Under the gaze of Zhuoyun Feng, Lin Tiefeng and others, the sword is unparalleled with Lin Yan.

After the courtyard center, Lin Yan single hand held the sword, looked at the sword, "took your sword out."


The sword is unparalleled, and immediately in the eyes of the people, go to the willow tree, which is less than a foot.

"This is my sword." The sword waved in Double Dynasty forestitis.

"The sword is unparalleled, are you humiliating me?" Lin Yan suddenly angered.

The Lin Tiefeng, Zhuoyufeng, and Zhuo Yunfeng, etc. next to them.

In their view, the sword is unparalleled.

I don't say that his sword has a unparalleled sword talent. Even if he really has a terrible sword talent, now, it is a family disciple than his old age, you can't use only one will. The branches are swords.

"Both children are very sensible, how to get to practice swords, or when they are more than the sword, he will become ignorant, with a sword of Liu branches, he really wants to become a sword child?" Luo Xin The piano does not.

"Hey, who knows how this kid thinks, but this also reminds me that this kid has been under our wings, didn't have to eat suffering, this time, it is just to plant a heart, this battle is true. After defeating, I will definitely send him to the Linfu, let him go to be a sword child. "Zhuo Yunfeng scratzed his hands and seems to be determined.

Everyone believes that the sword is unparalleled with willow branches as the sword, too much, too, .

However, if they know the true origin of the sword, it will definitely not think so.

Just kidding, swords are unparalleled with a "old monster" for nearly 100,000 years, and I will learn the sword with a fifteen-year-old little guy. If he really took his blood and sword, it was the real shame. Even in the sword, there is no one in the sword, and the will will willow branches are very bullying.

If it is not a face of the science, the sword is unparalleled, it will not take the willow branches, and the fingers are more than enough.

"Hey, since you have already prepared for my swordsman, then I can only become all you." Lin Yan bites the sword is unparalleled. "But I am two years older than you, I am refinement as a year. Leading you forehead, so for fairness, you and I will not use my own power than the sword. "

"There is no need, you still make your own power, so you will be more comfortable." The sword is unparalleled. "In fact, your realm is cultivated, nothing more than agency, and it is just God, this step, I also reached. "

The voice falls, but it is seen that the sword is unparalleled, and a fragile spiritual breath is directly awkward.

"Well?" Lin Yan could not help but feel the sword unparalleled in the sword. The realm of the sword is not weaker than him.

"In the early days of the god? The 12-year-old will reach the beginning of the gods?" Lin Tiefeng, Lin Yi, I looked at it.

Even Zhuo Yunfeng, Luo Xinqin couple are also awkward.

At the beginning of the gods, it is totally different from the cultivation system of the ancient chaotic world, and the title of the realm is completely different.

In the god world, the cultivator first opened the gods.

Refining God, a total of 13 steps.

Every step is a huge span, but it is very easy to cross the genius level in the genius of the gods, and the genius level here.

After refining God, it is the god!

This kind of kind is actually equivalent to the world of the chaotic world.

The world is a complete transformation of the spiritual power accumulated into a more pure, the same, the difference is that the world of the chaotic world needs to experience the kingdom of robbery, but the genus of the gods, but I didn't say this.

Above the god, for the pure sunny, it is equivalent to God!

On the pure sunny, it is the chaotic border. After that, it is a goddess, also known as the chaotic god.

Under normal circumstances, a cultivator can enter the community before the age of 18, it is very good, like Lin Yan, 14 years old this year, will enter the initial stage of the god, then it is the genius, but now, The realm of the sword is unparalleled, and it has also reached the initial of the incarnation.

And but from the perspective of Shen Li, the sword is unparalleled, and the power of the sword is obviously pure.

"Fu Jun, do you know when your double is entering the Kingdom?" Luo Xinqin asked.

"I don't know." Zhuo Yunfeng shook his head directly, "This kid, before the mountains do not show water, I have paid attention to his cultivation, but according to my judgment, he will also refine the top ten steps. Or the first step, who once thought that this child has reached the spirit of the gods? "

Zhuoyongfeng is surprised in the eye, but more is surprised.

Yes, it is a surprise.

Although he doesn't know how the sword is unparalleled, this is refined, but it is indeed weak.

"Hey, your repair is not weak, but unfortunately, we are more than swords." Lin Yan stared at the sword. "

"Although it is." The sword is unparalleled. "

Lin Yan also did not hesitate, his body shape, the long sword in his hand fell directly.

A sword is light, and the surrounding snow is again paused.

This sword is still that the snow swordsmanship, and because of the unconscious of the sword, there is no unparalleled repair, so Lin Yan no longer leaves this, but go all out.

And when Lin Yan's sword waved, the sword was unparalleled.


A slight sound sounded.

The Seminous sword is still completely dissipated, and the snow is paid around and will continue to fall.

The entire courtyard has been completely calm.

However, Lin Yan in this moment is full of eyes, standing there, in his chest, I don't know when, there is a willow branch to come there, as long as it is slightly further, you can directly run through his chest.

"You lose." The sword smiled and smiled.


The whole courtyard is quiet.

Everyone is shocked to say.

This is also the same as those of Lin Tiefeng and Zhuoyufeng couple.

"Lin Yi, I am waiting for a few people, I will be the highest in the understanding of the sword, can you see the sword?" Lin Tiefeng sneaked.

"I, I ..." Lin Yi is a former day, and finally shook his head, "No, that sword, I didn't see it."

"What?" Lin Tiefeng was shocked by Zhuoyongfeng.

They are not good at Keyway, and they don't see how the just sword is unparalleled. It is also understandable that Lin Yi can be specially attacked by the sword. The understanding of the swords is enough to take the top 30, the result He didn't see how clear swords didn't have a sword.


PS: Today's four is more.

I wish you all a happy National Day! !

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