Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 242, Nine Emperor, finished!


"Quick escape!"

When a scream, the rest of the nine emperors, the golden Danqiang people were like the birds like the birds, and the strong people who listened to the rain were chasing.

"Haha, where to escape!"

"Since it is here, let's leave it!"

"I also said that I will listen to the rain to smoke, haha, according to me, after today, the dissipation should be the nine emperor."

The strong people listening to the rain will be excited, and they are not willing to let this painted poodles.

The nine emperor is indeed a first-class gate, but now with the five yin and yang falpies of Zongmen are killed by swords, they lose the highest level of war, and the nine emperors cannot listen to the rain. The opponent.

On the battlefield, a mess.

And the sword is unparalleled, after killing the last Yin deficiency of the nine emperors, stay in a void, no longer

These are just a fisherman who is once in the level of Jin Dan, and he can't afford his interests at all.

After a moment, the whole battlefield calm down.

The many strong people killed in Jiuhuangmen were killed, only a very small part of the luck, but because the highest level of power in the nine emperor was killed, this escaped part If you return to the nine emperor, you can't change anything.

It can be said that after this war, the nine emperor will be lost.

"Nine emperor, finished!"

A green robe hidden in the dark will just take all the eyes, not helpful.


There is also a boy next to the elderly old man, and this boy asked: "Just because the sword is unparalleled? With him alone?"

"I will rely on him." The green poor nodded slightly. "Not long ago, the nine emperor was born because the sword was unparalleled. Now it is difficult to restore some yuan. To the nine emperor, now there is no longer ownership, how do you have the three four-door columns in Tiannong Province? "

"Look, how long it takes, even if you don't have to use this sword without double and listening to the rain, the nine emperor will smoke."

When I heard the elderly, there was a complicated emotion in the eyes of the teenagers next to him. "It turns out that when a person's strength is powerful to a certain level, you can step on the feet with a single force. "

And on the nearby high building, the three people of the Ouyang family still stand there.

"The bitter cliffs of the bloodstream." The Confucian man is dignified.

"This bitter cliff can be a fullness, close to the peak, even the gap between the Tianlong list is not big, in my entire Ouyang family, qualified to fight against this bitter cliff, will not exceed three, able to comfort him, It is even more than one family. "

"And this sword is unparalleled, after the outbreak, but can kill the suffering cliff, and only use a sword?"

The Confucian man is slightly lighter, and then it is a long time, but it is the Ouyang repair, and "Ouyang Xiu, I asked you, before you have a contradiction with this sword, what did he say? You don't miss it? Give me clear. "

Ouyang Xiu has already fallen into the shock. When he heard this Confucian man, he went back to God, and when he saw the cold in the merits, his heart was immediately suddenly, lookedzing: "This The sword is unparalleled, from now on, the Ouyang's team will not have any relationship with the rains, if our Ouyang's family is not convinced, it can go to him. "

"Just say this?" The Elea Men's face is somewhat.

"He also said, if my Ouyang's national is willing, it can be treated with the nine emperor today. He doesn't mind to clean up my Ouyang nationality." Ouyang Xiu is a little frightened.

After listening, the Confucian man spit his tone.

"Fortunately, this sword is unparalleled, although there is no feeling of I. Ouyang family, but it will not take the hand to deal with us." Confucian man sank.

Ouyang's family is unparalleled with swords. There are some old complaints.

At the beginning of the day of the Tianzong Dynasty, the sword was unparalleled, but the two genius of the Ouyang nationality Ouyang Haotian directly killed, and the Ouyang's family has always remembered the sword.

I now see the strength of the sword, this Confucian man is not how to deal with the sword is unparalleled, but if there is no double resentment of the Ouyang clan, the sword is unparalleled. It is not possible to shoot the Ouyang nationality.

As for dealing with swords, there is a unparalleled ... he didn't want to think again.

No way, the strength of the sword is unparalleled, it is terrible to have this level, the most important thing is his age!

He is 20 years old this year, and it is strong to force this. If it is given him a few years, then the Ouyang family is destroyed, then it is not like playing?

"Ouyang Xiu!"

The Confucian man glanced at Ouyang Xiu, Ice Cold Road: "You listen, from today, people who listen to the rain will give me a welcome point. During this time, the Tianzong Dynasty is not peaceful. If you give me an Ouyang nationality Enemy, hey, you will wait for the punishment in the family! "

"Yes, yes!" Ouyang repair, nodded, did not dare to have slightly.


The war is over.

The nine emperor defeated, and he listened to a lot of losses, but they got more, because from today, the entire Tianzong Dynasties will be aware of the existence of the Rain Pavilion.

Listen to the ride of the rain part of the rain part.

The sword is sitting in the round table, and the Tang is unprotive and excited. As for the few passengers listening to the rain, they respect the arrogant standing behind them. When the eyes, the eyes are unparalpted in the past.

This is full of admiration and worship!

Because, it is the young people in front of the old black robes, and kill all the highest level of the highest level of the nine emperor, even a strong strong, and even a strong sense of the yang deficiency of the bloody feather. His sword.

It is to say that he is one person and saves the range.

And back to the two days ago, the sword was unparalleled, and they finally understood that the sword was unparalleled.

"How is the loss?" The sword didn't look at the Tang.

"Fortunately, although it is a lot of strong, but it is only some congenital Jin Dan. I have listened to the Guest .

"Compared to the loss, I listened to the rain, the famous voice, especially if there is a boss, we will replace the nine emperor in the future, become the top-class power of the Tianzong Dynasty."

"Don't you count me?" The sword is unparalleled in the Tang Dynasty. "I just help you temporarily. As for which step can you go in the future, I can't do it."

Wen said, Tang Wuyi can only be shrug helplessly.

He really wants to stay in the sword without listening to the rain, and even willing to listen to the position of the rain to the sword. It is only to stay, so he can stay in the future.

But it is clear that the sword is unparalleled.

On the same day, the sword was unparalleled to listen to the rain, and went to the Jinlong Temple.

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