Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2241 is hate

"Black Scales! My Black Scales !!!"

The cold man is shaking, but the face is thoroughly distorted.


He is under the ancient times, which has been accompanying him for a long time. Even after the original ancient war, it is still tenacious and survived, and he is like a brother, the dragon black scale, dead!

Did not die in the crazy battle in the ancient times, the result is died in this era of the white emperor.

The cold man is completely crazy.

"White Emperor! White Emperor !!!"

The cold man, the scarlet eyes, lifted, staring at the white emperor, the hatred of the eyes, is shocked.

"This account is today, remember !!"

"How long does it take? This seat will definitely let you pay ten times, 100 times, or even thousands of times !!"

"You are waiting for this seat."

The screaming of the screams, this is a slashing, and it will be disappeared for a long time.

After the voice falls, this cold man is immediately turned away.

Looking at the cold man leaving, the white emperor frowned wrinkled, but he didn't plan to chase.

It is not that he doesn't want to chase, but because the other person obviously has already blocked the secret escape, it is incredible, he can't catch up, and even if you catch up, he is hard to kill each other.


The shape of the white emperor is appeared in the shape of the sky, and it is a sword that is coming from other territories.

The sword has arrived here from the territory of his own guard, spent a lot of time, when he arrived at this time, just saw the cold man carrying a thrilling hatred.

The sword is unparalleled to see the cloudy man, and then look at the white emperor.

"Well?" The sword has no double look.

He also noticed that the white emperor had a high golden emperor who had a high tall.

The light of the golden emperor spread out, even if he, he dare not undertake it.

"White Emperor, you are ... Secret?" The sword was unbolded.

"It's a secret."

The white emperor nodded, but the breath was slowly convergent, and the nine thousand of people behind him was slowly dissipated. "This secret is called the punishment, I got in the first era. , Unfortunately, the secrets you get are not complete, and the power to play is not too strong, but later encountered the Emperor 13, he will completely give me completely, this time, I finally finally Improve this secret. "

"It's amazing." The sword didn't help but admire.

The Bai Emperor's strength is extremely, single with the seventh step of the seventh step, plus the order of the rules he comprehend, and the war is invincible in the emperor, and now he has nine stars with Jiuxiang and punishment. These two old ancient secrets, the war has risen again, even if compared with the true chaotic god, it should be demon.

"How, I am envious?" Bai Di is interested in watching the sword.

"It is a bit." The sword is unparalleled.

Whether it is a nine star armor or a penalty, all the secrets of ancient times, but the white emperors at the same time, the two secrets, the sword is unparalleled, not envious. It is impossible.

"You envy me, I am also envious of you." Bai Di smiled: "You are refurbished, it takes a big advantage in powerful power, but also has a complete ancient blood, and your refining The secrets are also very terrible, but the power, the body, you can stronger than me, and your means, it is even more uneven, I am afraid that it is better than my two secrets. "

Wen said, the sword is unparalleled and smiled.

Indeed, the white emperor has his advantage.

The sword is unparalleled, there is no such thing, others don't say, single Shanhe Society, the secret surgery of the two treasures of the soul of the magic beads, make the white emperor envious.

"As for the two secrets, I also pay a lot of efforts, and the nine star has a better, but it takes time to resource, especially the resources, the sword is unparalleled, etc. After a while, the ancient chaotic world is completely stable Down, the resources you have in your hands have enough, I can give you Jiuxing Star A. "

"As for the punishment, it is very demanding, I can make a certain luck component, and you, even if it is better than I strong, but now the ancient chaotic world, does not have to make this The conditions of the secret. "Bai Di said.

The sword is unparalleled but shrugged.

He nature knows the difficulties of these two secrets, but he didn't think about these two secrets, and the white emperor was obviously more.

At this time ...


The five figures have almost appeared at the same time. These five people are naturally from another Sword, swords and red dragon kings, Jiu Han, and a few people in the Sword and Red Dragon King, Jiu Han Lord.

The five people appeared, and the ruins of everywhere, and the original Shenfeng City has completely disappeared, and there is a heart-threatening of the peripheral voids, and the five people have revealed the color.

"White Emperor, Sword Monarch, how is the battle? That black dragon?" Jae Long Wang asked.

"That black dragon is dead, I was killed by my hand, but the ancient power behind him, I just hurt him, but I can't keep him completely, and when he left, It is not surprising that he will take the way to retaliate. "White Emperor said.

I have heard the black dragon has been killed by Bai Emperor, and the King of Red Dragon, the three people of Jiuwei is big.

As for retaliation ...

"Hey, retaliation? In this era, I want to revenge Bai Emperor? It is really ridiculous." Red Dragon king smiled, he had absolute confidence in the strength of the Bernard.

"Just, I dare to retaliate the Northern Emperor, he is looking for death." Jiu Han Lord also said.

"I am not afraid of him to retaliate, just as you said, these ancient times strong, but as long as there is not to reach the Emperor's 13th, or like the original blood emperor, make a shasting world limit The reverse blood is coming, no one can let me, but I am worried that he will retaliate me the chaotic world and retaliate my Shengshi. "Bai Emperor frowned.

"Indeed, after all, it is an ancient power, and the strength is very good. In addition to me with the white emperor, there should be no one in the Chinese emperor, and such a strong person must retaliate. Trouble. "Sword is unparalleled.

"However, my Holy League only needs to be cautious, but there is no need to be too worried, the soldiers will stop, the water is the same, let alone, now this era, I will wait for the protagonist, and those ancient strong, but The old guy left from the ancient times. "

"This era, is finally we belong to us, not them !!"

"The right, this era is belonged to us, not the ancient people!"

Bai Emperor, the Natong King is also nodded.


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