Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2550 Yejia Master



Ye Ding Mountain is cold, and the peak of the peak of the peaks out of the outbreak, and his figure is also moving.

Booming ~~~ Tiandi tremor, endless mad madness came in the sword.

The sword has no double eyes, and the Ye Dingshan in front of you is a genuine peak of the goods. It can be completely different from those higher gods before.

Instant seven-star secret surgery, the endless golden power crazy in the sword, the blink of a high golden temper is formed.

This golden natural god is huge, overlooking everything in the world.

With the sword unparalleled, the horrible power also broke out, shocking, but not weaker than that of the Ye Dingshan.

"Good guy, obviously just a higher god, but his gentle, no more than the general peak." The strong people of Ye's family met, secretly moved.

In the void, the two portions have been in front of it.


A loud sound, time and space retreat.

The sword has no double shape, and the eleventh fantasy is in the same time.

"Time and Space Disease?" Ye Ding Mountain smiled, and the figure was also awkward.


The same, a fantasy, there is a thirteen, and there are two more ways than the sword.

"He also enlighten the time and space rules, and the feelings of time and space rules, it is even more slightly higher than me." The sword is unparalleled, but immediately, a round of reincarnation is also swept.

The sword is not bumbled in the bismuth.

hate! hate! hate!

Hate, don't die!

The brightest light swept, leaving a hateful day in the void.


Ye Dingshan snorted, his right hand has endless power condense, but it is suddenly taken.


A crisp explosion is transferred.

The void has a faintness, as if there is a burst of glass.

Shen Li rolled, and the sky is directly to the hateful day of the sword unparalleled.

Ye Dingshan hands are out.

Black! Black! Black! Black!

A crisp burst remarkably returned.

Every explosion is immediately a horrible gentle, the sword, the sword, and that the power is too huge, the sword is unparalleled, and the sword swept away, but it was directly defeated by this power.

The sword is unbolded, and the body is back.

"It's almost." The sword didn't smile in the bottom of the heart, and immediately took a handset directly.

Rumble ~~~ Endless Golden Power Ocean instantly exploded.

This golden power is covered with the heavens and the earth, and the time to make this void in Ye Dingshan has formed an indestructible golden jail.

This golden jail will be wrapped in swords and unparalleled with Ye Dingshan, but Ye's strong people, and everyone in this world is hindered outside the golden jail.

Looking at the golden jail in front of it, the people of Ye's family were shocked.

"Not good, the owner is trapped in this prison."

"This jail, so strong, I am afraid it is the peak of God, it is not easy to defeat this prison."

"The damn, this jail actually even blinds, I don't know what happened in the end, do you have any danger?"

"Don't worry too much, the home is the peak of the peak, even if it is in a jail, the sword is not the opponent of the owner."

The people of Ye's family are still very confident on their owner Ye Dingshan.

Of course, this is also because this sword is only a higher god. Maybe their owner will not be a sword, but the sword wants to defeat or kill their owners, it is absolutely impossible.

The people of Ye's family, and the strong people who have been attracted to the surroundings, they are waiting quietly outside the golden jail.

This is only waiting for a moment.

boom! !

A shocking roar rings directly, and the golden jail has also saved the opening.

After the golden jail sailed, the two stones appeared on both ends of the void, and the sword was unparalleled and the Ye Dingshan.

"Ye Master, it is worthy of the peak, the strength is really, this time is a lot of swords." The sword is unparalleled with a quiet laugh.

I heard this laugh, Ye Jia, and the many cultivators of the surrounding sky, they all understood it.

They heard it, in the new golden jail, this sword should be in the wind, or a little loss, or he will not say that he is big.

Obviously he feels that the enemy is not Ye Dingshan.

The people of Ye's family have also revealed.

"Sure enough, or is good at home!"

"Nonsense, the sword is all over and again, it is just a higher god, and how can I compare with my owner."

"He is still smart, knowing that herself."

The strong people of Yejia have discuss it.

However, they did not notice that their owner Ye Dingshan is not comparative, but he deeply read the sword and unparalleled, halfway him only, "this matter, my Ye family has more sin, sword one Mr. came to discussing a fair for the disciples, but 100,000 Taijue stone did too much, this way, Ye Jia took out 50,000 Taijie Stone, and it was a sin of you. "

"50,000 Tai Chuan Stone?" Ye Jia's face is changed.

Most people don't understand, it is clear that Ye Dingshan won, why also take 50,000 Taijie Stone to give this sword one?

Only a few of the violet old people, this moment seems to guess the intention of Ye Dingshan.

"Haha, I am just wanting to give my disciple to discuss a fair. I didn't want to mean with Ye's home. As for the Taijie Stone, it is good to say that if the Ye Mer is not mind, you can find a The place is talking about it. "The sword was unparalleled.

"Yes, I will go to my Yejiafu, Mr. Jianyi, please." Ye Dingshan Road.

"Then I will be welcome."

The sword has no double one face smile, and the head of Ye Dingshan will go up.

The surrounding Ye Jiazhong strong, including a lot of practitioners who have a lot of attractive not far away, they are somewhat awkward.

They don't know what happened, how to change the attitude of both parties.

Just just the sword is arrogant, but now it is like a friend of my friends, will the sword go to Yejiafu?

And half of the time, the sword was unparalleled from the Yejiafu.

"Ye Hero please stay, the sword said." The sword was unparalleled.

"Sword, one is slow, if there is time, you can come to me, I will sit more, I will have a good hospitality you." Ye Dingshan is also quite humble, attitude is not a moderate.

"Haha, must." The sword was unparalleled, and then the Ye Jia people were separated and left straight.

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