Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2454 is discouraged (fifteenth!)

(15th !!)


"This sword is unparalleled, it has great improvement?" The magic face was shocked.

"Hey, how is it, just like it!" The fire was cold.

Surrounded by such a magical genius, killing is not stagnant.

One time ... Boom! boom! boom! boom!

A large number of attacks in the sky, from all directions directly in the sword to swear.

These attacks, each of them is from a first-class magic, strong, this sudden is nearly 50, although there is no array, these offensive is not completely concentrated together, but even if it is disperse, even In this way, it is still only possible to describe terror.

There is no one in the event that there is no person to survive in these offensive. In the face of such an offensive, they can do it, it is to take out the warrant, and immediately crush.

As for the sword, there is a unparalleled, he does have a guarantee in hand.

But he will never knead the commander, but it is not not, but it can't!

The trumpet of the saints, the Zongmen of him is too much, it can be said that it has been committed, in this case, the outside world is not more secure than the saints.

After all, the sword is unparalleled, and whether the water fairy island will fully protect him, even if the guarantee can keep it.

However, the sword is unparalleled, but it will never be hoped in someone else, so he can only strive for himself.

Now, his only chance is to get the charm of the saints, get the chance of ourselves, and improve your own strength, so he may have capital to face the majority.

So, this guarantee the command, he will never use it.

A harsh blank sound swept, the sword is unparalleled to feel the terrible power of the scene around the offensive, and he also has a madness.

"It's good!"

A effort, the sword is not pair behind the five hundred feet high, and the sky is also sent to the sky.

The endless swords are straight, the sword is unparalleled, and the unscrupulous sweep is coming.

The center of the battlefield, the sword is unparalleled.

He frequently sword, or angered, or swept, or turned into a sword net, crazy swept.

With the auxiliary of his body, he burst the speed of shave, whispering, leaving a time and space in the void.

For those offensive that swept from all directions, he can avoid it, can't avoid the swordsmanship, completely can't resist, he uses its own body to take hard.

He is like crazy, and he is impact on the battlefield center.

A wave of offensive, the sword is still arrogant, and his body has been completely rushing into the crowd.


Ice is hot, the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is like a dream, the swing swings swept.

"Arrogate together."

The sword has nearly ten first-class gods in front of the sword, and these first-class gods simultaneously shot.

As a result, a loud noise, this nearly ten gods were impacted under the sword, and they were unfolded.

Booming ~~~ The intensive offensive once again appeared behind the sword.


The sword has no doubles, it is like a thunder, and his long sword will take out.

The unlimited zoom in swords and shadings became the sky, and the squadron of eight first-class gods was shocked. As a result, in this sword, this eight offensive was completely crushed and crashed. The eight first-class gods were also dramatically, and they saw that the swords like the magic God were unparalleled to them. These eight first-class gods did not hesitate to connect back.

On the way, you! !

The strength of the pounds is directly active in the sword. There is no double sea, and the exquisite Pagoda in the sword is unparalleled in the sea, but only for a while, once again.

The sword has no double body shape slightly, and the frown looks next to it.

"It was blocked, the soul of this boy defeated the defenders, and it was very hard to see." The fantasy face is a bit ugly.

He is the most good at the soul attack, and he just showed his most powerful trick, but unfortunately the impact on the sword is still minimal.


The sword is unparalleled to the extreme, and the absolute strength of any one of the swordsmanship and the crushing in the field is rushing in the battlefield.

A powerfulness is exhausted.

And the genius disciple of the sword, although there are nearly 50 people, and all the powerful first-class gods, but they all come from all kinds of sects, do not know each other, just purely murder, After the sword is unparalleled, after breaking into the crowd, they have been hard to do, and they are unparalleled with the sword.

It is often just more than ten twentieth-level gods, but the sword is unparalleled, but the sword is unparalleled but can live in front.

In contrast swords, the swords of the sword are equally terrible, and each sword waves, these first-class demon disciples have to have a seven-eight-digit joint hand to resist.

Single one person, no dare to meet the swords of swords at all.

The hot battle is hot.

The crazy of the war is incomparable.

A horrible roar of the horrible roaring throughout the void.

However, this significant quantity is not proportional, there is no real result.

The sword is still in the battle force. In the battlefield, the battlefield is rushing. Although the genius around can make a glide, it is not a substantive effect.

"This kid ..."

Then before the sword, there is no double-created dragon, swallowing the medicinal herbs, at this moment, the battle has returned a lot, and he also joined the battlefield, and kill the sword.

But what did him didn't think of, even so many first-class demon disciples teamed up, could not kill swords in a short time.

The strength of the sword is unparalleled, it is really terrible.

Not only the strength, but also the kind of martial arts!

Yes, it is wherever you are.

No matter how strong him, there are more people, but he dares to go forward and fearless!

This kind of discouragement is a kind of discouragement of the world!

And this kind of discouragement, let Long Zishan think of one person.

"Brother, Qiancheng Dish!"

When the Miya brother, when I was at first-class gods, I faced a peak magic. I didn't have a fear. I didn't have a fear, dared to fight the battle, and even hard touched hard, and the final result was that the Thousand City brothers will be The peak magic is directly killed! "

Long Zishan shake.

Tucheng City!

The myth of the young people in the Wusha island, and is also the character of Long Simishan, including the worship of the worship of the big sorrow.

Although Long Zishan is also a real genius, in the third of the twelve kings, he is very clear that he is a gap between herself with the Tu Qiancheng, and that gap is not overcome.

Tucardian City standing in front of him, let him have a strong courage to make a comparison.

But now, he faces swords and no pairs, there is a feeling of facing the Thousands of Tour.

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