Next, the sword is unparalleled with his parents, and it has turned many places.

I don't know unconsciously, I have passed the past two hundred years.

Burden, there is no double city.

A lot of people gathered there.

The many high-level high-level high-rise of the fire community and the stars are present.

The sword is unparalleled is the forehead standing in the crowd.

"Sword Monarch, the white emperor let me tell you that there is already ready to be proper, just waiting for you, and immediately go to the sky." A God of the Shengshi served.

"Know it." The sword didn't have a little bit, his gaze is to look at everyone in front of it.

Among these people, there is his loved ones, with his brothers, with his friends, and his disciples.

The sword is quite complicated.

"Old 3." The sound sounded, Wang Yuan came to come, and a jade bottle was caught.

"Wang Yuan is big, are you?" The sword is unparalleled.

"There are two Dan medicine in this jade bottle, which is that I have been made in this time. You are holding, maybe the sky is, you can use it." Wang Yuan said.

The sword is unparalleled, and the jade bottle is opened, and the two Dan medicine inside, but the heart is not shocked.

These two Dan medicine are milky white, and the pigeon eggs are sized, and they have a seductive fragrance. This fragrance is absolutely enough to lead the countless power.

And this medicinal medicine, swords are unparalleled.

"Seven Bao Tong Dan!"

The sword is unlocked.

Seven Treasure Godan, he will have one.

That was the first time he went to the three imperial boundaries, the white emperor gave him a life, but this Dan's medicine sword has not been used.

But now, Wang Yuan gave him two?

You know, this seven treasures God Dan even in ancient times, it is a very high-level medicinal medicine. It is even more powerful to the sword.

This medicinal medicine can quickly restore the power, before the sword is unparalleled is just the first stage of the seventh step, if it is swallowing a seven treasure goddess, a power can completely recover.

Now, although he reaches the ultimate stage of the refurbished seventh step, the power is much more vast than before, but this seven treasures are still not small to him.

According to the illegal estimation of the sword, the two of Wang Yuan gave him, plus his own one, and the three seven treasures of the seven treasures. If it is all swallowed, it is enough to save the whole power.

Reversely repairing the seventh step, there is a perfect chaotic body, what is important?

It is possible to completely restore him in a short time, which is not only one thing to play, but a lot of life.

"Wang Yuan is old, when will you, can you refine this?" "The sword looked at Wang Yuan.

"Don't mention it, I have tried to refine very early before, but unfortunately, I have been failed. During this time, I sent myself in the secret room, and I didn't refine the seven treasure gods. It was good for this luck, refining into two. "Wang Yuan smiled.

The sword is unparalleled, but the bottom is secretly grateful.

He knows that Wang Yuan is very casual, and it is too lazy.

He is now the first alchemy master recognized by the ancient chaotic world, but some people seek him in the next day, he is not a question, even if the other party is sufficient, he promises, but he only wants to refine. I will only refine.

And like a seven treasure, this will make him failing to have a lot of medicinal herbs, and he should not refine anymore in the sword.

But this time, but I sent it, I will close myself in the room.

The sword is unparalleled, the reason why Wang Yuan is like this, that is because he learned from Bai Di, he used to use the seven treasure gods.

Just like the sword has no double soul, when you fall into the sleep, in order to restore the sword's unparalleled soul, Wang Yuan's 20,000 years of remembering the ice, the two thousand years old, refining is not I know how much ice.

There is no doubt that Wang Yuan is definitely two ribs in the sword.

"Wang Yuan is big, thank you." The sword was unparalleled.

"Haha, our brothers, what?" Wang Yuan smiled at the free.

"Old three, come back early." Su Soft, solemn.

Similarly, the sword is unparalleled brother, Suofu is the same as Wang Yuan, and he hopes that the sword is unparalleled to pay back his wife back.

But Su Soft is not the alchemy ability like Wang Yuan, so it can't help but have no help, there can be a greeting.

It is enough for the sword.

"Father, mother, there are also people, say."

The sword is unparalleled, and everyone arched, and the rotation is straight.

Seeing the back of the sword completely disappeared in the sight, everyone in the scene was quite complicated.

"Fu Jun, how do I have a kind of illusion, just as if he leaves his row, it will not come." Ji did not frown.

"Saying stupid." Jian Nan Tian blamed a sentence, said: "Both children's ability, I am not unclear, this world, what else can be difficult to live? He will definitely come back, believe me."

"Well." Ji did not node.

However, Jiannan days although there is no better than the surface, his heart is also different.

Because of that illusion, it is only just that there is no dream, even if he is, it is equally.


After leaving the green fire, the sword is directly here to the Tunder.

At this moment, the Thunder Island, many great powers have gathered.

Not only the Shengling, there is also a special ethnic group, to the Chen Xing Wang, Luo Yu, and the Black Jewish have arrived.

The sky, the heavens and the earth channels open, so big things, they have been spread in the world's highest layers, and the great chaotic world will naturally do not miss this time.


The sword has no doubles appeared on the Thunder Island. The many emperors present, they have cast awe.

"Sword Monarch!"


A respectful voice also sounded.

The sword is unparalpted, and it is simply smashed, but it is only in Black Emperor, but it is also transferred.

Black Jen's breath is a bit indifference, but she is still a bit complicated to the sword.

She is aware of the meaning of the sword, and the world knows, but unfortunately, the sword has no second person.

Since the sword is unparalleled, she is also a dead heart to the sword, but she is very curious about the wife who has been talking to the sword.

This time, the purpose of the sword has no doubles is for his wife.

"The sword is unparalleled, you are coming." White Emperor looked at the sword.

"Well." The sword is unparalleled, "the sky channel of the sky should be opened immediately, and there is no problem, we will start now."

"Good, departure."

Under the emperor, the people immediately went straight to the sky.

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