Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2287 reverses time and space

And the Emperor is thirteen, a star of the two is the opposite, the two meters high, the woman, the blood jacket, the woman is dead, and the three are angry with the sky. It is still incredible.

"The old guy, it is you !!"

The beautiful woman gives a low drink, and it is full of anger.

However, if it is fine, it is found that this is anger, and it is also frightened with a fear.

Yes, it is fear!

As the Lord of the Holy State, the presence of the gods in the gods, can be placed flat with the heavens, and there is no thing in the world that can be frightened, but the Xuanyi in front of you is absolutely exception!

"Hey, you should die early, how can this world?" The bloody woman also looked low.

"Yes, he is indeed dead, now there is now in front of us, I am afraid it is just a consciousness, and if I have not guess, this old guy has planned for many years in this world, this round of back It should also be from his arm. "The white robe is a man.

"You are smart." Xuan Yi wrote his hands standing there, the thick voice slowed from his mouth, "I did already die, but the flesh is dead, but I can't die!"

At the same time, the atmosphere on the mysterious one has changed the earth.

It was originally an incomparably, the face was also a warm and smiling ordinary person, but it was already in the eyes of the Heaven and Earth.

His indifferent standing in the void, like an iceberg, the deep screams of the hundreds of millions of stars, and the will of the messenger is sufficient to be seriously injured in the world.

In front of him, any cultivator, even the Lord of the Holy Genting, has completely lost the color.

He is the master of all things, sweeping all the overlord.

The breath, the breath of the body, battle day, battle, can fight hundreds of millions of people.

Even the heavens and the earth are all thoroughly sued at his feet.

If the awareness of the sword is also able to keep awake, seeing Xuanyi is on the moment, it will inevitably be shocked.

Because at this moment, the breath is in the end of the head, it is seen in the ancient picture, and the battle of the war in the war, and even the heavens will have a strong man in front of him. ! ! !

Yes, Xuan Yi, that is, the vigorous man.

That is, the fire around the fire industry, the big head of the head! !

Endless years ago, the ancient battle, the real protagonist!

The void around the sky, the gray fog area, a heaven and earth passage, a reincarnation channel, still open.

It can be caught in the whole world.

There are countless strong people present, they have grown on their eyes and look at Xuanyi.

There are countless strong, even can't help but want to worship to the mysterious film, you can know that now, the current Xuanyi, just just a consciousness.

Consciousness is completely different, and the consciousness can play a lot of combat efforts, and the Lord, like the beautiful women, is a consciousness.

But consciousness, just just a will, there is no power at all under normal circumstances.

Even so, this moment, is still enough to make the massed film, so that the three main prospects are treated.


The two people appeared next to Xuan Yi, which is the Emperor 13 and a star.

"So many years of hard work, finally went to this step today." The Emperor's thirteen voice is still indifferent, and you can see his excitement and excitement.

"Yeah, for this step, I will wait for it, I don't know how many years. I have already forgotten myself, but the luck is good, everything will be done according to the plan, did not have a big leak." Xuan Yi voice low, " Of course, this is much more thanks to helping. "

"I have two people just have a thinner. What is the best for your plan is really worth it, but the key is that your plan is really realized?" The Emperor thirteen wrinkled.

"I don't know, but this is the last opportunity for me." Xuan Yi.

Emperor thirteen and a star are not from silence.

Indeed, as Xuan Yi said, this is their last chance.

It is also a seven-star Xuanzong, which is this world, the last chance.

Xuan did not open again, just slap in the world, then the world of paintings throughout the world, but the moment of convergence, researched into a picture, appearing in Xuan Yi, Xuan, Xuan Yi is the dynasty Black fog covers interior, and the voids where the swords are unparalleled.

But at this moment, in addition to a huge reincarnation channel, there is no half a movie, and there is no one for a half point.

The sword is unparalleled. Under the bloody ocean of the blood, the bloody ocean, there is a loss, the sound has been disconnected.

In other words, the sword is unparalleled, and it has fallen.

It is indeed true that everyone looks in the eyes and sees clear.

Xuan Yi nature also knows that the sword is unparalleled, but his face has not changed, and only a homotive force is bursting from him.

Xuan Yi 's right hand finger slowly slowed the sword unparalleled.

The strange power from him, and immediately covered the void.

"Time and space rush!"

Xuan is a light open.

The time and space of the empty in an instant changes.

The entire time and space began to retrophotlift, but only the reincarnation channel did not have any effect.

In the blink of an eye, the time and space has returned to the scene of the bloody ocean crazy annihilation of the sword.

At this time, Xuan Yi's eyesight is full of flaming.


Among the void of the time and space, the two rays slowly agglomerated.

The two lights, it is two souls.

These two souls, a sword is unparalleled, and the other is cold as frost.

"come on."

Xuan is a lightweight, and the two souls directly plundered to appear in the hands of Xuan Yi.

This scene has been completed in just short instant, and the three major sacred things in the end is just watching, and it is not blocked.

In fact, they don't have a way.

Reversing time and space, such an earth-shattering means, even in the first gods, their strength is in the top time, and some specific factors can be displayed, and now in this world, they are not displayed at all. It may also be possible.

Forcibly blocking, they have three consciousness, and it may be collapsed in an instant.

Therefore, they can only look at Xuanyi, reverse the time and space, and re-condense the soul of the sword unparalleled with the frost.

PS: Today's four is more!

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