Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2814 can't

(The third is over!)


" !

The scarlet claws of the blood color giant wolf straight down.

This paw seems to tear the heaven and earth into two halves, and the sound of torn air is extremely stunning.

And see this claw coming, the sword is not very different.

~~~ A lot of power crazy swept.

The blood peak sword is also crazy.

Next moment, the sword is unparalleled ...

He just slammed the sword, it seems that it seems to be a common man to sword.

The long sword waved out and immediately lit up.

This sword is not relatively weak, not bleak, and is incomplete.

This is a missing ray, a disabled!

However, this disabled appeared, and there was a dense light between the world and the earth, and there were hundreds of thousands of trip to at least hundreds.

Even under the gaze of many strong people, the original sword is just a sword, but it has become hundreds of thousands of people at this moment! !

Time and space swords, eightened, thousands of scent! !

It is also an ultimate study.

In the blink of an eye, the two ultimate ends collided with the front.

~~~ Endless power crazy squeezed collision.

The confrontation of the two, very clearly the sword where the sword is unparalleled, the sword is absolutely lower.

This is also normal, the same is the ultimate generic power, and the sword is unparalleled is the time-space swords created by the force of the time and space rules. This sword is the most terrible speed, but in powerful collision On the top of this sword, there is almost the same as the San Yinhou just shown.

And it's a difference between this blood coagle, it is too much.

boom! !

I saw that the brute claws of the bloody giant wolf were just paused, followed by rushing to ruin the trend.

The void of the sword is unparalleled, it is completely wrapped in a lot of blood, these blood color is crazy, and it is crazy.

San Yinhou has stopped the movement in his hand, and he still looked quietly in the void.

Coagulation is a claw, is his strongest trick.

It is more powerful than before the heart.

For this trick, he has great confidence. In his opinion, the sword is not in the past, maybe it is still in front of it, maybe it will resist this trick, but now the purple clock is already by him. Defend, single with some of his own body body, under this claw, at least be seriously injured.

It is at this time ...


A Tianshi Ying appeared in the air, this sword photo waved everything, and completely dispersed the blood in front of himself.

After the blood color, a body shape is slowly stepped from the void.

This appears, is the sword is unparalleled.

At this moment, although there is some wolf, but there is no change in the face, and the breath on his body is still very full.

"Sanyin Hou, is there a stronger means?" The sword was unparalleled, and the ice laughed.

"He didn't be injured?" Sanbao Hou frowned, dead and staring at the sword.

His perception is also quite quite, under his perception, the sword is unparalleled, there is no trace of hurt, and the sword is still in the peak level, and he can't do it. He did not hurt.

"I can't hurt him, I want to kill him is more infatuated, or I will leave, then I have a long answer." Sanbao Hou has already set up ideas.

"Sword, your body's ability, some exceed my imagination, this battle today, you don't have good luck, but things will not end this, how long, you will make it again. "San Yinhou laughed, and then turned to turn directly.

He is incomparably calm, and it is not worried that the sword is unparalleled or the Sword of the Sword is left.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no need to leave his thoughts at all.

After all, his strength is still above everyone.

After this Sanyinhou is completely walked, the many high-rise power of the Swordsman immediately surrounded.

"Alliance adults, are you nothing?" Asked the snake.

"Nothing." The sword didn't shake his head without double, but the face was extremely denied.

"Sanyin Hou ..." The sword was unhealthy muddy.

Although this battle, Sanbao Hou has not been able to let him, or there is no way, but in real strength, the sword is unparalleled, and Sanbao Hou is better than him, although this battle There is no effort to go, and he is not using the mountain river social map.

The sword is unparalleled, even if you go all your best, Shi Shanhe Society, the thousands of treasures and other secrets, I am afraid it is still not these three yinhou.

Now he, in the peaks of the Gods, you can call it the top, the strongest, but with the truly invincible god, there is still some gap, this gap did not know before, but today with San Yin Hou True to fight, he is completely experienced.

"These three yinhou, what is the origin? Why do he want to go to the door to fight with me?" The sword was unparalleled with frown, half ring ...

"You stay in the swords, I went to the Red Rockburg."

The sword is unparalleled, and it is going to Red Stone.


Among the voids in the old nest of the sword.

Then, the Sanyinhou who left from the swordsman stayed here, hey!!!!

The plunger appears around the Sanyinhou, is the Tianhuang Palace headed by Chen.

"Adult, the sword one ..." Chen emots carefully asked.

"He is still alive, I can't kill him." San Yin Hou Road.

"Can you kill?" Chen air and others could not help but

"This sword is a good strength, but it is still a gap between the invincible. I can easily suppress him, but his body's ability is extremely, and it can even be metamorphosis, I have already Many means, including their strongest tricks, the result can't hurt him, there is such a terrible body skill, unless the palace owner personally shot, otherwise I am a virtue, including the entire Tianxian No one kill him. "San Yin Hou Road.

The empty color is changed.

He is very clear about the means of Sanyinhou. Since Sanyinhou said this, the body of the somewhere is really strong.

"The sword is not dead, then we want to conquer the Danyang Shengjie, but it is very difficult." Chen Kong.

"Yes, this sword is hard to wrap, I can't make him all the best, and he can take his own field means, with your body's ability to tighten me, with his strength, if it is iron To entangle me, I really don't have to have a chance to make a hand, no me, do these people, I want to conquer the south of the Danyang. It is an idiotic dream. "San Yin Hou Road.

"What should I do? Is it necessary to give up?" Chen Kong couldn't help but read it.

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