Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2396, Mujia

The next time, the sword is unparalleled in the street disciple.

And many of the medicinal medicines with genius and genius, the strength of swords and unparalleled strengths are also very fast.

Wink, half a year.

In the Jeton Island, as always, in this six months, there is a big event in the Wusha Wheel.

One of the strongest families of Mujia, Wusha is only a family, but the grounds and strength is not weak, even more powerful than some second-rates.

But this is such a family, but it is covered by the Thunder's means.

And more funny is that in the hands of the family, it is the Miss Miss Miss, who was taken away by people more than ten years ago!

When the news came out, the entire Wusha rupture was shaken.

Everyone shocked the means of this child.

You know, when she was taken away for more than ten years ago, it is only 20 years old, and now it is less than 20 years old.

Such a tender little girl has accumulated such a horrible energy in just a few more than ten years, and it turned out to overrun.

In addition, there is news that the news came out, and the battle behind Mado, with the lady behind him, there is more than 50 kinds of gods, and the peak magic is more than eight, the most important thing. Yes, on that battle, there is a goddess toad!

God is awkward, it is God's respect.

At this level, it is still a top power in the vastness of the world, but it is absolutely supreme.

Like the top of the top of the Wusha Breaky, the strongest, the most powerful, is the god.

Such as the island island island is a god, but it is only one.

And the first large-scale sorrow of the Wusha Wild Area is now recognized, there is a feet of the three gods, strong accepted.

Okama wanders over the battle, and there is also the gods, and there are three great gods! ! !

The three gods, the eight peak gods, more than 50 first-class gods, other second-class gods, the third and other gods do not count, this is the power of the coating.

This force is too horrible, but it is also unfortunate that the ability of Mujia even a variety of power is not directly covered.

However, such a horrible force, including the three gods, actually listening to one person, is the Miss the child!

This is simplicity.

No one knows what is the means of this child, so that so many strong people have listened to her, but there is a little, the power of this child's Miss control is enough to set off a sand in the entire Wusha wild. The huge waves, even even the big sorrow did not dare to be the power of this child.

Many people, many strong people have begun to carefully collect the information of this child, and they also sent people to keep the movement of this child.

These paramenities are worried that after the mas, Miss, after the mida, will no longer have a next action, such as annexing one or two paramenities, and then create a new forces, and compete with the big sorrow.

In many views, this is exactly possible, even the chance happens.

Unfortunately, they obviously be too small to be a young lady.

Miss this smart is extraordinary, and his eyes are not in this small Wusha wild area. She now destroyed her family, but because Madian is sinned, she is as for other sects in the Wusha, she. Surround.

Shortly after Mujia was overwhelming, Miss this child left.

When she left, she also delivered a message to the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled, I will leave first, you will stay in this Wusha wildly practice, if you can't keep up with my speed, then you will not find me again."

After receiving the news, the sword was unparalleled and smiled.

"Miss this child is high, and it is also a great reincarnation. It is naturally fast, but I am different."

The sword is unparalleled, and he is the most peak of the world, it is just a goddess, and it is still a way to break through the reincarnation channel.

In addition, he is also a perfect chaotic, and the savings of the power are more difficult than the general practitioners.

Under such conditions, he wants to restore the peak strength, naturally, it is going to slowly.

Also, even if his strength returns to the most peak, the speed of his realm is increased, and it is estimated that it will not be too fast.

Perfect chaotic, terrible is your own battle, it is the ability to challenge, instead of how the cultural speed is fast.

"I have to do it steadily, step by step, I can't justify the realm and practice speed." The sword was unimaced.

Of course, this is also considered after he recovered to the goddess, and now the most important thing is to enhance the realm.

In this half a year, through adequate cultivation resources, all kinds of powerful medicinal herbs, swords have no double strength recovery.

Just five days ago, he broke through again, and now it is already the peak of the chaotic border!

The peak of the chaotic boy is equivalent to the emperor of the vast chaotic world. It can be said that the sword is unparalleled has reached the peak level of the last life, and even more stronger.

In addition, because the sword is unparalleled early, he will understand the rules, so he can now say that it is a half-step magic, while the chaotic god is only half a step.

At the same time, as the sword is unparalleled, after the peak of the chaotic boy, he can practice the second volume.

And there is a cultivation experience in the first generation. This type of cultivation is also very easy. Soon, his body is once again improved, and the difference is also more pure.

"Some years ago, I only had the middle of the chaotic border, too ancient deficiency is only the first volume, but it is also comparable to the first-class magic, and now my realm has breaking through the half-step gods, and the Taikoo can't reach the second. Volume, the war has skyrocketed, the whole strength, in the first-class gods, I am afraid that few people are me, even if they encounter the peak god, it is estimated that I can fight. "Sword is unparalleled smile .

In just six months, his war has reached a new level.

However, this kind of improvement is not small, but it is not really terrible.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is really improving to himself. There will be an unprecedented increase, it is from the chaotic boy to enter the goddess!

Great gap between gods and chaotic bodies.

The second is also the most important, only to achieve the goddess, he will really completely completely, and will show it one by one by the advantage of the perfect chaotic life.

That will be true transformation!

"Fast, how long does it take for it, you can truly reach the gods." The sword is unparalleled with hands, and there is a hint of expectations.

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