Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2598 Sheng Dan

(The first to come!)

(Monday, ask the recommended ticket!)


"Although the soul was hit by my teacher, I also made a missionary secret, and the strength was sharply reduced. But after all, the goods were really real-life, and they were good at or the soul attack, and how to thin camels are more than the horse Big, the North Meditation Lord, you can kill this soul, and it is not true. "Su Qin smiled.

"I just have a good luck, I have a cheap, if he is in the peak, or the strength is slightly recovered, I saw that he only had a copy of the wolf." There is no double.

"Maybe." Su Qin was just a smile, and suddenly, he followed: "Northern Ming Domain, although the soul is killed by you, but his Qiankun ring, there is something, for me and teachers Both people are especially important. "

"What?" The sword has no double look, but the heart is quite vigilant.

He knew that this Su Qin two people came to him, and it must be a purposeful, and this purpose is 80% of the treasures left by the bell soul.

However, this Su Qin only needs a thing, but it is a little unexpected.

"That is a tolerance, a very specialistic, the North Ming domain can find it in the clock, and you should find it." Su Qin said.

"Special maker?" The sword didn't have a double look, immediately remembered the strokes related to the witch.

Obviously Su Qin is this, but the sword is unparalleled but not immediately takes up.

"Northern Ming Domain, since the soul is dead in your hand, then the many treasures he left, natural is also yours, but it is very important to me and the teacher, I am two people. It is also necessary to take this thing back to the door to live, so I hope you can fulfill it, of course, I will not be white, I can take something out. "

After SUQ said, he waved directly, and immediately had three white, and the medicinal medicine that sent a tempting fragrance appeared in front of the sword.

"Is this?" The sword watched these three Dan medicine, but the eyes were fierce.

These three medicinal herbs, anything that contains a sword is unparalleled.

The power is very pure, at least than he has been used to absorb the power of the refining of the gerbera of the gerbera, and we must have a few times! !

"This is Santa Dan, the main owner should know." Su Qin smiled.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is a shock.

Santan, he certainly knows! !

This is a medicinal medicine that contains fine and pureness, and specializing in the cultivator of not delayed the saints!

Under normal circumstances, an ordinary unmanned saints, if it is the power consumption, it is estimated that only ten Santanes, it is enough to completely recover.

It can be said that this medicinal medicine, there is a small role in the non-dead saint.

On the market, a Sundam, worth 5 million Taiji Stone! !

This is a recognized redemption price, but in fact, it is generally only in exchange for Taiji Stone with Santa. But you want to use five million Taijie Stone to exchange a Saint Dan, I am afraid that few people willing to change.

"I am just a way to respect the peak of God. As long as I want to rely on continuing to swallow the refining Too early stone, I have a lot of rock, but I don't have much stone, but I don't feel much. Breakthrough, you must absorb refinement than the fineness of the Taijie Stone level, and the sterilization of the sterilization of Sheng Dan is afraid that there is no bigity than the power contained in Taichun. "

"This Sacred Dan, for the present, just have a great use !!"

Looking at the three Santanes, the sword is really very heart, but his expression has not changed.

"Su Qin adult, what you mean is what you want to use these three Santa, in exchange for the trick?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Yes, as long as the North Meditation Lord, you are willing to give me the same, these three Santanes, naturally you." Su Qin smiled.

"I am very curious, the contest is really a very big role in two adults. It is worth two adults to exchange it with three Sundans." The sword didn't help but ask.

Su Qin said with the red girl Liu Xian, and Su Qin directly said: "I can't compare, this is a half point to me and the two people, but I have a paramour in the two people. A certain role, as for what effect, even if I am with my sister, I only know that I will bring it back. "

"Is this?" The sword has no double eyebrows, and then wanted to ask, "I don't know if the two adults are located?"

"Where is the difference between the two? What is the relationship with you?" The Liu Xianer couldn't help but send a cold, and she looked at the sword unparalleled eyes.

"Sister." Su Qin screamed, : "Sorry, my sister is so angry, but I have been going out, the elders in the Zong have explained, unless it is a life and death, otherwise it will not say the name of the Zongmen. Therefore, please also ask the North Meditation Lord Haihan. "

"It's okay." The sword waved, but he was quite awkward. After a while, the sword was unparalleled, and the three Santanes in front of him were in the Qiankun Ring. Then I took the entries.

"Two adults, I don't know if this is what you want?" The sword is unparalleled.

Su Qin looked at the contest, the power of the soul was influx.

After a moment, he also stood slightly, but immediately showed a smile, "It is indeed this inventory, and Thanks North Meditation Lord."

"It should thank the two big people." The sword laughed.

"Since it is got, then I will leave with the teacher." Su Qin did not stay.

"The two adults are slow." The sword is unparalleled.

After a while, this Su Qin also had two people from Liu Xian, left the domain owner.

The two people have left until the two completely disappeared in his sight, and the sword is unparalleled.

"These two people ... so old!" The sword was muffy.

Weird, indeed weird!

Obviously the two major Gods, the Su Qin is very very good. According to the truth, there is such an absolute rolling strength. These two people can directly go to the door to force him to hand over, even if it is not forced, At least it is a bit strong.

But in addition, the two people have been more indifferent in addition to the Liu Xianzier, but the Su Qin is very good to him, even a little shelf doesn't, not only don't forced him, but it directly took out three Sundams. Exchange him with him.

That's too good!

The Su Qin is very good to talk, it feels no temper.

The sword is unparalleled from the previous life to now, can we really believe this Su Qin is a good old man.

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