Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2252 stays

"The ancient strong, but this." The sword was indifferent.

It is true that the peak strength of these chaotic gods is extremely good, but now in terms of heaven and earth, these only can only explode the chaotic gods of the third level of the big force, but there is no double for swords, but Don't do anything.

One of him is a sword, it is enough to slaughter these general chaotic gods.

"Solved these chaotic gods, then let go ..." The sword didn't have a double eyeliner, but it was not far away.

There, the white emperor and the old monsters, the seven or two people still war.

Whether it is a strange or Chen Qi, the war that has been played now has reached the half-step gods, but in the face of the whole, the white emperor, but only can barely fight.

The two teamed up, but it is still in the absolute lower air.

Originally in his two people, only entangled, the chaotic gods were enough to sweep the entire Chinese, but I didn't think ...


A shape of a body is abrupt in this battlefield, which makes the in the fierce battle, and Chen Qi immediately stopped the action in his hand.

The two have gained solidified in swords, but the completion is extremely ugly.

He has just been in the way to the Bai Emperor, and will also look at the battlefield next to the battlefield. They also saw the sword unparalleled full of retaliation, and the unscrupulous slaughter is the chaotic god. For short moments, the chaotic god Half of slaughter, so that the remaining chaotic gods only got the scene of the wolf.

"This little child ..." The old monster stared at the sword. "Don't you say this era, is it a white emperor?"

"Who knows, but from his war, his strength is definitely not weaker than Bai Emperor, and it may even have a stronger a bit." Chen seven sighs, look at the sword unparalleled. A tail is incredible.

He carefully learned from this era.

He also knows a clear boutique.

The sword is just just the power of ordinary third level, but also he is sure.

But the result of the sword is unparalleled, completely exceeded their imagination.

"The sword is unparalleled, and it is good." Bai Di also looked at the sword.

The sword is unparalleled to give him a big surprise.

He knows that the sword has achieved breakthroughs, reaching the ultimate stage of the seventh step, guessing the sword is unbearable, there must be substantially greatly improved.

It's just that he didn't expect that the strength of the sword is so screaming! !

Controlled a slight time and space rule, and the soul attack is strong, the most important thing is the sword!

The sword is too amazing.

"White Emperor, how is the strength of these two?" The sword asked indifferent.

"It's very strong, two people teamed up, although I have some upper wind, and I also have some ways, but now you come, then there is different, sword is unparalleled, you and I will join hands, I want to give these two people. Give it. "Bai Di Road.

"Yes." The sword nodded and nodded. It horing a slightly killing.

"Trouble." That's seven faces cold, looks at the battlefield in front of it, and immediately opens: "Mr. Zhang, this sword monarch is beyond our imagination, the chaotic gods have been defeated, single by you The two are very difficult to face a white emperor, and then face a sword monarch, it is impossible, so we will leave first, wait until the incident, I want to think about it. "

It is extremely unllowed by the old whisper.

White Emperor, killing him like a brother-like mount black scales, he is swearing to revenge hate.

But he didn't expect that he had spent a big price, but the result is still the other party.

How can this be willing?

However, even if it is uns, he still understands the situation in front of him.

Single with the Qi Qi, he must face the sword monarch with the white emperor, it is a joke.

"Let's go first."


Tightly follow ... !!

The two people did not hesitate to immediately ruthlessly ruthless.

"Want to escape?" The white emperor suddenly turned cold.

"I want to come, I want to go, I want to avoid it." The sword is unparalleled.

While the voice falls, the white emperor is crazy and swept.

"Prison of punishment !!!"

Booming ~~~~

After the white emperor, the nine thousand nine thousands of golden emperors fierce a shock, and the time heaven and earth are like collapse.

Endless, covering the golden power of the whole world, and immediately condensed the swept, with the nine thousand of people of the golden emperor shot.

Suddenly, this golden powerful ocean set off a high golden huge waves, this golden huge waves from all corners of the world, while the position of the strange and the position of Chen Qi is overwhelmed.

Terror, enough to let the third level of the big emperor to destroy the strength, and burst into this golden huge waves.

The old man is a changing.

They can feel the huge power of the golden huge waves.

This force has greatly limited their escape.

While the White Emperor shot, the sword has the same strength to sweep, and the power of a large number of ancient blood is also exploded.

"The ancient mystery, take the moon !!"


The heavens and the earth seems to have fallen.

Time and space is completely disabled.

A huge, warm palm appeared in the air, this palm is like a mother's hand, gently go to the completely imprisoned void 'pick.


Feeling the time and space was completely imprisoned, and the strange strange and suddenly became angry.

I saw his body and suddenly rose to ten feet high. After a huge black vain was in his body, he was in an instant to become a horrible black ** God.

This black ** God crazy, two arms are also crazy, keep slamming or angry to the surrounding void.

That vacuum immediately burst into open.

As for the seven, there is also a good means to show.

"These two men are so unfair, but there are too many ancient powers that I have just slaughtered." The sword is unparalleled, but it is Li Mang's flash, "Bai Emperor, you and I want him to People have left, or too reluctant, so you and I have left one of them. "

"Good." Bernard nodded.

Both people pay attention.

Next, no matter whether it is the golden huge waves of the white emperor, or the sword is unparalleled, the moon is directly narrowed, and the mad is going to the old man.

As for the seven, he did not pay attention to him.

Both of them clearly, the main figure of this incident is the owner of the black dragon, that is, the old monster, as for the seven, just being invited by his invitation.

Therefore, whoever escaped can, only this is old, but it must be left.

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