

"Withdraw, fast !!"

With the orders of the Tianxi army, the many strong people of the Tianxian Camp immediately began to retreat as the tide.

Danyang Shengjie is naturally not indominable, and the chance will be crazy.

The most central in the battlefield, the sword is unparalleled with the Sanyinhou, who has been fierce, and who is not there.

He can also look in the eyes around the situation.

"Is it lost?"

San Yinhou has a little incredible, but his eyes are cold and frightened at the sword.

"Sword, you are a good means, in your hand, you put this strong corpse army, I really want to know, these corpses have you got it from?" Sanbao Hou cold channel.

"Where to get, you should have more big dry lines with San Yinhou, should there be a big dry system?" The sword was unparalleled.

"This is also, I don't know if you may have some secrets, but in my strength, you can't have you, but you don't have to be proud, I can't you, but I have a way, I am a battle today. Although your Danyang is better than the morning, you can have a lot of money in the morning. When you have a big man, you will be able to block it. "San Yinhou is cloudy, but his body shape is also the same. .

"Want to go?" The sword didn't have a double eye.

He can not plan to put it as simple as it is.

When he immediately fell, he was directly chasing the Sanyinhou, and the four areas were still madly oppressed in the Sanyinhou.


The Tianxian Community has been completely defeated, and many strong people are crazy to escape.

The many strong people in the Sheng Dynasty in Danyang are exhausted, and if you want to make a maximum, you will leave some of the strong people.

This challenge, continued to have a long time, and the Danyang Shengjie chased a long distance and finally stopped.

It is still on the vast ice of ice, the many strong people in the Danyang Shengjie are gathered there. As for the strong people in the Tianxian camp, they have been far away, and they come all the way, The body of the ground is left in the way.

At this moment, these strong people in the Danyang Shengjie are suspended in void, and a look is very excited.

"Winning !!"

"This battle, we win!"

"Danyang Shengjie, hold it."

Many strong people are exciting in their hearts.

At the same time as excited surprises, a young man who has been in the forefront is not in the forehead. The young man who holds the sword looks.

In the surrounding gold robe, there is a large number of corpses.

Looking at this person, all the strong people in the Danyang Shengjie have exposed the color of the awe and worship.

They all know that this battle, the Shengjie of Danyang is better, it is this person.

Sword, the strongest of the Danyang Shengjie!

On this battle, he positive and invincible Shen Zun San Yinhou fierce battle, fighting with the other party, and even ate the other party a little docked, this strength, no death, no doubt, there is no doubt.

In addition to personal strength, he has the power and shocked everyone.

Before they thought this battle, the self-camp must be defeated, but the result is this sword. I actually took out a strong corpse army. The corpse army is completely listening to him, because of the powerful The corpse army joined, which completely changed the situation in the battlefield.

The corpse army is too powerful.

Such a powerful force is completely controlled in this sword.

Awe! !

Everyone is full of fence to swords.

Even Yin Suer, the sword is unparalleled.

There is no way, it is really a sword.

Personal strength is above the Danyang Shengjie, the power controlled in his hand is completely enough to sweep the whole Danyang.

Although she is the owner of the Red Rock, it is the palm of the Danyang Shengjie, but she is asking, if the sword is unparalleled, I can easily capture the privileges of her control.

"Sword 1 ..." Yin Suermaked slightly, looked at the sword and unparalleled, and the look was more complicated.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled, but the neighboring the body is re-income.

After the entire corpse army has incorporated the Qiankun Ring, he has a shaping, and it has appeared next to Yin Su.

"Subbourg Lord, how is our casualties?" The sword did not ask.

"The big gods have fallen more than ten times, and there are more false of the Gods. It is a thousand in the foot, but it is very good to compare the loss of the Tianxian world." Yin Suer said.

She said the facts.

This battle, the loss of the Tianxian community is very heavy.

Before the appearance of the corpse army, the situation was directly reversed, there was already a lot of strong people to kill directly. Later, in the chasing of that quarter, there was more strong people who died in the sky, even if there is no detailed statistics. They can preliminately estimate that the big god of the fantasy in the sky is absolutely more than 60.

The Tianxian Army also suffered from hunting, and those who were falling in the sky.

Compared to the loss of the Tianxian camp, these strong people who lost their victory in Danyang were indeed very fortunate.

"Mainly because you have come up with the corpse group, if there is no corpse army, this battle, my Danyang is, you can hang." Yin Suer sighed, and asked again: "Sword How do you have a strong corpse army? "

This problem, Yin Suer is indeed very curious.

Not only her, the many strong people in the Sheng Dynasty, including the swords of the swords, and the great gods, and the same is equally curious.

You must know that this is the top 100, the weakest is the high-profile level. This corpse is enough to sweep the whole Danyang Shengjie, so strong, they want to know how the sword is unparalleled. Resulting.

"This is ... I am also inconvenient to say, in short, I am lucky." The sword was unparalleled smiling, playing a haha.

That secret, now there is only one person to know, he is naturally impossible to tell the secrets of the secret and tell others.

Seeing the sword is unwilling to say more, Yin Suer and others have not asked again.

"No matter what to say, this battle, my Danyang has won!" Yin Su did smiled.

"Win!" "Win!"

The people next to them are also very joy.

Half-rang, Yin Super is only loud, "all, carefully cleaned the battlefield. After cleaning up the clean, I went to Red Rockburg together, I have already gone to prepare the banquet, today, I want to be in the scene, good Celebrate !! "


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