Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2230 Sword

"I am also ancient times, I am also a chaotic god, although it is now limited by this world, the power of the soul is also sharply weakened, but it is not a district, which can be controlled?" I can't believe everything in front of it.

He didn't know, it was more than 20,000 years ago, in the final battle with the three imperial world, the sword was unparalleled with the soul of the soul of the soul, the soul of the three-pole gods, and the same is the same as ancient times. The dust of the murder.

In his more than 20,000 years of sleep, his strength of his soul has been incredible.

The soul attack is naturally much more powerful than before.

Now, he fully droves the soul of the soul of the magic beads, showing the "noodle articles" in the secret surgery of the tripod, this vocal article is specifically used to control the soul, how high the soul control means?

In addition, there is a little, the sword is unparalleled from the territory of Zhenwu Shen, and now it has been, why have you been looking for this evil feather now?

It is because the sword is unparalleled to see the evil feathers in the blood peak sword. For a while, the soul is more tortured for a while, under this time, the soul of the evil feathers is exhausted, what he takes to the sword Unparalleled?

"no no!!"

"I have never been controlled by you,"

The evil feather is crazy, he even wants to directly burn the soul.

But immediately, he found that the power of the soul of the sea, had eroded his soul, and he has a great hindrance to the consciousness.

In this case, he wants to burn the soul is a luxury.

"It's over!"

The evil feathers are as gray, but soon his emotions slowly.

"The two brothers of this evil feathers, the strength is much stronger than him, the soul is also more powerful, I can't control it, I can only kill, but this evil feather is different." The sword is unparalleled smile, his The power of the soul has completely covered the sea of ​​evil feathers, and the consciousness of freedom of evil feathers is also thoroughly applied.

Only a moment, the soul control has been completed.

As the sword is unparalleled, the shape of the evil feather appears in front of the sword.

But the evil feathers at this moment are very calm.

"the host."

Yu Yu respectfully stood in the sword without double, seeing the sword unparalleled eyes full of fanatics.

This kind of fanaticism is only the person who is completely soul, it will be in the face of its owner.

"From today, your name is called the sword." The sword is unparalleled.

"Yes." The evil feathers, that is, the sword, respect the head.

"Sit down, some things ask you." The sword has no double.

The sword immediately sat down in front of the sword.

"Let me talk about me and the two brothers in the ancient times." The sword has no double.

Sword has been fully controlled, and there will be no doubts about the sword unparalleled command. When it is said to be said.

"Master, I am from the two brothers from the ancient times, God dreams, God dream, one of the eight side, in ancient times, although it is not more than three holy bits, four gods, but also One of the top of the top, calling it is a flatter. "

"Did God?" The sword was unparalleled.

He knows some forces in the ancient times.

The three holy bits, the four gods, and the eight parties are the top power. In addition, there are seven-star Xuanzong! !

"God dreams, the strong people, the brothers, although all are all chaotic gods, but in the goddess, there is nothing, and the status is not too high. Fortunately, the big brother is strong. Bened, in the chaotic gods, they have been standing on the top, with him, my brother five people in God dream, but they can get certain resources. "

"Later, the war broke out, my brother five people also entered the battlefield, killing the Qixing Xuanzong strong, in the battle process, my three brothers, the four brothers are falling, there is only my big brother, two brothers survive It's still in a state of sleep. "

"This is a long time for a long time ... Although I have been in the way, my brothers have woke up, but this world is limited, but it can only fall into sleep again."

I heard this, the sword is unparalleled.

"You are said, your brothers have three people, have you woke up?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Yes, it is awakened. After you wake up, I have found that this world is completely different from our era, and the heavens and the earth are thin, and there are various restrictions. In this case, we Once you wake up, you can't completely restore strength just, even the realm of our own, you will continue to fall, and even disappeared. "

"I will take me, I am in ancient times, it is the chaos of the chaotic god. If I wake up, if I stayed in this world, my realm will fall, and I will return to the peak power in the future. It may be just the peak of the chaotic boy, you need to find a way to re-chaos the chaotic gods to launch the impact. "Sword two.

"What?" The sword has no double.

Not awakened, a newly owned realm will continue to weaken under this heaven and earth?

This world has such a role in addition to the ancient times, there is such a role in the ancient times.

"Just because of this, we can only continue to sleep, have been sleeping, only have been sleeping, we can guarantee that your realm will not fall, and there will be hope to return to the peak state in the future." Sword two.

"In this case, why do you wake up now? And it is still moving in the world of chaotic world?" The sword was unparalleled.

"My brothers are now awake now, because my brothers have been waiting for opportunities," Sword two.

"What opportunities?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Three thousandjobs later, the sky!" Sword two.

"What do you mean?" The sword was unparalleled.

"We received a message. After 3,900 years later, there will be someone in the sky, and there will be a short world channel, and we can return to your hometown through that channel. Back to God Dream Tianzong !!! "The Jianzi Zheng said.

You can hear this, the sword is unparalleled, but it is a roar.

"Go back to your hometown? Go back to God Dream Tianzong?" The sword is unparalleled, "Sure enough, there are other worlds outside of this world?"

"No, it is not another world, but this world is in the hometown, this is one, but it is only forced to ban this world with great means, or it is thoroughly isolated !!" Sword 2 Tao.

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