Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 225 Killing Dakada (Medium)

"what happened?"

The sword is unparalleled to look at the people around.

Many people in the crowd were more enthusiastic about him.

Like the white-haired hunchback old.

As a strong man wrapped in the beast.

There is also a handsome girl who karse his longevity, but it is in the crowd at this moment, and it is full of killing.

"Dead, die!"

"go to hell!"

"kill him!"

I said that the low voice from the people around, and the people surrounded by crazy swords were unparalleled.

Cuisine knife, hoe, sickle, even kill the pig knife, one by one, say hello to the sword.

"Worse." The sword has no double-finish.

If it is usually, he encounters this situation. He directly leaves, but now he doesn't even use the slightest force, and it will not be able to forth.

Seeing the people around him, the sword has no double eyes, three kids swords out of the sheath.

~~~ The long sword is out of sheath, and it is a stream, and the six people who have killed by side are brushing.

The sword is unparalleled, now is unable to show, but his swordsmanship and the feelings of the swords, but it can still be useful.

Just like the Jiannan Tian, ​​Dantian in the Jiuhuangmen, Dantian is destroyed, and it has never had a slightest force.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is easy to use the sword, but it is easy to deal with the sword.

laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh!

The six sounds sound at the same time, and the six-person wrist in an instant passed the sword.

However, the six people who were challenged by him were still crazy, but they came to bite toward him.

The sword has no double-finish, he already seen, you can't stay again, otherwise it is dead, that is his own.

If you want to understand this, the sword is no longer hesitant.


The sword has no double three kill swords, and the scorpion sword light is full of throat from the surroundings.

Killing, crazy killing.

I saw a sword, and these ordinary people did not have any counter-powers at all, they were killed one by one.

At the same time in the sword without a double big killing ring, it is in the dark palace in the ancestise, and the beautiful woman has retired from the corner of the palace. The two eyes look straight to the front of the palace. Crazy sword.

One of the swords and radiance, actually just just being empty.

It can be parallel to the sword, and every sword is shouted, and the blood is contaminated.

"He has been completely caught in the killing illusion." Strong and strong man.

"Killing the illusion, endless killing, all people who have encountered in the illusion will be crazy and desperate to kill him, and ultimately forced himself, they can only let them go, and the more killing will be killed. It is getting more and more rich, and finally, it will kill numbness. "The beautiful woman is solemn.

"When he kills numb, his mentality will change!"

"Just see if he can follow his own heart, have been insisting on."

In this world, killing, nothing.

Killing one person, killing ten people, or even hundreds of people, it is hard to let one mentality change.

But when you kill thousands or even more people, people who have killed by you are just ordinary people, no matter who, the mentality changes, and some will even distort.

And killing illusion, there are two kinds of tests.

The mentality change is one of them. If the sword is unparalleled in this forced killing, the mentality changes, becomes a big devil, or a big devil who is not worthy, the slaughter, that kill The test of the illusion, he failed.

If he can stick to his heart until he is, he has been going to go up until he can go to this killing illusion.

This road is very long, everything can only watch the sword.


Within the illusion, it is still the village, but it can be quiet and peaceful in the village.

On the village street, the blood is heaven, as if it has formed a blood sea, a corpse is lying there, these bodies, some people, there are children, and women, only one is only ordinary.

These people can say that these people can say that they are unbeatable.

But now they are dead under the sword.

And the sword is unparalleled, but it is standing in the bloody, and the figure is slightly trembled.

Even if you know that everything happens is just a fantasy, he is still unnatural.

I took a deep breath, and the sword was unparalleled to repeat his mood, followed by ringing around the surroundings.

"Before, I felt the peace and enthusiasm of this village. Then everyone in the village has been madly want to kill me ..." The sword is unparalleled secretly shook his head, "I don't know the first test of the ancestimate, what is it?"

The sword is unparalleled, not understanding.

But he acts in accordance with his own heart.

Even in the illusion, it is true.

Just everything, those people took the initiative to kill him, and he was in his hand, until later, he found that he did not have a slight effect, he killed him.

The things he do, although the bottom of your heart, but it quickly calm down.

He is well-deserved!

After leaving the village, the sword is unparalleled to move towards the front.

He didn't know where to go, but he was in the midst of a will, and he walked forward and walked forward.


Time passed, the sword is unparalleled, I don't know how long I have been in this illusion.

Similarly, he didn't even remember how many people killed.

In short, he passes everywhere, there will be a madness to kill him, and he can only kill the ring for the sake of self-insurance.

After walking so long, killing thousands of people, the sword is unparalleled early.

At this moment, he came to the edge of the mountain of the mountain, and then wandered to the endless cliff.

On the edge of the cliff, there is a stone monument, the stone monument is on the dragonfly dance.

"Back"! "

The sword is unparalleled, and it is three words that "look back" on the stone monument.

"Hey is boundless, looking back is shore." A magnificent voice suddenly sounded, but the sword was unparalleled, but found it next to a boulder, relying on a Tsing Yi, who took a light, a straw hat.

This Qingyi old man is dirty, but the eyes are staring at the sword.

Seeing this Tsing Yi old, swords are unparalleled.


The sword is unparalleled, the spirit of this Qingyi is the spiritual situation. Although this spirit is not much, only the level of the congenital Jin Dan, but this is the first after the sword has come to this illusion. Martial arts.


PS: Perhaps many readers will not understand this heavy test content, but it doesn't matter, the next chapter will explain.

In addition, under the declaration, killing illusions, purely just illusion, is not true.

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