Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2564 Earth Disease (Tenth !!!)

(Today's ten is more, ask everything !!!)


"You, your power?"

The Lord, the main thing of the heart, but the sword is unparalleled.

The prior to the sword is unparalleled, there is no breath, and he naturally can't see the sword is unparalleled.

It can just be a sword with a sword, and you will shoot his long sword. The feeling of breath, but he is immediately seen, that is clearly the breath of the peak! !

I have to know that when the sword is unparalleled, only the cultivation of the first gods is only the cultivation of the first gods?

How long does this? Less than three years.

In the eyes of this sword, I will directly wait until the beginning of the peak.

How is it so fast?

"It seems that you must have a big machine in the North of the North, and you can't even have many families on the North. There is no way to take you." The main color of the Qi Xinfu is a bit gloomy.

"I have a big machine, the strength has also improved a lot, otherwise how to dare to appear in front of the Lord of the Hindu host?" The sword is unparalleled, "" Yin Xinzhong, take you the strongest strength "


Yin Xin's host is no longer reserved, only listening to him, he has no swing.

In the blink of an eye, the world of the sword has been covered and oppressed in the sword.

A huge shock force is also unparalleled towards the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, although the realm has improved, the strength of its own strength is even more than the ground god, but the power is returned, but the world's shocking is not the strength of the weak.

At this moment, he still received a great shock effect, his strength is also greatly weakened, especially on the sword.

"I realized the world of this complete sword."

The shock of the world of swords, the sword is unparalleled.

At the same time, he also began to carefully feel this complete world of swords.

"Sure enough, this is the world of true swords. From the inside, it is extremely complete, which is a true world." The sword is unimaced.

But that the monk of the heart has been moved.

"Life and death, you dare to distinguish !!"

The owner of the Yin Xin is anger, and it also burst into a rich murder.

"Second, !!"

A drank, the dark sword also burst into a chance, in the hands of the black long sword in the world of swords, swinging together, and the black corrugations seem to have formed a huge dark swirls. The time is coming to the sword.

This sword is the strongest of the owner of the heart.

When he had two years in two years, he didn't have a double hand in two years. This sword sword was unparalleled. The last sword was unparalleled to rely purely on his strong horizontal body, resist the power of this sword.

And now ...

The sword is still in the world of immersing in the world of the sword. When this dark vortex appears in front of him, the sword is unparalleled.

Subsequently, his blood and swords were fierce, and they were free to wax, and the blood peak sword was blocked in front of this dark swirl, and the dark swirls were disappeared.

"Do you block it? And so easily?" Yan Xinfei is the master, but it is once again taken again.

" " " "

I saw a cloudy sword light, under the shock of the world of the sword, continued to attack.

These swords are very fast, and it is very amazing, and the amount of power is also very amazing.

Determine, endless sword light, it seems to be completely flooded with the sword.

The sword is not a smile. He is just a sharp sword, but it is easy to get these secretly matrix swords and light.

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled in the world of the world of the sword.

In the edge of the battlefield, the Chinese owners, the Muanyin government, and the many pirates of the Yin Xinfu gathered.

The Qinglu government is unparalleled with the main color of Xuanyin.

"In less than three years, this sword is in the realm of the two levels directly. The strength is so big, and the Light of the Heart is, I am afraid that I can't help him."

"Indeed, the owner of the Yin Xin has made all the best, but it can't take halfway, and it is clear that the sword is in the same way." Xuanyin government is also. "

"It'sfortable to wait, you and I will shoot directly, cooperate with the owner of the heart, kill him!" The fire of the green fire.

"Good." Xuanyin's main point.

In the next moment, the two majority of the top of the peak of the peak, they were directly out.

The sword is unparalleled in the world of the sword. On the side of the swordsman who blocked the owner of the heart, it was carefully to understand the world around him.

Although the world of the sword gave him a big shock, his strength could not completely played, but he still easily lifted the swordsmanship and various means of the owner of the heart.

But at this time ...

boom! boom!

Two violent breath, abrupt into the battlefield, broke into the scope of the sword.

The sword is not double-faced.

There is no signs, and the sword is unparalleled with a big hand.

This, seems to stir the sky space.

" !

A huge, and horrible, the sword is suddenly stroke. In an instant, I came to the two major women who broke into the battlefield.


"Be careful!!"

The Lord of the Qingzhou is shocked by the Xuanyin government, and the next time two people will resist this sword.

Focal results ... !

The low impact sounds, and the two body shapes are like sheas, they will shoot out.

At the same time, while the two big houses have a sweet throat, they can't help but spray a blood, and their faces are too miserable.

Half rang, the figure of the two is stable, but the two of this moment is a face of a face, and the breath of their body is much smashed than before.

"How is it possible?" The two major households are also unbelievable.

Their two big houses, the two peaks, the gods, while the other side came back, and he was seriously injured directly.

What strength is this?

"Land, is the land of the gods?" The monk is also a horrified, and the sword is unparalpted.

The color of the sword is unparalleled, but he glanced at the owner of the green fire, the first of the Xuanyin government, and the cold channel: "I just want to fight against the Lord, gallblators. I will kill innocent! "

The sword is unparalleled to the extreme, with a horrible, completely over the peak of the peak of the peak, and instantly broke out.

For a time, the whole world is completely quiet.


PS: Today is ten!

It has been burst for twelve days, and it is really tired to kill, but our brothers are still going on, then the breakthrough of death will continue.

Tomorrow is still going to continue to explode, ask everyone to smash all kinds of ticket procedures, thank you! !

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