Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2319 is stared

At the beginning of the gods, there is a control of the will of Tiandao, and the sky is void than the ancient chaotic world is too stable too much.

In the world of chaotic world, there is no constraint, the power is bursting, and it is easy to bomb more than 100,000 miles.

But in the gods, unless they stand at the top of the super power, otherwise they want to destroy the earth, but it is not that simple.

Of course, the space is so stable, and if you want to get through the spatial wormhole, it is nature that it is not very easy.

Therefore, in many gods, there is no space, and there is some space channels in the ancient sects, and there are some space channels in the ancient sects, and there are many space channels, and there are many other places. The cultivator of the world is mostly driving, or some treasures for the auxiliary flight, such as some spacecrafts, the shuttle.

From the Linfu to the moon city, the distance is not too far, the sword is unparalleled with Lin Yi is directly plundering.

With their speed, it is estimated that it is enough to return to the moon city within ten days.

en route.

"Long Shu, how long have you been?" The sword asked without a pair.

"Three months, the realm is barely stable." Lin Yi smiled.

Since three years ago, Lin Yi saw the sword unparalleled drill, and he immediately closed it until three months ago.

After the customs clearance, he naturally made a breakthrough in the sword, and now it has truly enter the sword threshold.

"Congratulations, no accident, now you, should you barely have the war of half-step gods?" The sword has no double.

"Which, half-step gods, not only on the weapon, but also need more sophisticated power, the most important thing to comprehend the rules, rules, want to feel, can be easy Lin Yi praised.

The sword is unparalleled but does not think about it.

At the god community, there was a heavenly will of the heavens, the heavens and the earth rules are rich, and the world can be compared to the world.

In the Outdoor Chaotic World, you want to feel a rule, that is really difficult.

But in the Great Gate Dynasty, I have to comprehend a rule, in fact, is still relatively relaxed, of course, it is not easy to comprehend.

"There is no double friend, saying that I can make a breakthrough on the sword, and I have lost you. If I have your pointing, I want to truly enter the threshold of the sword, I don't know how long it takes." Lin Yi is sincerely, in the sword He also appeared very humble before unparalleled, even though he was very good to Zhuo Yunfeng with the sword, but the exchange of consecutive generations.

But he is in front of the sword, but more like a late generation.

"Can get into the threshold of the sword, mainly your own efforts, there is so much, but you don't have too much, the threshold of the sword, just just enter the door of the sword, the sword is profound, the road to go in the future Too much. "The sword is unparalleled.

"Of course, I don't know, but I don't have a lot of ambition. My future goal is just like you have to enter the swords, this is enough, but I want to reach this step with my talent. Waiting for the year, I am afraid that I am afraid even in the future. "Lin Yi sighed.

He is not a sword unparalleled such a sword enchanting.

The sword is great, and it is already a very high realm to him.

The sword is unparalleled this year, but it has reached it.

"As long as you will work hard, you will arrive." The sword smiled.

While two people rushed, chatting while chatting.

However, when the two passed over a mountain range.


The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are also slightly linked.

"Unparalleled small friends, what happened?" Lin Yi looked up.

"Lin Yuxi, it seems that we want to return to the burning city, and it is not that easy." The sword is unparalleled.

"What do you mean?" Lin Yi frowned.

"We have been stared at." The sword is unparalleled.

I heard the words, the Lin Yizhi changed, and immediately vigilant stared at the surroundings. The power of the soul is also spread.

Sure enough, the deepest place in the mountains below, hidden a few very concealed atmospheres.

And the atmospheric owner, noticed that he had exposed, and the sure is no longer hidden.


I saw five shadows from the sky, and there was a void in front of the sword.

These five people, three men and two women, the breath of the body is uneven.

The strength of the sword is swept away from the five people in front of him, and it has seen the virtual facts of five people in front of them.

Among these five people, there are four people only have a chaotic border, the middle of the two chaotic bodies, the beginning of the two chaotic bodies, but there is no peak.

Single four people, it is not qualified to make swords and unparalleled and Lin Yi.

However, from the middle of these four people, the red hair headed, and the old woman who took the lead crutches was particularly strong.

That breath, Hedge has reached a half-step moon.

It is because the old woman in this half-step magic is existent, which makes the end of Lin Yi become dignified.

"Who is the five people, why stop me two people?" Lin Yi looked.

"Lin Yi Shu, don't ask, these five are definitely a person of Zhuge family." The sword has no double.

"Zhuge Home?" Lin Yizhuang could not help but sink.

"After defeating the Zhuge Hong yesterday, I guessed that Zhuge's family might stare, but I didn't expect their movements." The sword is unimaced.

"Hey, the little guy is quite smart, but there is a little more guess, the old man is not a person of Zhuge's family, but he is joined by Zhuge's family." The red-haired woman smiled.

Here is the territory of Linjia. Zhuge's family is indeed a lot of strong in this territory, but only one night, it is necessary to secretly kill Lin Yi, the strength of the sword is not too barely, so Zhuge Home I have paid some costs invited this red-haired old woman.

"I can't, I don't know that the half-step god of Zhuge's family knows. But I can't recognize you. It turns out that you are not the people of Zhuge family." Lin Yi voice is cold, and you should do: "You, you should know that I have two people. The origin, today, if you use Zhuge's home, you will be completely guilty of my Linjia. In the future, I will be crazy to kill you, you will never have a place in this Anjikun, it is better In this way, it is good with me Linjia, how? "

Lin Yi is deeply known to the threat of five people.

So he only secretly sent it to the Linfu, let the Linfu immediately send a strong person to rescue, while the opening wants to persuade this red-haired old woman to stop.

Even if you can't persuade, he also wants to drag the time as much as possible.

"Top this way? You are thinking, the old man has taken the benefits of Zhuge family, the people who have been loyal, naturally loyal people, so that your Lin family will chase the old body, huh, huh, the old body is not this Anjiji County People, after this, the old man directly leaves Anjiji is, your threat, there is no place to the old body, so you are still dead. "


PS: Today's four is more!

Everyone is happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

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