Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2362 Sword Warrior Selection

"Little guy, think about it, is it going to go to the big sadness, or go to Water Island with him?" I laughed in the morning.

The bottom of the year is absolutely confident.

The big sorrows and rivers are the top of the Sands' Belle, but the big sorrow is definitely the first.

And now there is a first sword to repair the Sagama Xianxian, and the pass is interested in receiving him for the disciples.

He believes that as long as the sword is not double, then know how to make a choice.

The people around them are also watching, but almost everyone has already founded it.

"There is no double brother, should you choose big sorrow?" Lin Yan stood in a corner.

"It is definitely a big sorrow." Lin Tao next to Lin Tao nodded, "Although the water is good, it is no longer better than the big sorrow, whether it is the overall strength, the heritage, or the genius, the gap is very large, like the sisham The twelve kings of the young generation of young generations, the big sorrows accounted for four, including the first trok city in the twelve king! "

"Now, the big sorrow can not be intentionally invited to invite him, or directly become a very sad disciple, this treatment, change anyone, I am afraid, I will not hesitate to choose the big sorrow."

Several people of Lei Yinzong think it is.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled to show a touch of smile, the opening: "The county guards, you are afraid that I only have a heart, I want to go with this adult with Xuexian Island, go to Water Island."

"Amount?" Was awkward in the month.

Waterfaine's five-way, is ecstasy.

"Unparalleled little friends, you are really willing to go to Water Island with your husband?" Wudi himself couldn't believe it, even the nameless name of the sword has changed.

"Of course, but I have a prerequisite." The sword has no double.

"Small friends but say anything." The five-digit is excited.

He already has a sufficient psychological preparation, no matter what the sword is unparalleled, as long as it is not that is too much, even if the whole water fairy island is unable to satisfy, or it can be satisfied, but the water fairy island will suffer Wuli will directly agree.

He knows that the sword is not a double worth of Xuexian Island to fight everything.

"My condition is actually very simple, I just want to be a general periphery in the watercown Island." The sword has no double.

"Peripheral disciple?" Wuziyi.

The people around him heard the sword and unparalleled words, it was also a wrong.

"Rejecting my invitation, refused to go to the big sorrow, and even refused to become the opportunity of the first sword of the Wusha Wushan, the result, just want to be a regular periphery of the watercress Island? This little guy is a bit meant." Bohrius is interested in watching the sword.

"There is no double friend." Wuyun quickly opened, "Being a talent, becoming the core disciple of my water, and even some of the highest strong people's true disciples are light and easy, and this peripheral disciple is very Ordinary, the result is very small, it can be said that it is very difficult to get the maximum cultivation of my water, you ... "

Wu Zhao just said this, swords were unparalleled and waved: "I want to be an ordinary disciple, so there is not much bursary, I don't know if the adults promise? If it does not agree, I can only go to other Zongmen. "

"I promised, of course, I promised." I nod, "" But ... "

The five-way diaphrand, but swallowed back.

Just said that the sword is unparalleled, the sword is unparalleled, only is not too much bundle, as for the core disciple or ordinary disciples, he doesn't care.

Wuzi nature can't be reluctant.

"In this case, then I will have a few days in this forest, wait for me to wait, I am ready, I will go to Water Island." The sword has no pair.

"Well." Wuqi naturally promised.

"Oh, look like it is a white run today." Bring next to Moon, I took a few weird smiles.

"Mr. Xu Yue, there is no pair of small friends from you from you, and these years are in the dark, and it is estimated that some helpfulness, now he has become the disciple of my water, then I will naturally I will naturally. Distance Mr. Yue Yue, afterwards, the old man will take a gift, send it. "Wuyun laughed.

"Oh, then I have been working." Tomo smiled slightly, the look was slow.

He is a big sincere, it is a lot of benefits.

But now this plan is a soup, but since the Shui Xian Island promised to give him a gift, then he is not a busy game.

"Little guy, although you can go to the big sorrow, but Xuexian Island is also good, I hope that you can have a good growth space, let's have a period." Bohoon smiled, spin, turn around.

"Gong to the county!"

"Gong to the county!"

Many practitioners in Linfu went to the morning.

Want to go after the month.

"Unparalleled, I heard that you have encountered some troubles, and even some people who don't open your eyes will threaten you. Do you want to pay for you to people, all solve it?" Wuxiang I didn't look at Jin Dynasty, and I was hidden with a murder.

So a glimpse of five mountains, the few people in Jindingmen, including the top of the family, instantly instantly.

Jin Dingmen is weak, but it is absolutely dare to be in the navigation island of Wuxiang, and it is absolutely able to keep them all.

"A group of jumped beams, there is no need to pay attention to it." The sword smiled.

The eyes of the five-way shift this.

Several people in Jindingmen are relaxed.

"let's go!"

Although I have been humiliated, I can never dare to have a slight discharge, and I will leave immediately.

And when you leave, they also know that they are impossible to find swords in the future.

Because they don't have that ability and opportunity.

After Jindingmen, the top family is waiting, this big Linfu will calm down again.

"There is no double friend, I don't know when we can start return to Water Islands?" Wuzhuang gentle and asked, a first-class magic, but there was no shelf before and after.

"Within the 10th." The sword has no double.

"Well, then we are waiting for 10 days." Wuzi is big.

In fact, like a sword is unparalleled, don't say that the area is ten days, even one or two months, he is willing to wait.

"All people, I have arranged people in the forest to arrange the upper room and can be used for three rest." Lin Tiefeng came to come, with a conference.

"Lin Jia Lord is so good, I will not resignated." Wuzhang Road.

"Three adults, please."

Lin Tiefeng is very enthusiastic.

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