a new gate.

Now he, the understanding of the sword has been leap, and the sword is far more than before.

Even the sword is unparalleled. If you have appeared in front of him, he now a sword is enough to kill.

This is the huge improvement of the swordway.

In the dark void, a space channel appears in front of the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, "" I just defeated the sixteenth opponent, I was here for thousands of years, but I just just right. "

Smirring, the sword is unparalleled along this space channel, walks out of the sword trial tower.

Above the land of the floating land, the Emperor is waiting for him quietly.

"The Emperor 13 people." The sword is unparalleled to the Emperor 13th micro-micro.

With the great improvement on the sword, the sword is unparalleled to see the Emperor thirteen, that feels completely different.

Before the Emperor 13 in his eyes, he couldn't measure it. He couldn't see any clues.

But now, the Emperor is in front of him, but it seems to be a unique god sword.

The mutual swords from the Emperor's thirteen, even more swords unhappy.

"My understanding of the swords has been greatly improved, and it can be thus three or three, and the gap is still unimpeded." The sword was unimaced.

He has a self-knowledge.

He is very clear, his current swordsmanship, even if it is more than the bloody battle with the blood, it is very far away.

It is important to know that when the Emperor thirteen is fought with the blood, it has been restricted by a great heaven and earth, so his swordsman will not be able to play, only a small part can only be played.

A very small part of the swordsmanship, the sword is no longer looked.

What amazing is how amazing in the thirteen peak period?

The sword is unparalleled.

"Millennium Time, how many opponents have you been defeated?" Emperor 13 asked.

While the sword is unparalleled into the sword trial tower, the Emperor is in the swords, and he has never paid attention to what happened in the trial tower.

"Just sixteen." The sword has no double.

"Sixteen?" The Emperor thirteen secretly nodded.

Originally, the sword is unparalleled to defeat thirteen or fourteen opponents in the millennium, but defeat 16, which is better than him, but also strong.

You must know that the opponents in the sword tries, the stronger it is, the more difficult it is.

"In the sword trial tower, you defeat the first opponent, on the sword road, it is barely entitled, defeat the tenth, the sword is barely, it is small, defeat the 20th, the sword is the Jutong, you defeated the tenth Six opponents, then you are now a small campaign, and there is a lot of gaps from the swords. "Emperor is 13.

"Just just the swords of Xiao Cheng?" The sword is unparalleled.

He originally thought that his millennium became very large, it is very popular, it is unprecedented.

Unexpectedly, it is just a small Sword.

"Defeat 20 opponents is the swords, that is to defeat thirty, or fifty, or even one hundred?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Defeat thirty opponents, still being the swords, only to defeat the fifty opponents, only the sword is successful, as for defeating a hundred opponents, beat the swords, and truly cross the swords. To reach this step, in the ancient times, it can also be called the swordsman. "Emperor 13.

"The situation of the sword?" The sword was unparalleled.

Listening to the meaning of the Emperor, the sword is aware of the realm.

It is just that his sword is small, and there is a great gap between the swords.

It is even if it is true, it is only a sword, but it is not a top power in the ancient times.

"Keyway, it is really a profound." The sword is unparalleled. "

"Of course, you will take you very well. For now, Jialong Chengdu still takes a long time to continue to accumulate and improve, as for the sword, it is too far away, in this era, you want to achieve it. That step, it is estimated that it is impossible, but, single, your current sword is small, it is enough to make you in this era. "The Emperor 13.

The sword is unbounded.

Indeed, now he, the sword is much better than before.

Those who left the ancients did not say, the absolute no one in the vast chaotic world can exceed him on the sword road.

Such a sword, combined with his impairment of the seventh steps of the ultimate stage, plus the order rules of his sentiment, his war has become unprecedented!

Strong, even the sword is unparalleled, and I don't know which step is now in the end.

But there must be he can be sure, then the white emperor is not his opponent.

"The Emperor Thirteen Migrants." The sword has no double solemnly looks at the Emperor 13th, and the spin is slightly salute, "Thank you!"

The sword is unparalleled. Thank you.

Whether it is the Town Tianbu or a sword trial tower, it has made his strength reached an unprecedented leap.

The Town Treasure is coming out of the Emperor 13.

In other words, this big machine he got, is a bigification is the Emperor thirteen to him.

Plus the Emperor twice before, there is a great giant, and the sword is unparalleled.

"The chamber has been given to you, you can leave." The Emperor's thirteen look is extremely indifferent, but it is just a faint.

See this, the sword is not blessed.

Indeed, the Emperor 13 gave him a big chant, so that his strength has skyrocketed.

Why do I do this? Why do this incredible opportunity to give him?

What is the purpose?

The Emperor is only a word.

As he said before, he will not tell the sword unparalleled anything, wait until you, when you know, the sword is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled.

You know, he has come to see the Emperor for thirteen, and the bottom of the heart can have a lot of doubts and want to ask, I hope that the Emperor can answer.

But now ... not only the doubts of it, after this experience, I saw the vigorous man, I saw the ancient picture, the sword had a doubt of the sword but more.

However, after he saw the Emperor 13, he didn't plan to ask again.


The sword is unparalleled to the Emperor thirteen lines, followed by the original road.

Looking at the sword is unparalleled, the emperor thirteen is also silent. He looked at the top of the high platform in the upper side of the stunning man, but his eyes flashed with a complicated emotion.

For a long time, the sound of sounds sounded from his mouth.

"There is not much time left, I have done your best, help the little guy, as for the step you can reach your expectation, you will rely on himself."

"The old guy, I hope that all this is worth it. That scene, I can really realize this little guy, otherwise I seven Xing Xuanzong ..."

The Emperor's thirteen pairs were tight, but they did not say it back.


PS: Today's four is more!

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