No heart, headquartered in the innocent city in Tianbufu.

On the way to the heartless city.

"The swordsman brothers, I will go to the heart of the city, I will see the boss, I recommend you to the boss to the boss, I have become a good care. I have a good care of your strength, more than enough." Yuyang said.

The sword is unparalleled.

On this way, he also listened to the two things in Nibu and Coldyang. He also known that in the unhappy teaching, the highest lounged nature is the half of the holy strongest.

After that, it is those way to protect the law.

Innocent, there are eight prototypes, and this eight care is almost all the top of the famous bloody list.

Like North Mu and Coldyang, these two are two of them.

"It's here!" North Mu said, the sword is unparalleled, and the huge town appeared at the end of his own sight.

No Xincheng, as an unintentional headquarters, but it is too much more than that of the magic city, and he is guarded.

"North Mu Guara, Cold Yang Nujia!"

North Mu and Coldyang leads the sword where the sword is walking in the city, and the two of the people who pass by have respectful.

It has come to a manor's talker hall.

Within the lobby, the thin purple haired old people are unintentional, and they are discussing things with other rewarders, and the two in the north, and the two people lead the swords.

"Boss, we are back." The character is more straightforward.

"Cold Yang, North Mu." Seeing the people, there is no heart to teach the main face to show a smile, discussing something is temporarily stopped.

"Boss, I will introduce you, this is the swordsman brother, it is what we have encountered on the road." Cold Yang said.

There is no heart to the main and the prototypes, and there is no double look in the sword.

"S so young?"

Their first impression is that the sword is unparalleled too much.

"Boss, don't look at the swordsman brothers, but the strength is really good, on the way, I have negotiated it with North Moh, and I recommend him to become a ninth protection method." Cold Yang said.

"Well." North Mu also nodded.

"Oh?" The unintentional owner and that some of them were surprised.

Protecting the law, that is also a ranked blood month or the battle is comparable to the bloody list.

And the name of the swordsman, did they have heard of them before, obviously no list of bloody lists.

"This sword passenger little brother, it looks young, it should be around the age of twenty, this is the first year of age, it has reached the yang:" There is no heart to the sword ".

"Yangyu peaks? No." The sword didn't shake his head, directly: "I am still just yang yu."

"This?" "There is no heartbrower.

The few guards next to them smiled, one of them wearing a snow-white mink coat, leaving two eight-word beard, the middle-aged middle-aged middle age is directly: "Coldyang, North Mu, two are Jisted? It is recommended that a little guy who is yang Yun Xiaosheng becomes a care method I have no heart, I have passed out, I am not my best to be a joke? "

"The brothers of the swordsman brothers are low, but the strength is extraordinary, I will join hands with North Mu, I can't let him in a short time. This strength, can I still have a list of blood months?" Cold Yang face Cold, glanced over this cloudy middle-aged, can see from his eyebrows, he has a disgust in this cold middle-aged year.

"Hey, then I asked you, when you teamed up with North Mu to fight with this kid, can I have used all the strength?" The cold middle-aged cold channel: "Your Thunder, and the triple black light of North Mu Show? "

"That is not." Cold Yang shook his head.

When they have no swords, there is room for retaining, and both sides have not take advantage of their efforts. He has his own tricks with him. But he also believes that the sword is unparalleled at that time.

"That is not to have, you have never shown it, and how to determine this child is comparable to you?" The cold middle-aged smiled.

"But ..." Ying Yang still wants to say.

"Okay." The wonderful teacher finally opened, he opened his mouth, no matter whether it is Coldyang or the cold middle-aged middle age, his mouth is closed.

"This sword passenger little brother, since the cold and north Mu you have strongly recommended, the strength is extraordinary, I can never be buried in my no trick, this way, just the blood front team just just Wuwu I lack some people, let this little brother stay in the bloody team. "No heart.

"Boss." Cold Yang couldn't help but frown, in his opinion, the strength of the sword is unparalleled, it is more than enough.

"Don't say more." There was no heart to wave, but then he was a sword without double, "Swordsman Xiao Brothers, I don't know if I would like?"

"Willing." The sword was not a hyper point, and he did not hesitate at all.

After all, he is not very rare about what the position of the law. He truly cares that it is a strong man who has killed the battle for his own, as long as you can fight with the real power, he doesn't matter.

"That's good, Wu, this little brother, I will give you it." I didn't care about the main laugh.

"No problem." The warm eight-word Hu Middle-aged nutami, who had ridiculed the cold yang immediately, went to the sword and unparalleled, whispered: "Kid, let me go."

"Swordsman brothers, you can rest assured, with your strength, no matter where you are, you will not be buried." Cold Yang said.

The sword is not slightly toned, and then nodded, followed this Wu.

Without the heart of the city, the sword is unparalleled with the squad after the ugly body.

"Kid, have something you give me a clear." The sound of Wurai was awkward. "I don't care if you are with the cold yang, what is the relationship between North Mu, now you are people under my hand, my words You must be absolutely obedient, even if I call you to send it, you have to rush it without hesitation, if you dare to have a little hesitation, I will immediately shoot you! "

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no more to say slightly.

And after a long time, Wuquan has a sword and has arrived in a hontuary.

"Taishan." Wuhe opened, the sound echoed throughout the court.

Suddenly there is a number of people who have been connected from the courtyard, the first is a big man with a big man, which is stood there, as if a small mountain is like.

"Wushu's protection method." Taishan and the few people around him respect.

"Your ninth team, I died one person before, now I added one, that is, I am a kid, he is a sword, he just came to me, I didn't understand, I'm going to stand the rules, you are good. Teach him. "Wuwu finished, glanced at the sword, and then left directly.

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