After the three killed swords, after the Jianling woke up, it was already a three-grade high-level god soldier, and before, he successfully killed the five yin and yang of the nine emperor, but also killed the yang deficiency, and later It has been a few days of killing of bloody loungers.

A large number of killing, the murder in the three kills has also been greatly improved, and the power of restoring the second grain soldiers is only a step away, and the next day, this day, he will Continue the site of blood shame.

A times, constantly attacking, crazy killing, so that the three killing swords are getting stronger.

Until the first night of the twelfth lunar month, the three kids of the sword finally broke through, from the three-product high-level, and the second low-order level, the power has also skyrocked.

Since then, the sword is unparalleled, and all the preparations are ready, and the power can improve has increased to the limit.

And on the evening, he was on a hill and sat quietly one night.

The next morning, the sun is not completely rising, but the sky is floating in the sky.

White snow flew, soon dyed the entire ground into a white.

Sitting on the upper night of the hill is unparalleled. At this moment, the eyes are also open, and the eyes are very eye-catching.

"Snow." The sword didn't reach out, a snowflake fell in his palm and quickly became water.

"Snow is really beautiful." The sword has no double ring around, with a smile in his mouth, "If you can get blood, this snow will be more charming!"

"Little guy, today, let us doublely kill one turn!"

It seems to understand that the sword is unparalleled, and the three kids behind him have begun to shook this moment.

It seems excited, it seems to be surprised!

Subsequently, the sword was unparalleled to the island, set off!


The twelfth lunar month, the white snow.

The entire Tianzong Dynasty is in the sky everywhere, and there is a white in the world.

No heart island, located outside the Tiansong Dynasty Imperial City.

In the heart of a vast lake, the lake is surrounded by mountains. This is a unhappy name in the Tianzong Dynasty.

It is said that this is the place where there is a large cany in the area, which can be a big battle in this canyon in many years ago, and the war has a huge gully in the ground. These giries are water in the lake, and the only one in the center of the lake is not damaged land, which is no island.

And today's no heart, the atmosphere is unusual. I saw the island of the lake, standing on a cold figure standing, these people, all the black robe, the face also with masks, and at least It is a golden mask, all corners of the island.

On the void, there are some purple kills from the bloody pompon, and have to meet the strong people from all parties, and there is also the surrounding guards.

In short, the entire island can now be said to be alert.

On the day of the day, there was a strong power of all parties to the island.

One month ago, the bloody tower took the invitation to the invitation, with the strong power of the bloody ripple, but the trend of the invited, did not dare to give the face, all sent to participate.

Like the seven topic people of the Tianzong Dynasty, even even the Dragon Palace, the life and death of the midnight is also coming.

It quickly gathered a lot of power on the island, and the island was also awkward.

There is a huge campus in the center of the island, and there are a large number of seats in the campus. The strong people from the Tianzong Dynasty dynasties are all sitting on these seats, and they are also quite a rules.

"Ling Feng big brother, how is our Tianyuan Jianzong is arranged here?"

In a corner of the most edge of the campus, it is the place of Tianyuan Jianzong. The Tianyuan Jianzong has come to nearly ten strong, including a woman with a bit of cold, this woman is a sword dream. And the sword dreams have a little quirky.

"Our Tianyuan Jianzong is indeed a big, but in the entire Tianzong Dynasty, it can only be in general, and it is very good to be invited by the bloody piercing. It is arranged to be in the corner. Ling Feng Road.

"Is this?" Jian Mengr frowned.

"Ling Feng." Tianyuan Jianzong's principal, a crane childrens turned, Chao Ling Feng said: "This party can be said to be the top party of the Tianzong Dynasty, the whole Tianzong Dynasty's large forces Everyone is coming, I will give you a given you to give you a long time. "

"Yes." Ling Feng received his head.

In the most conspicuous area of ​​the campus, there are ten people sitting there. The head is a burly man with a height of more than two meters, the volume is so strong, this burly man is a museum of life and death. the Lord.

"This gathering, I am looking forward to that sword is unparalleled, I don't know when he will appear?" This burly man is watching around, but smiling in his mouth, "I have been curious about this peerless genius."

"Bai Chong, I heard that you have a little bit related to the sword?" The burly man saw a bad arm in the middle age.

If the sword is unparalleled again, it will be recognized at a glance. This middle-aged man, Hedu, when he was still in the swords and Houfu, gave him a chant, and stopped the bloody feather killing, and he had a giant. Bai Chong.

When I heard the burly man, Bai Chong couldn't help but touch my left side.

His left arm, when it was because helped the sword without double blocking bloody rushing killer, but was cut off, the arms were cut off, he did not have a silence, but reverse the flow, even broke through him, he has been sleepy. The bottleneck, reached the honesty.

"It is a bit of a relationship." Bai Chong gas.

"Oh, I admire the little guy, this time, if he can die, you will help me in the future." The burly man laughed.

"Well." Bai Chong nodded, but it was frowning.

He knows that this sword is unparalleled, it is not the same.

This time this time, it is a trap, and it is ready to wait for the sword.

On the campus, in addition to these strong people from all parties, there are still many excitement, most of these exclusive strong people have not been invited, but they have come over, purely just to make fun.

In these exclusive strong people, there is a ridiculous man with a long sword.

This Confucian man is the master of the swords, and Jianxin Hong!

One month ago, he also heard that the bloody house will be invited to all parties today, and at the same time, the Sword Nantian will sacrifice the heavens, and he also heard that the sword is unparalleled.

So today he also comes with the identity of the monet.

"Bloody Pool ... This can be the hegemony of the Tianzong Dynasty, and I heard that their landlord has reached the superiority of the sacred sacred." Jianxin Hong is at the moment, but the long time is secretly shaking his head, "Hey, I hope that the little guy has a good day. "


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