Among the dark voids that are relatively far from the battlefield.

"Start, haha, good play begins!"

Shuanglang laughs echoed, more than ten shadows standing there.

More than ten people, everything breathing, the head of the head is a star.

They have already appeared in this void, but they have never been exposed, as for the front battlefield, they are in the eyes.

Before the sword is unparalleled, they also saw it, they also couldn't help but shocked.

Now, they have seen this war completely broke out.

"It is also a strong person in the chaotic god level, and the two chaotic bodies in the district are dealive. These people can really lose their faces."

"This is no way, under the constraints of the heavens and the earth, the strength of these people also on the chaotic border level, in this case, one pair one go to the sword monarch or the white emperor, that is, it is to die!"

"A star, the war has begun, is we still watching this?"

The eyes of more than ten people saw the past.

"Don't worry." A star turned his hand and laughed: "When we don't get it,"

"But now this little guy is in the face of hundreds of striking gods above, you are not worried that he is killed?" A gray elder woman squinted.

"Don't worry, this little guy is hard, and he is reversing, you want to kill him, it is not so easy." A star smiled, the sword was unparalleled, and there was an absolute confidence.

The gray clothes old woman browed, "It seems that you know this little guy, but the wife, I am very curious, what is your plan? It seems that this plan is a key point, just This little guy is on. "

The people next to them have also seen the past toward a star.

They knew that they were planned to be planned earlier, but what is the program, only a few people know.

Like them, although it is also a strong, it is a strong, but it is not the highest level of seven-star Xuanzong, so it does not know.

They just follow the adult's order, and they will act together with a star.

"Don't worry, you will know right now." A star gone asked.

The gray elderly woman is waiting for each other, but there is no more asking.

The dark voids in the days of the sky have warned the sky.

However, the iceberg did not shoot again, but he retired to the cold as a snow.

"The Iceberg adults, how do you feel?" Cold as a snow glanced at the iceberg.

"Some wrote."

The iceberg saw his chest, where there was no double sword in the sword, although it has been recovered now, the iceberg is still able to feel a little pain.

Before he didn't have a double with the sword, he never thought that the sword is unparalleled, it can hurt him.

"My Knife is originally the power. The knife is supplemented, but now this world is limited, my power is just the chance of chaotic bid, it is too weak. If my power can be strong, only the power of the half-step gods, the knife, the knife, is not the sword monarch can pierce. "Iceberg Road.

The sword is unparalleled, and the sword can be turned back. It is indeed very strange, but in the iceberg, it is still just a small means of slightly.

But unfortunately, under the limitations of heaven and earth, even such a small means, it still hurts him.

Because of this, Iceberg will feel wronged.

"I really didn't look at him before, but I didn't tighten, the ending is still the same, these gods from the Taijie gods, in order to return to the gods, will definitely make every effort to stop him, even kill him, there is They block, this sword monarch will never intervene to you. "The ice lady.

"I don't want it." Cold as shook his head.

"Don't you?" The iceberg saw it. "Why, the cold temple is unresponsible to think that this sword monarch can join forces in these gods."

"I am afraid it is just that it is only to live. After all, he is refurbished." Cold as a smile, "Look."

The iceberg is surprised, but it has not been asked again, but it has seen the battle in front of the battlefield.

On the battlefield, a hundred and thirty-eight from the football team shot at the same time, from all over the four sides, there was already completely blocked the sword unparalleled back.

And these ancient power, also showed the strength of heinous strength.

A variety of means, as well as directly from their hands.

There is direct blockade time and space, limit the sword unparalleled action.

There is an unparalleled in the field of pilgrims, and the sword is unparalleled.

There is a manifold similar to the chaotic golden sword. This remote attack, the singer, the sword, the sword, the sword, and directly rushed to the sword. There is no pair of swords, and the sword is unparalleled.

Even the soul attack ...

An overlay attack, while the sword is unparalleled.

The sword is unblocked.

The blood peak sword in the hand, sent a burst, and the sword suddenly rushed to nine.

"Give me!"

A drunk, endless power rolls, the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is swept directly.

This horizontal sweep, an instant there is a colorful sword river that hangs in nine days, and shouches.

This sword river is surprised, and it is impact.

Many attacked offensive are directly out of shock, and the power of blocked the time and space is also disaggregated. As for the crazy dynasty, there is no double sweaten, it is instant to regress.

The sword is unparalleled, and the pounds of the throne are released, and they also form a great field in his weeks.

That obviously has reached the chaotic god level, the powerful power of the chaotic gods is full of fields, and there is such a high-temporal restriction of these gods, and the means of the power of the power is lost.


A sword of swords from nine days appeared in the air.

This is a blood sword, a scarlet-to-extreme blood sword, and the controlled it is a strong that overchart the chaotic god.

Blood swords, a bloody blush cloud, the sword is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, and Li Mang has a flash. He doesn't have a sword. It is just a thrilling sword to condense, and it also forms a sword, and go straight.


The metal impacters sounded, the shank of the nine, and immediately shocked out.


The ghost people who are completely shrouded in a picture suddenly appear in front of the sword, this ghost, the charm, the handleman, !!!

The three flashes, the war knife in his hand also waved three times.

The first knife, cutting the sword unparalleled throat.

The second knife, the sword is unparalleled.

The third knife is to directly sword unparalleled heads.

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