Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2844 Money's excitement



"I don't know how the sword wants to renew much. Whonder the soldier?" Money laughed.

"That's this handle." The sword has no doubles, the blood peak sword appears in his hand.

Money stared at the blood peak sword in the sword, and took a closer to the moment, the brow was slightly wrinkled. He was a master of Jincai's first refiner, but he didn't see this blood and sword. What is surprising.

I feel that the blood peak sword seems to be with ordinary gods, and there is no two categories.

"Can Xiaoyou give me this sword?" Money.

"Of course." The sword is unparalleled to put the blood peak sword to the front of this Morner.

Money reached out, the old palm just took the blood peak sword, hey! ! A horrible swords in an instant come directly to him.

This sword is called the world, this is a big man who is not a sacred person, can feel the moment of swords, and the body and mind are not from a shock.

At the same time, the boundless killing is also filled.

Money felt an boundless blood sea from the blood peak sword.

Blood sea, no bones buried there.

Obviously, under this sword, it has killed the endless power.

It is a real killing sword, and a sly sword.

"This sword ..."

Take carefully to explore the blood peak sword, feel the construction of blood peak swords, and the horror in the eyes of Money is getting more and more concentrated.

At the end, his first refiner teacher in Jinwu, the eyes of the sacred people, they were all rolled! !

"Perfect, too perfect !!"

"Whether it is an external sword, or internal construction, every step in the refining, and even each step of the fire, it is absolutely perfect, there is no one, and it has found a slight flaw!"

"How can it be?"

"How can someone will be so perfect in this world?"

"Unbelievable! Unbelievable !!"

Even if this is a variety of people who have seen a wide range of people, all kinds of people who have seen, and many refilms have a few measures, but when he really carefully feels the construction of the blood peak sword, he is completely scared.

Scared, even can be said to be completely shocked.

He has never thought about it, and a soldier can achieve this perfect.

In his opinion, whether it is a refiner or a refining, even if the level is high, in the refining process, how will it be slightly slight.

This loss of defects, in many people seem not to be , so they refine the soldiers or Dan medicine, but also the perfect medicinal medicine.

But in front of you, this goddess is really positive to let him find a little bit of flaw.

Perfect, true and innocent!

"Who is it? Which of the big can refining this unbelievable compers?" Money marched.

He is the top of the top of the top, but he refines the soldiers, it is very good to do 70% perfect.

Those eight products or nine-element refining are more than his higher level, and you can do 80% or 90% perfect.

I want to achieve a true meter, no one is perfect, and the legendary nine products are not done.

But now this shower ...

"Although I don't know who is refining, this shower is really open to the eyes, big open eyes !!" Money smiled, his whole body shape was trembled, obviously excited.

His gaze is unparalpted, "Sword is a friend, can you tell the old man, who is this sword to refine?"

Money looks full of enthusiasm to the sword, but also, obviously he wants to know this answer.

The sword has no double eyes, but said: "I can only tell you, his name, his name is Xuanyi, as for other forgiveness, I am unable to say."

"Xuan Yi, Xuan Yi!"

Morr people have died in this name, but they are unparalleled with swords.

"Money, what are you?" The sword is unparalleled.

The powerful morality in front of him actually greeted him? How can he afford?

"Sword is a little friend, the old man, this worship, thank you for me to let me, although the old man can't see the scene of this mysterious master to refine the soldiers, I can't look up at him. Style, but only knowing his name, it is enough to let the old man do not regret, at least the old man knows that in this world, there is an incredible refining master, can refining the most perfect, no flaws, no flaws. "

"From now on, there is no matter whether the old man has a chance to see, this Xuan Yi will be the most respectful of the old man, and the most advocated person." Money is sincere, he is really a good one. His idol.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is just a bitter laugh.

He didn't expect this Mo Nab to see the sword of the blood, it will actually vibrate, and even completely ignore himself.

After a moment, the mood of this morality finally succeeded.

"Sword is a friend, sorry, let you laugh." Money laughed.

"Don't tighten." The sword shook his head without double.

"Now, the old man finally knows why you will not hesitate such a big price, you have to re-refine this hand for you, you said yes, the whole Jinwujiu world, except for the old man, no one is eligible to renewire This shower, even if it is for the old husband, this is also a great challenge, and it can even be said that this is the biggest challenge. "Money seriously.

"The biggest challenge? That is, it is a big man, and there is no absolute grasp to refine this sword once?" The sword was unpaired.

"Yes." Money nodded, "such a perfect god soldier, I want to refine, it is impossible, don't say it is me, even the top of the eight products, even the legendary nine-series refining devices personally arrived It can't be done, but the requirement of the small friend just integrates his own blood into this god sword. For the old man, there is an opportunity to do, as for this grasp, there are about 60%. "

"Only 60%?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Xiaoyou despite rest assured, although only 60% of grasping, even if it fails, it will not have any impact or damage to this soldier, like this is the perfect legend, since it has been created, I want to have it. Damaged it, it is expected that a seven-piece top refinerie in the old man area is impact on what it is. "Morr.

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled. "In this case, when do you refine?"


PS: Today's four is more!

Brothers, today's New Year, help everyone happy New Year!

In the new year, everyone can be healthy, happy, and good luck.

These two days are in the holiday, and they will continue to add, don't worry!

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