Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2458 Who dares to fight!

With the strength of the sword, there is a unparalleled spirit of the penalty ... As long as the golden jail is molded, it is rugged, and these first-class gods in front of them are able to completely joint attack, otherwise it will be impossible to defeat.

Like now, although these first gods are trying to bombard the golden jail, their power is very dispersed. It is not concentrated, even if she bombards in the golden jail, but only let the golden jail slightly trembleside, The golden jail crashes, but it is far away.

While they bombard the golden jail, the sword was unparalleled and still worked, crazy slaughter.

Under the influence of the prison of the penalty, his strength has skyrocketed, and the speed is more fast than before.

Swords show, and more terrible.

These strengths have been poorly suppressed, and it is difficult to block the scary swordsmanship of the sword.


Magic Chen sighed, but there was an ambassador.

"Magic, you are going to ..." The fire came over.

"You also crush the commander." Magic Chen said that this is a helplessness, "This sword is unparalleled, it has completely exceeded our cognition. In this golden jail, he is dominated. I am afraid I only kill this prison, I can kill it after a forced defeating, and we continue to stay in this jail, only by him. "

"Piezzal, although there is a chance to get the sky, and the opportunity to go to Shensihai, but the life is stronger than the life."

After that, this magic is also ignored to the fire, and he directly crushed the actions in his hand.

For a shun, the magic figure immediately disappeared in the tomb of the saints.

Even the magic has already pinched the commander to save the life, let alone other first-class gods.

Fire hesitated for a while, and directly crushed his own.

At the same time, there are many different gods in the golden jail, and there are many of them to take out the premise, and then hinder.

As for those who haven't taken it in the first time, it is obviously still holding a lucky, but such a result is a ruthless slaughter that is unparalleled by the sword.

"Sword is unparalleled !!!"

Long Zishan is red, and it is dead, and there is no pair of swords.

He has a thrilling killing, but more horrific.

Defense is unparalleled, and the sword is unparalleled with an endless means.

To now, it is, even him, I have to take out my own ander ordered, which is also crushed.


The vast world, the big battlefield.

A large number of geniuses from each parade, staying in the void around the battlefield.

They all stared in front, but they appeared in their sight, but they were a huge golden jail.

The golden jail covered everything, and theory of their eyes, and even the soul is completely obstructed. The disciples of these paramenities do not know what happened in the golden jail.

But at this time, ~~~

The big golden jail finally started to dissipate.

A large number of golden power has resolved, and the battlefield reappears in the sight of everyone.

And everyone watched, but found that there was only one person on the battlefield.

Yes, there is only one person, it is still proud of it.

This person is a sword! ! !

As for the nearly 50 genius disciples before the sword, there is a nevertheless disciple, in addition to some of the bodies, others disappeared.

Of course, it is said that it disappears, but who they have, these paradise disciples present, all of them know.

Just, they can't accept this result.

"So many first-class gods, which also include magic, Long Zishan, Yu Aoqing, fire, a few twelve Xiao Wang jointly, the result is unparalleled by this sword, one person beat !!"

"Dry a lot of people, I am afraid that there is no more than 20 first-class gods to die in him, and the remaining people are afraid to use the guarantee to escape."

"What happened to the golden jail? How can I become like this?"

Everyone is full of eyes, can't believe everything that happened in front.

But all this has become a fact.

Nearly 50 first-class gods geniuses kill swords unparalleled, but they were unparallled in the golden jail, but when the golden jail was dissipated, only the sword was unparalleled!

He, became the only one of the Ten days, still standing on the battlefield!

No one knows how the sword is not done, they only know, nearly 50 first-class gods genius disciples teamed up with the sword without a double one sword!

"He He……"

It's a big big, and you are too big, and you will be deeply staring at the sword.

The red rhodes at this moment is very happy.

Fortunately, I believe it intuitive, I didn't agree with the magic, the invitation of the fire got to deal with the sword. Otherwise, she can only use the security commander to leave this saints.

At this time, the center of the battlefield has become a sword that has become the focus of the heavens and the earth, but it is slowly raised.

His eyes were flat, with a indifference, and slowly saw the genius disciples from all parties around him.

The indifferent eyes, do not have any emotions, so sweeping.

The eyes and a genius or panic, or ashamed directly to go.

Strike is because of the strength of the sword.

Shame, the same is because of the strength of the sword.

They are also carefully cultivated genius disciples, but the so-called genius is in front of the sword, but it is a full joke.


The whole world is already quiet.

All the disciples of all the Zongmen are standing there, and they don't dare to send a word.

The sword is unparalleled, but the blood peak sword in his hand is directly lifted.

Boom! !

At his feet, there was a huge sword with a huge sword in an instant. This sword mark directly divided the battlefield to half.

The sword is unparalleled.

"My sword is unparalleled. Who else wants to take my entrance?"

"Who else!!!"

The sword is unparalleled, the sound is like thunder, echoing in the sky, domineering is unparalleled!

The endless war is even more crazy.

The sky is trembled in this whisper, and the land is also roaring.

There are countless talented discies around, in the sword, there is no parallel, the heart is Qi Zhe, and the eyes are also awkward.

The sword has no double alone, and one hand is holding the sword, standing in the top of the world.

The sword is swept away, straight to the nine, like the King of the World.

At this moment, he as if the invincible world dominated, only the sword in his hand, smile and blew the world.

In the world, who dares to fight! !

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