Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2835 Swordsman's Stand



Looking at this Tong Dan in front of him, Yin Suer's eyes immediately became extremely hot.

"I promised the red stone saints, I will try my best to break through, and this Tong Sheng Dan is the limit I can do. As for the Tong Dan, can you really break the saints, then I have to see your own opportunity to finish, I have nothing to do with me. "The sword was unparalleled, and he lost Tong Sheng Dan to Yin Su.

Yin Suer took the Tong Sheng Dan, but it is a bit of a head.

"Sword, Mr. Jian, this pass Santa Dan, have you sure you give me?" Yin Suer did not dare to confuse.

Tong Sheng Dan, what is precious treasure!

She believes that if the news of Santa's news is spread, the whole golden mushi will vibrate, countless top big gods, including a few invincible gods will immediately kill the Danyang Shengjie to compete, this medicinal medicine The use is too big.

Can be such precious medicinal herbs, swords are unparalleled to give her directly?

You must know that the sword is only just the level of the great god. In the future, it will try to break through the saints, this Dan is also a lot to him?

"Sword, Sword, this pass Santa Dan, don't you need it in the future?" Yin Suer couldn't help but ask.

"My situation is somewhat special. This helpful for me is not very good to me. Let alone, if I reach the breakthrough, I don't want to pass the sacred Dan, I can easily break through." Sword is not a smile Tao.

What he said is the fact.

His potential is too great, far from Yin Suer's conceivable.

It has always rely on Santanes, swallowing Taijie Stone to improve his realm, as long as the power is enough, he is easy to break through, there is no hindrance in the middle, because he can do it too much because of his potential.

As long as the breakthrough conditions are met, it will break through.

If you don't have a strong force, even if all conditions have reached it, you really have to break through, still have some twists and turns, some will even meet bottlenecks, but the sword is unparalleled but will not.

God's level will not, from the great god to the unstead of death, it will not.

In addition, the perfect chaotic spirit is special, this pass Santane, he doesn't need it.

"In this case, then this pass Santa Dan, I accept it, thank you, Mr. Yi." Yin Suzhen worked.

"You have no polite, after all, your father's red stone saint has given the corresponding remuneration." The sword has no double smile, "Yes, there is one thing, you have to talk to you."

"What?" Yin Suru asked.

"You are the Power of Hongshi, now the situation in Danyang, you should see it more clearly than I, now you have reached the Junyang Shengjie, but there is still a special Existence, that is, the existence of my swords ... "The sword said unparalleled.

I heard this, Yin Suer looks slightly.

She already knows what the sword is unparalleled.

That is the position of the sword.

The swordsman, before the Allies of the Red Rock, now it has always been, and it can even be said that there is a large extent to be a large extent, which is unparalleled, which makes the swords of the prestige, to a certain extent. I have already surpassed the Red Rockburg.

Especially the battle with the Tianxian world, that battle is purely the sword is unparalleled, one person reversed the Qiankun.

And the sword is unparalleled, as well as the corpse of the corpse, has been confirmed.

The swords of such powerful power are controlled, in the Danyang Shengjie, in the end, it is to sit in flatness with Red Rockburg, a total of Danyang, or the sword is willing to live under the Red Rock, or the sword The unparalleled direct comeback will be replaced by Red Rockburg, which is possible.

It can be said that the current situation in the Danyang Shengjie, the life and death of Red Rockburg, in fact, now control in the sword, there is no hands in the sword, and control between him, just see how he decided.

Yin Suier also knew this, so she has always been unparalleled to swords, and she has never taken the initiative to challenge this matter. After all, the Red Stone Bur is in a weak side. Once this is, it must The risk of bear, Yin Suer can't afford it.

But now, the sword is unparalleled but actively says this.

"The Swordsman is now in the Danyang Shengjie, too special, and the parties, countless strong people are now staring at my swords, all are watching my swords, I have always bind the swords. The powerful, let them expand, but they can not be two tigers, they have been in this way, and I will have a mess in the morning. I believe that the strong in your Red Rock is always alert to my swords. "

"Indeed," Yin Suer also nodded, "In my red stone fort, some strong people have repeatedly let me be vigilant to the swords, and even the people propose to send some of the strong to penetrate into the inside of the sword. I have done it, I completely believe in the sword, one of you. "

"I'm completely believed?" The sword was universal and interested in Yin Suer, followed but a smile, "It is actually in the creation of a strong power in the Danyang Shengjie and even the golden Ukrainian, not very interested, even mine Zhizhi is also far more than Jiujie in this area, just waiting for my strength, I will leave here, and go to a more vast place to sway. "

"As for this sword, I just created it in order to help you, I originally created, but I didn't expect to stabilize the situation now, but I have a threat to Red Shi Bao, now I am in the sword, the same Many people have to clam the Red Rockburg, replaced by the idea. "

Yin Suer suddenly shocked.

"You can rest assured that these people are temporarily pressed down, and as long as I still stay in this Jinwujiu world, the swords will not be able to violate my orders, but if I left the Jinwu nine, go to another place. It's not necessarily that it is. "Sword is unparalleled," So, I need you to give me some time. "

"Time?" Yin Suer was confused.

"I need a period of time, I don't know how long, I don't have a few decades, and I will continue to stay in Jinwujiu, and I will find a way to re-enter the Sword. When you arrive, let the swords go to the site, naturally there will be no more friction with Red Rockburg. "The sword is unparalleled.

"Can the Swordsman's strong is willing to go to the site?" Yin Suer fringed.

"If it is the same size site, my Swordsman is more than half of the strong, but if the site is very big?" The sword was unparalleled.

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