Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2546 Golden Robe



"Sanfu is destroyed?" Stone Qian Han is a bit amazed with the three elders.

They also know this news now.

"The destroyed Sanfu, is the evil moon, the Tianzhi government, and the Mingfu. This three-government strength is in the 18th government. Although the bottom is the bottom, there are also higher gods to sit in the town. Theft is more countless, but people who have destroyed these three people, but they will kill this three-in-house, so that this three-government pirates have never escaped. "

"Listening to them, it is a man who is unknown. The golden robe is good at Keng, and the time and space rules are good at, and his cultivation is the first-class god level !!"

When I heard this, the three elders and the three elders were all.

They are all golden robe, they are good at Keyway, to participate in the time and space rules, and the repair is just the first grade of the gods, but the power is extremely good. It can have a three-government in the town of Higher Shenzun.

Too else, in the dark of the Thunder field, the three-government goldpack man is destroyed, and now appears in the North of the North, challenging the sword of the blood bucket, and various characteristics are fully compliant.

In an instant they can identify, covering the Golden Robe of the Sanfu, is this sword! !

"The old man is old, later? The darkness of the 18th government has always been consistent, this sword has covered it in the Sanfu, the other fifteenth house will definitely crazy to kill him?" Shi Qianhan asked.

"Yes, other fifteenth prefectures are trying to kill him, but also find opportunities, among them, the Blue Brothers and the Hall of the Yinxin have killed him, but the Roche Brothers The test combined with the combination, but even defeated the golden robe, it was too difficult to hear the host, he was more than the golden robe man, but it couldn't kill the golden robe man. Looking at him away. "The young eyes said.

"The owner of the heart personally took himself, there is no way to take him?" Stone Qian Han is a little stunned with the three elders.

Yan Xin's host, although far in the dark field, but he has a great name throughout the North.

That is the first strong person who is recognized by the Dark Thunder, opens up the existence of the world of the sword. The whole northern star is the peak of the peak of the northern, can win his, and you can count.

And the stone family is old, although it is also the peak of God, but compared with the owner of the heart, it has to be a lot.

Even if the power of the Lin Xinfu is, he can not leave the sword. You can only look at the sword. Three elders can't leave the sword. It seems to explain reasonably.

"Damn !!"

"I thought that this sword was a slightly stronger sword genius, but I didn't expect him to have this, and have been hidden with strength. It is so confident that he is so confident. Shi is a bet, I can easily suppress the four high gods in the early days of God, and if I have left it, I also dare to challenge the bloody people. "

"Intelligence, talking, or is too intelligence, the funeral site doesn't have to ask about this sword one message, but my stone's intelligence department is doing what to eat, I can't find him. So big movement in the darkness of the darkness? If you know, I will let him challenge the bloody people so safe !! "

Shi Millennium is blue and green, and it is burned to the anger.

The young old man looked at the three elders, and the young eyes said: "The Master, this matter is not in the head of the family intelligence department, after all, the things of the mine are recently happened, and the 18th government has Have something, obviously don't want to spread this shame, I am also a friend in the 18th government. When he is drinking with him, he talked to me, and my stone's intelligence department failed. Get the news, it is also normal. "


The stone is cold, and the look is quiet and calm.

"For, things have happened, and then regret it, and then the responsibility is not significant. Now the 160,000 Taijie Stone has fallen into the hands of the sword. According to the old man, even the Hall of the Hall can't kill him. So in the entire North Plutéa, in addition to the domain owner, no one kills him, my stone home wants to come back from his hand, it is impossible, we also I can only eat this dumb loss. "Shi Qian is sighful.

160,000 Tai Chuanshi, a lot of stone family.

But there is no way, falling into the sword, there is no longer, they have never returned, I don't have the strength.

"160,000 too late stone, it also implied that I couldn't operate normal. Now the key is not that my stone is willing to give up the 160,000-story stone, but the three elders have already shot the sword. The sword will not It will hate us on us. He is a very super-genius. If he is stared at him, I am afraid that I have not been good in the future of the stone. "The old eyes of the young

"He dares!"

The stone thousands of cold, "I am willing to retreat. If he is still aggressive, it is airs, I can't pay some big costs, but I will kill him !!"

Stone Qian Han is still very confident on the bottom of the stone.

Although he does not kill the sword in the inside of the stone, he can ask for people.

As long as the cost gives a big enough, even the land god is willing to shot, and when he can't kill a sword one?

The young old people look at the three elders, and they have not said more.


When Shijia caught a shake because of the sword, the sword is already in a secluded empty space, and it is again compliant with Xiao Tiexin.

"Sword, Mr. Sword, the people of Shijia have been gone by you?" Xiao Tiexin asked.

"Oh, Shijia is indeed a hand of the pen, but they will send a peak to kill me in one time, but unfortunately, they are too low to estimate me, I played them a little. I left directly, it is estimated that the stone home is now big and thunder. "The sword is unparalleled.

"That is, Mr. Jian Yi can be retorned from the lord house, this stone is unless they join hands, and then, please come to some strong people, otherwise it is impossible to kill. Sword, Mr. You, but just for 160,000 too early stone, not so that Shijia is moving to dry. "Xiao Tie said.

"Shijia family is big, lost 160,000 Taijie Stone, nothing to do, not too much attention, but for me, this 160,000 too late stone, it can be very important."


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