Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 274, high price reward

After the sword is unparalleled.

"Zone, what is going on?" Asked Yan Yan.

Dali Tiansong Zong Lord passed the letter to the face of Yan Han, "I look at it."

Ling Han took the letter, opened it, and the Leaf, Junyi, who was behind him, and the disciples of the Tiansong also came over.

"Running Order?"

When I saw this letter, the Ling Han looks could not help but move, and then continue to look down.

This letter is originally a reward from the Holy Palace, and has been rewarded by this reward. There are two people.

The first person, Jienan Day.

"Jian Nan Tian, ​​from the Tianzong Dynasty, half-Holy Sales

"The sword is unparalleled, the southern" of Jiannan Tianzhi, Yang Yu Xiaoxue, and the world, killing two major origins, once with a self-contained strong, there is no longer in a short time, belonging to the top of Nanyang Mainland Super genius. "

"This two people have no hatred with my holy palace, the people of Nanyang will force the door, the public is strong ... but can kill one of them, my holy palace promises three high-level gods, palace Eight major second products high-level origin cheats, let it choose one! "

I saw the content of this reward, and Yan Han and others were shocked.

"The two people are still two people, one half-son, one sword, one sword, kill a sacred force, another Yangxue is only a good fortune, but can take a self At the same time, we will fight against two contexts, simply incredible! "Yan Han praised.

Is incredible.

Like Leyph, Junyi, there are several Dali Tianzong's genius, which is quite talented, and it is absolutely called the genius, but the two people on the reward will be more than far. .

And such two people actually still fate.

"There are two portraits of the reward order, you look at it carefully." Dalu Tiansong Zong Lord said.

Yan Han and others immediately saw the reward, and there were two portraits, the first portrait is a white-haired man, which is very unfamiliar.

The second portrait is a portrait of a young man. I saw this picture, and the cold and severings were immediately stunned.

"This, this is ..." Ling Han wide his eyes.

"Swordac, it is him." Jun Yi and Ye Shi were taking cold air.

Although this portrait is somewhat rough, but they have no doubles with swords, so I will recognize it at a glance. This portrait is helping them kill Chen Feng and just left the swordsman.

Now they have finally understood that the main Lu Tiansong Zong Lord killed the sword without a whit unexpected.

It turned out that he saw the content of this letter, knowing that the swordsman is a sword, so it will not be unexpected.

I tried, a super genius who can fight against the two of the two bodies in the same power, to kill a yang yu peak, which is never comploated, isn't it easy?


Ling Han couldn't help but praise.

However, the swords he praised were unparalleled, and I have already left the Tiansong.

The snow is empty, the sword is unparalleled, and the front is plugged in, and the mind is thinking about this reward.

"The Emperor Palace, I really can really see it for my father and son." The sword was unparalleled.

He just saw the content of the reward, even if he couldn't help but surprise.

Three products high-level god soldiers!

Two high-level originates!

Both, any kind of precious and rare.

Take the god soldiers, there are not many people in the entire Nanyang mainland. Under normal circumstances, a three-piece low-level god soldiers are enough to make the general sacred strong, and the three high-level gods are enough. Those Shengbauni is mad.

As for the second high-order origin cheats ... I want to know that it is like the top of the Nang Tianzong, the Sword Zong, such as Nanyang, the strongest is only the second product cheats, and the top is the second product low order. , The secondary level of the middle class.

As for the second product high-order, the vision is only like the Holy Palace, and the Danmen will have the giant door.

The Holy Palace is big, and only eight such cheats in the whole paramour can imagine how such cheats are rare. One of the two high-order local sources will definitely cause a lot of holy bodies to compete.

The two conditions are added together, this reward order, you can use the entire Nanyang continent.

"My three kill sword is also a soldier, and now it has returned to the second grade of the two, and the source cheats, I have two kinds of San Pino's cheats, then I am getting in the ancestral place. Many of the Sacred Anti-Straights in the Nanyang Continent, I am afraid that there is no such thing, so ... this reward order, I am afraid I am staring at the stun power of the two people with my father, will never be less. "Sword is unparalleled .

When he guess, when the Holy Palace spread this reward, the entire Nanyang continent was sensational.

All parties forces, including countless excitement, are shocked by this exclusive reward.

Three products high-level god soldiers, the second product high-level origin cheats are selected, which is definitely a real high price.

Many old guys remembered the names and appearance of the sword unparalleled with the Jiannan Tian two. Once he found his two traces, there must be a large number of old unresolved levels, and directly Kill, with their bodies to the Holy Palace, exchange the bounty.

It is not polite, this reward, his father and son have almost become the enemy of many of the Nanyang mainland, and in the future, he is afraid to walk inch.

"Nanyang mainland is big, but this reward is out, I can really actually active the area is there., and the Datang Dynasty, for me, almost the only place." The sword is unhappy.

The Datang Dynasty, the whole of the most crazy places of the Nanyang mainland, there were more powerful people who were governed by all parties, and the territory is broad, and many strong, he went there, even if it occasionally The vulgar battle is coming, it is difficult to attract people's attention.

"After the northern area, it is the Datang Dynasty, under the full strength of my speed, it can be arrived within 10 days."

The sword is unbentered in the middle of the sword, and then it will start to go to the Datang Dynasty.

At the same time, it is in the large dynasty, and a white hair man, a look, white hair flutters, drinking wine, and at his feet, there is this There are a few bodies. Among these bodies, one of them almost killed, and the breath is still ignorant, and it is a super-peak of the peak.

The sword is awkward, and the hand is a reward order. After reading the content of the reward, the corner of the mouth is smiling, the hand is in the hands, and the reward is instant into ashes.

"Want to kill me, then come ..."

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