Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2315 to refer to the sword

And I saw Lin Yan's arrival, the campus was stared at the black robe stared by the people of the Linfu, but the smile was more prosperous.

"Hey, is this not a Lin Yan son of the Linfu? Why, your Linfu's young generation represents the character, finally gotten it?" Zhuge Hong smiled.

"Zhuge Hong, are you not the identity of the core disciple of the Tian Zuo Gate?" Lin Yan cold channel.

"Haha, I am proud, how, Lin Yan son is not convinced? If you don't accept it, then you will be more than that, not me, you will look at you, even three five hands, you will not be put in me. In the eyes. "Zhuge Hong smiled.

Lin Yan is anxious, but there is no way.

But at this time, the sword is unparalleled, "" Dealing with your goods like this, and you will take your child? "

"Well?" Zhuge Hong did not pay attention to the sword.

In his opinion, the sword is unparalleled for fifteen years old, so older, it is not placed in the heart.

"Kid, who are you?" Zhuge Hong's silence.

"I am just a sword with swords around the head." The sword is unparalleled. "

"Swordsman?" Lin Yan and the people around Linfu were quite awkward.

Especially Lin Yan.

At the beginning of the burning city, he did if he didn't want the sword to give him a sword, but the result is more than fighting, the understanding of the sword is unparalleled, the understanding of the sword is far beyond his imagination, this year is naturally canceled.

During this time, the sword is unparalleled in the Linfu, which is the absolute valuable guest of Linfu, and the senior strong people who are good at the swords of the swords are very respectful, and even often find him pointed. What is the swordsman?

But now the sword is unparalleled, and no one has a negation.

"Little a sword child, dare to let go in front of this son, give me away!" Zhugehong low.

"Oh, he is respectful, but you can not challenge him. If you want to challenge him, you can't get the swordsman. If I am not an opponent, then you still take the morning Egg. Good. "The sword is unparalleled.

"Just, even a sword child does not dare to fight, what qualifications challenge the son?"

"Zhuge Hong, according to me, you still have a good time to go back."

Most of the people around Linfu know that the true identity of the sword is unparalleled, it will immediately start.

Zhuge Hong's face is a little iron green. It is a cold and cold. "Well, this son will teach you first, then teach you what kind of son behind you."

Listen to Zhu Ge, the sword is not a double brow.

Although this Zhu Ge Hong has some talent, it is still too young, and it is too tender.

"Inflammation, do you want me to help you learn about him?" The sword was unparalleled.

"That is also said, of course, is the greatest level of lessons, humiliation, how much you can," Lin Yan bitrate.

"Then completely destroy his self-confidence, let him lose in the future." The sword has no double.

Lin Yan has seen the sword is unparalleled, but it still looks back, "Yes, but you still be careful, although this Zhu Ge Hong is not good, but the strength is indeed weak, and his cultivation is, it is said that it is very close to pure The sun is. "

"Close to the pure sunny?" The sword is unparalleled, "No, he has truly entering the pure sunny."


This is an out of this, not only Lin Yan is amazed, even the people around Linfu are shocked.

And the Zhuge Hong was cold and looked at the sword. "It is good."

After that, this Zhu Ge Hong did no longer cover up, and the pure sun's power is now spread.

"Pure sunny!"

"It's really pure sunny!"

"Scorpio, this Zhuge Hong is only 20 this year? The twenty-year-old pure sunny?"

All people in Linfu were shocked.

At the beginning of the gods, the heaven and earth aura is abundant, in this environment, the birth of the cultivator naturally also naturally.

However, so, the twenty-year-old pure Yangjing, that is still very rare, don't say in Anji County, even if it is a whole witch, it is estimated to be a one-class genius. This is not a day. It is very important to this Zhuge Hong.

"Pure sunny, can't stand it?"

The sword was unpaired, and he saw his body, and there was also a weakness of the power of Zhuge Hong.

The power of this power, and it has also reached the breath of pure sun.


"How can this be?"

This is the one who knows the sword, the people who know the sword, such as Lin Yan, exclaimed.

Task, the sword is unparalleled this year.

"Wong double brothers, how can he cultivate this? I remember more than three years ago, when I saw him in the moon, he was just the initial stage of China?" Lin Yan is muttered.

They don't know, this is the sword where there is no attention, but only deliberately reveals the initial repair of pure sunny.

In fact, he has reached the middle stage of pure sun, and is a perfect chaotic life, dealing with a small guy like Zhu Gehong, the sword is unparalleled, and the power of the pure sun is, it will take the cultivation of ordinary literatism. It can be easily defeated, but it seems too much against the sky.

In the early days of pure sunny, it is the best in the early stage of pure sunny.

"Oh, I didn't expect that there is still a cultivation in your Linfu, but it is just to repair me, what is the use, realm, can not completely represent a person's war." Zhuge Hao screams, Hand, but there is more than a lilac war knife.

This war knife is very thin and looks extremely cold.

"Kid, take your weapon." Zhuge Hong Road.

"Weapon?" The sword is unparalleled, but it is slowly reached out, the index finger is erected, "dealing with you, one finger is enough."

"Radust !!" Zhuge Hong was anger.

Looking at the sword is unparalleled in the Lian Linfu.

Although the realm is quite, Zhu Ge Hong is from the left door. There is a strong master, and the many secrets of the owners are not more than the many disciples of Linfu, especially his knife, very well, it is said It has been truly entering the knife threshold.

In this case, the sword is unparalleled without having to take out his sword. Want to fight against it?


Many Linfu disciples expressed doubts, but only some of the people who really know the swords of the swords, such as Lin Yan and Linfu's high-rise power of the swords, but they can understand.

Especially Lin Yan, when the sword is unparalleled, he will easily defeat him, and even defeat Lin Yi.

Now dealing with a zone, a zone, to refer to the sword, and what?


PS: Today's four is more!

Tomorrow Mid-Autumn Festival, I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival in advance!

In addition, everyone has been asking for outbreak. I have said it very early. In November, November, November, the important thing said three times!

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